Martial Sage

Chapter 442: Ascension to the throne and proclaiming emperor

The morning light broke through the clouds and shone the first ray of golden sunlight.

The light wheel wandered along with the clouds and spread to all corners of the imperial city.

On the steps of the huge square, a forest of soldiers stood with swords and halberds, guarding the entire Tai Chi Hall.

In the hall.

All the civil and military officials reported important matters in this region in turn.

Li Tai sat on the seat next to the dragon chair and listened quietly.

At this time, the early dynasty is nearing its end, and the incident reported by the ministers has also been resolved.

Throughout the hall, the ministers expressed their opinions and discussed matters that still had doubts.

Ta Ta Ta.

The sound of neat footsteps, accompanied by the sound of the ‘chattering’ of armor, came from far and near from outside the hall.

In the Great Hall that was still arguing, the people with good ears had already heard the movement outside the hall, and turned their heads to look sideways.

In front of his eyes, a young man led a team of guards with silver armor and swords and walked straight towards the Taiji Hall.

The sound of footsteps gradually became clear.

Many veteran officials also said nothing, even Li Tai, who was sitting in the seat, looked out of the hall following the silence of the officials.

At the entrance, a person limped forward and dragged his feet.

The tall guards behind him were dressed in silver armor and yellow helmets on their heads.

Seeing that figure, Li Tai was shocked.

Li Chengqian!

He actually brought the Imperial Forest Army to the court!

Seeing the increasingly clear face, Li Tai's heart suddenly tightened, and a bad premonition lingered in his heart.

Does Li Chengqian want to choose this time and start with himself?

Not long ago, Li Tai thought about it countless times, how Li Chengqian treated him.

But never thought it would come so soon!

Almost subconsciously, Li Tai clenched his fists, faintly winning a fear in his heart.

At the same moment, all the courtiers present also saw the visitors clearly.

Shocked, disturbed, and suspicious flashed on the face of every veteran.

Changsun Wuji looked at the figure that had reached the gate of the palace, and when he saw the sword hanging around the prince's waist, the corner of his eyes twitched a few times.

This prince who has been silent, why is the saber going up at this moment?

The Royal Forest Guards behind him are the royal guards. Is such a swaggering uprising going to rebel?

While thinking about it, Li Chengqian had already stepped into the palace gate.

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes of the officials, Li Chengqian staggered up the steps.

The eyes of the ministers were also locked with the sudden prince, and they moved slowly. Amidst the shock of the ministers, the lame figure slowly sat on the dragon chair.

The guards of the Imperial Forest Army who followed were on both sides of the Great Hall, standing behind the officials.

Seeing this incredible scene, the whole audience was stunned on the spot.

Li Tai in the temple watched Li Chengqian calmly and leisurely, sitting there naturally.

Just like this Great Hall, it is the East Palace.

In astonishment, Li Tai burst into joy!

This dragon seat but who can sit!

As long as the prince sticks to this dragon seat, he will be deemed to have committed the following crimes.

An exclaimed roar-like stern shout came from His Highness.

"Zhuzi! Do you know what you are doing!"

Gao Shilian was frightened and took a step forward when the sound of the scolding sounded.

Hearing this questioning, Li Chengqian smiled faintly, glanced at Gao Shilian, and said leisurely.

"Gu, of course I know."

The simple answer seems to have not taken Gao Shilian's words to heart at all.

Suddenly he smoked Gao Shilian's seven orifices, pointed at Li Chengqian's arm, and shivered, but he couldn't say a word.

On the other side of the hall, Changsun Wuji's old face flushed red, and the old voice of grief and anger suddenly exploded.

"Get down!"

"Is this where you should sit?!"

The sound is like a bell, sweeping the Great Hall.

The candlelight on the Zhuqi Zhuliang was also shaken by the powerful words.

The beams hummed faintly, and scattered dust fell.

This eldest grandson Wuji has a lot to do with the royal family of Lee.

If it were torn down, it would be considered Li Chengqian's uncle.

At this moment, Changsun Wuji only hopes that this sound can awaken the child who committed the heinous crime.

As soon as the voice fell, Yuchi Jingde also violently jumped out of the crowd, pulling his thick throat, and shouting.

"His Royal Highness! Don't dare to be stupid! This is going to lose your head!"

But the thunderous roar in his ears did not affect the figure on the dragon chair in the slightest.

Li Chengqian patted the armrest of the dragon seat with a smile like a spring breeze, and asked rhetorically.

"The solitary is the prince of Datang, the body of the prince."

"Sit on this throne, why not?"

The clear and loud voice instantly spread throughout the Great Hall.

All the officials are shocked!

Unexpectedly, when the prince of Tang Dynasty said such rebellious remarks, he was not afraid and relaxed.

Based on these words, this Li Chengqian has become a man of great rebellion!

Li Tai beside the dragon seat saw the domineering Li Chengqian in this township, and his heart was already blooming.

Originally thought that Li Chengqian wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of himself, and talked about his own mistakes.

Then, on the grounds that there is no master in the dynasty, he boarded the throne of the Tang Dynasty.

I never thought that Li Chengqian was so reckless.

Seeing this sudden move, Li Tai slowly returned to the own seat, looked at Li Chengqian with interest, said.

"Dage, the father is still in the southwest, fighting in blood."

"You just can't wait to sit on this dragon chair like this, I'm afraid something is wrong, right?"

After listening to these words, Li Chengqian didn't seem to have heard him, and ignored him, his eyes slowly drifting away from his Royal Highness and his officials.

Hou Junji met Li Chengqian's gaze, and understood.

Slowly walking out of the crowd, Hou Junji stood upright on the Great Hall, staring at Li Taidao.


"The prince dignified, is in charge of the government, sharing the worries for your majesty in the southwest, does Wang Wei also have any doubts?"

"The eldest son succeeding to the throne is to comply with the destiny, what's wrong?"

A strange color flashed in Li Tai's eyes, he was about to say something.

Beside, a majestic voice sounded again.

"Get out!"

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