Martial Sage

Chapter 459: The Power of the Crown Prince

The punishment has been decided, and the ministers can speak no more if they can't.

King Tang also breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment.

An old minister with gray beard slowly walked out of the crowd, stood on the Great Hall, and said.

"His Majesty."

"Although the prince has been punished, the position of the crown prince has not yet been determined."

"Datang cannot be without a king for a day, and the position of the prince is even more indispensable."

One wave just flattened, another wave started again.

The veteran mentioned that the veterans of the whole court looked at each other, and they all nodded slightly.

Gradually, there was a whisper in the court ascending.

King Tang was standing on the court, and the heart that had just been put down was lifted up again.

The tragedy of Li Chengqian has just retreated, and the king of Tang can no longer withstand the toss.

The anger caused by Li Chengqian has not yet subsided, and the headache of the crown prince has been brought up again.

As for the position of the prince, it was something Tang Wang did not want to mention at this time.

Sitting slowly on the dragon chair, King Tang frowned, staring at the minister in the hall, his mind lost in thought.

When Empress Longsun was dead, he once said that Li Tai had a deep heart and the city was deep, and he could not sit on the throne of the king.

As for Li Ke, although his influence in North Korea is not small, he has the strong support of some Confucian scholars among the people.

But after all, he was a concubine prince, and he was already at odds with public opinion in terms of orthodoxy.

As a direct descendant, Li Zhi was too young at this time, and his various items were not outstanding.

For a time, even King Tang was in trouble.

Your Highness, another veteran came out slowly, said.

"Your Majesty, as the Crown Prince, I can talk about taboos in the center."

"But even though the tragedy of the prince cannot be repeated again."

After that, the old minister bowed deeply to the dragon seat, cupped hands said.

"Your Majesty, this matter can't be delayed any longer!"

King Tang also knew that a large part of the dispute between the princes was that there was no clear candidate for the prince.

Coupled with the experience of Li Chengqian, the eldest son, it is no longer suitable to be the prince of the Tang Dynasty, and these princes are ready to move.

After all, Li Chengqian's rebellion was not entirely due to him, and part of the reason was the pressure on him from other princes!

Sitting on the dragon seat, Wang Wang quietly watched the scene of His Highness, his expression gradually becoming serious.

Right now, no matter who it is, it will not be a satisfactory answer!

Furthermore, although the two princes have advantages, to a large extent their disadvantages are too obvious.

As Empress Changsun said, Li Tai was too scheming and surrendered too deeply.

Such a person sitting in the position of prince, I am afraid that it is difficult to be tolerant and not a good candidate.

As for Li Ke, Tang Wang always felt that this person was hidden very deeply and it was unpredictable.

Thinking of this, Tang Wang waved his hand and said.

"Fine! This matter will be discussed later!"

A majestic shout came from the dragon seat.

Then King Tang flicked his sleeves and walked out, surrounded by court ladies.

Tang Hao looked at that angrily back and sighed slightly.

What the world sees is always the scene where the king replies and gives orders to his officials.

But how many people can see the figure worrying about national affairs and worrying about family affairs?

Seeing everyone on the Great Hall gradually disperse, Tang Hao followed closely behind.

A long, squeaky voice sounded softly from behind.

"Ding Beihou, stay here."

Hearing this, Tang Hao slowly turned around.

In front of his eyes, the dignity of the prince was solemn, with a worried look on his face.

Tang Hao replied.

"Father-in-law, what's the matter?"

Grandpa Rong took a step forward, approaching Tang Hao's ear, and said.

"Your Majesty summons you."

After all, Grandpa Rong added, said.

"Today's situation, you also saw it."

"Your Majesty's complexion is not good, please be cautious about your words and actions."

After listening, Tang Hao let out a long breath and nodded slightly.

The two went all the way to Tai Chi Palace.

Along the way, Tang Hao's mind was spinning rapidly.

Now the war in the Southwest has just ended.

It was a blessing to make alliances with Tubo.

In history, there has been no war between Tubo and Datang in the past ten years, which is also due to the princess's move to Tibet.

In this way, King Tang can free up his hands to rectify this northern land.

But North Korea and China changed during this time.

Li Chengqian's rebellion is surprisingly similar to history.

Both were strangled in the cradle when they were not yet formed.

Thinking back to today's court, Tang Hao already had guesses in his heart.

Tang Wang summoned himself, mostly because of the decision of the crown prince.

As a descendant, Tang Hao naturally understood that after the Tang king, it was Li Zhi who was in charge of the Tang Dynasty.

That is to say, this young man who has not yet grown up will create the next great Tang Dynasty.

But now this child has not yet emerged, and he has come into the eyes of everyone.

The two of them had already arrived at the gate of the palace.

Grandpa Rong was standing in front, looking at the hall, with a touch of caution, said.

"Your Majesty, Ding Beihou, the old minister has already brought it."

In the Great Hall, there was silence.

After a while, Tang Wang's voice came slowly.


In this voice, there was a touch of indescribable sadness and sadness, and it sounded even more vicissitudes of life.

Grandpa Rong turned his head, looked at Tang Hao and nodded slightly.

Tang Hao slowly entered the hall.

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