Martial Sage

Chapter 449: I'm Sorry

Woo woo woo.

The horn of horns sounded at the head of the city.

The soldiers at the head of the city took their weapons, stood behind the wall, and stared at the city.

The soldiers next to a tower looked at the patches of black armor under the city, their throats twitched, and they swallowed hard.

Shifting his gaze, I caught a glimpse of the corpses that were in the city.

Many soldiers had broken arms and legs, lying bloodied in the pool of blood.

The stumps and broken arms were thrown on the battlefield in front of the city, everywhere.

Especially the bloodstain of the silver armor figure ploughed out in the army is even more terrifying.

A large number of soldiers had their heads in different places, some of them were cut off, and the intestines were colorfully exposed on the half of the corpse.

Some soldiers were even more eye-catching, and fell straight there, extremely frightening.

As far as the eyes can be, the blood is red, as if being in The Underworld.

Sniffing the strong bloody breath, suddenly, the soldier's hand holding the bow and arrow trembled uncontrollably, and his beating heart seemed to leap out of his chest.

Yu Guang slowly moved to the side, the soldier beside him was already pale, like a puppet, his eyes fixed on the dark army, his whole body trembling constantly.

Fear, horror, and panic enveloped the entire city.

Below the city, Tang Hao stood on Wu Hao, his eyes condensed, and slowly raised the Yanyue Knife, pointing at the general who was prone to the city head, said.

"Open the gates quickly!"

"I don't have much patience!"

After listening, the guard at the head of the city listened to these words, gritted his teeth, leaned on his hand on the city wall, tightly clasped the railing, and his knuckles turned white.


Spit, spit to the city.

"Guardian! It's the last general's job!"

"Today, the door is with me, and the door breaks and I die!"

"Tang Hao! You slaughtered my Yulin brother! I want you to pay for it!"

After listening to these words, Wu Tong slowly walked out, his expression a little anxious, said.

"General, I had no intention of offending, but the change in the palace is imminent!"

"When the chaos in the palace is quelled, I am willing to personally amend the general!"

After all, Wu Tong on horseback bowed his head, respectful.


A fist hit the wooden railing, and sawdust splashed all over.

The roar like a beast swept across the city.

"What are you?"

"Also rationed to this general to make amends?"

After that, the defending general's complexion sank, and he waved his big hand suddenly.

"The archer is ready!"

An angry voice came back to his ears, and Tang Hao became rather impatient.

The war just now was also compelling.

Now that the guard does not enter, it is even more time delay.

If Li Chengqian in this palace is anxious to get upset and cause something to happen, even if he enters the Taiji Hall, I am afraid it will be too late!

Thinking of this, Tang Hao slowly raised his right hand.


There was a sound of a subtle sharp weapon cutting through the leather armor.

So slight, like the moment that silkworm pupa broke out of its cocoon.

But in this quiet battlefield, it seemed particularly clear.

A sharp blade pierced the guardian general's breastplate and came out through his chest.

The sticky red blood gurgled along the sharp blade, dripping onto the solid wall.

The warped general with a distorted face, with a touch of surprise, turned his head hard to look at the figure behind him as he died.

Into the eye.

The gray and long beard swayed in the wind, sweeping across the old face, a look of determination emerged.

In the scorching eyes, a touch of reluctance flashed.


The long knife was drawn out, and the defending general fell to the ground.

The figure that assassinated the general of the city defender was completely in front of everyone's eyes.

Tang Hao squinted his eyes, looked closely, and recognized the figure.

Recruit commander!

General Zheng!

With a touch of gratitude, Tang Hao nodded slightly at the figure on the wall.

The desolate, righteous voice sounded in the city.

"Soldiers! Datang civil strife!"

"The palace is already under the control of the prince! Conspiracy to usurp the throne!"

"General Tang came to calm the chaos in the palace and quickly opened the city gate!"

The sound of righteous awe-inspiring resounded throughout the city.

The dragons have no masters, and the soldiers' horrified hearts are even more shocked. He glanced at each other and tentatively opened the gate of the city.

Creak Karma.

The huge and heavy city gate slowly moved slowly under the pull of dozens of strong men.

The gloomy sky suddenly lit up with a ray of light, and as the gap opened, the beam of light also shone in.

A Daoist shadow slowly appeared in the beam.

Wu Qi rushed the huge hoof, spraying rough air, and shaking his mane. The copper bell under his neck was swaying, jingling through the doorway.

"General Tang!"

An impatient shout came.

The white-bearded and silver-haired General Zheng strode towards the figure on the horseback, arching his cupped hands.

Tang Hao rode on the horse, nodded slightly, cupped hands.

"This time, thanks to General Zheng! Otherwise, this must be a fierce battle!"

Then General Zheng shook his head slightly and said.

"I have already guessed that the army was afraid it would be difficult to enter the city, so I voluntarily applied for transfer to the top of the city in the past two days."

"Thirty thousand recruits have also been scattered to the tops of the city!"

"For this moment."

After that, General Zheng's expression sank and said.

"General Tang, the situation in the palace is not optimistic!"

"If it is later, I am afraid that Wang Wei will be met by accident!"

Tang Hao looked back at the soldiers entering the city, pondered for a moment, said.

"General Zheng, this time our enemy army enters the palace, it will definitely not work!"

"These other city gates are all dependent on General Zheng!"

After listening, General Zheng straightened his chest, his expression stern, and said.

"General Tang rest assured! The final general will definitely live up to his trust!"

Having explained the matter, Tang Hao turned his head and glanced at Cheng Chumo, nodded slightly, and waved.

"Two thousand soldiers come with me!"

"Enter the palace!"

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