Martial Sage

Chapter 456: I'm Sorry

The trend is over.

The palace gate and the city gate were successively occupied by recruits under Tang Hao's command.

Only then did Hou Junji come to realize it.

This sudden turning point surpassed everyone's expectations.

Changsun Wuji's old face was slightly moved, and he walked up to Tang Hao tremblingly, and slowly took Tang Hao's hand.

At this moment, tears of excitement overflowed from the corner of his eyes, with a trembling voice.

"A good nephew! You can be regarded as saving our lives!"

"It can be regarded as saving Datang's life!"

Supporting the old man's trembling arm, Tang Hao patted twice, which was comforting.

Gao Shilian also walked out at the same moment, and his wrinkled faces stretched out at this moment.

Patting Tang Hao's shoulder, there was a rare blush on that old cheek, looking at Tang Hao with piercing eyes, said.

"Good job!"

"The old man read you right!"

"Your Majesty, I didn't miss you!"

Although the words are simple, the feelings of gratitude and appreciation are already beyond words.

Those eyes full of tears stared at Tang Hao closely, his expressions full of excitement.

Tang Hao nodded slightly, then, glanced at the ministers in the surrounding halls, and said slowly.

"Everyone, now, the coup d'etat in the Datang Palace has subsided. As for this chaotic courtier..."

The four words "chariot, courtier and thief" are like a heavy hammer beating in Li Chengqian's heart.

Suddenly, Li Chengqian's face was pale with cold sweat on his forehead.

The defeat of Hou Junji directly led to the failure of the entire plan, and the throne that was readily available at this time had already disappeared.

Even now, when he heard Tang Hao utter the words "chariot, courtier and thief", Li Chengqian's mind already showed the scene of himself being tied to the execution stand.

In that fantasy, blood was splashing and the image of the head in a different place made Li Chengqian tremble unconsciously.

At this moment of anxiety and despair, Li Chengqian thoughts were flying, holding a trace of luck and expectation, said.

"Brother Tang, do you remember? We are partners in business. When you resigned, Gu, Gu was still thinking of a way to save you."

"This time, you can't forget the kindness of loneliness."

"As long as the lone ascends the throne, what do you want, lonely promises you!"

After that, Li Chengqian's expression also became excited, limping down the Great Hall, pulling Tang Hao's arm, and said.

"Gu, I will give the Fengguo Gong, give you a fief, and Gu will give you the marriage of Little Sister and let you be the nobleman of the Tang Dynasty, how about it?"

Li Chengqian held Tang Hao's arm nervously and stared at Tang Hao eagerly.

In this way, this speech is completely like a beggar begging others, then you still have the slightest majesty of the prince.

Tang Hao looked at this terrified face, snorted coldly, said.

"To this day, you still don't understand it!"

"Dare to get involved with this throne?"

Hearing this violent shout, Li Chengqian's body was shocked, and the hands holding Tang Hao's arms couldn't help sending it away.

With a panic, Li Chengqian said.

"No! Gu Nai is the eldest son! This throne belongs to loneliness."

"The battle of the Southwest, the father is ill with cold, life and death are uncertain..."

At this point, Tang Hao couldn't listen anymore, he snorted coldly, his eyebrows swayed, and he shouted.

"Seriously sick? Uncertain life or death?"

"This is just your false rhetoric!"

Tang Hao took a step forward, staring at Li Chengqian who was slowly backing away, and slowly took out a bamboo tube from his arms, said.

"This is the report of the war in the Southwest that I just got outside the city!"

"It's true or false, you can tell at a glance!"

As soon as the voice fell, Li Chengqian in the hall looked at the small bamboo tube, his pupils trembling suddenly, retreated, and fell to sit on the steps.

As if seeing something terrible.

Grandpa Ronggong slowly took the battle report handed over by Tang Hao, removed the flame paint, twisted the bamboo tube, and launched the battle report.

In a moment.

A shrill voice slowly sounded from the Great Hall.

"Master Wang broke through and swept south of Tuyuhun, beheading more than 20,000 Tubo cavalry."

"Before Chengguan, the cadre Sun Zan personally led the remaining Tubo army and came to negotiate a peace."

"I implore your majesty to send the princess to Tibet in order to repair the good of the two countries."

"So far, Tuyuhun territory has been recovered as much as possible. In a few days, your Majesty will lead the Wangshi to return to the court."

As soon as the voice fell, Changsun Wuji clapped his hands and said.

"It's over, the war in the Southwest, it's over!"

"God bless Datang! Your Majesty Shenwu!"

Gao Shilian couldn't help but echo the Tao.

"It's a blessing for Datang! To regain Tuyuhun and add another ally, our Datang will become stronger again!"

After all, Gao Shilian was in this Great Hall, laughing out loud.

The faces of the officials bloomed with joy again, and the old officials looked at each other, and they all showed the joy of victory.

Some veterans wept with joy, and slowly knelt on the Great Hall, muttering the words of your majesty.

There was a strong sense of joy in the whole court.

Tang Hao was not surprised by this result.

King Tang's thoughts have always been in the North. Although it was a personal conquest this time, the purpose was only to shock.

As he said, if Datang wanted to annex Tubo in one fell swoop, it would be easier said than done!

What's more, the mind of the King of Tang Dynasty is still in the far north.

One more ally is better than one more enemy country.

Putting away his thoughts slightly, Tang Hao raised a touch of joy on his face, raised his eyebrows, and said, looking at Li Chengqian on the steps.

"His Royal Highness!"

"I don't know where the previous battle report came from, and why did it run counter to this battle report?"

"There is also this folk rumor, where did your Majesty's cold disease come from?"

While talking, Tang Hao walked towards Li Chengqian step by step.

Meeting those cold eyes and listening to the questioning in his ear, Li Chengqian's heart was completely flustered.

The horrified eyes reflected the approaching figure, and Li Chengqian kicked his legs and feet in a panic, shouting in horror.

"Don't come over, don't come over."

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