Martial Sage

Chapter 465: Harmony

Familiar rice cakes, familiar taste.

King Tang is always in his heart, with a lot of emotions in his heart.

Slowly putting away his smile, Wang Wang looked at the white plum in front of him and said.

"Last year, your mother would also make this kind of rice cake..."

Speaking of Empress Longsun, this warmth brought a faint breath of sadness.

The two stood quietly in front of the flower garden, each thoughtful.

a long time.

As if something sounded, Wang Wang turned his head slightly and looked at Princess Chang Le in a daze beside him.

"Jia'er, I ask you for my father, what do you think of Tang Hao?"

When Princess Changle, who was still in a daze, heard the word Tang Hao, she was shocked and turned her head abruptly.

Upon meeting those twinkling eyes, Princess Changle suddenly felt that there seemed to be a strange flicker in the eyes of the emperor father.

With a touch of tension and consternation, Princess Chang Le hurriedly looked away, cleared her throat, and said.

"Why did the emperor ask such questions?"

As he spoke, a faint blush appeared on his face.

Amidst the light, seeing that the emperor beside her did not speak, Princess Changle gently calmed her beating heart, and said slowly.

"Tang Hao's literary talent is brilliant, and his martial arts are superb, and he is the mainstay of our younger generation in Datang!"

"This person is indeed a rare talent for Datang."

Listening to this fairly satisfactory answer, Wang Wang said with a wistful smile on his face.

"If I marry him to you, have you ever been willing?"

As soon as the voice fell, Princess Changle turned her head abruptly.

Staring at the gaze that seemed to have seen herself through, Princess Chang Le's heart jumped almost out of her chest for a moment.

Astonished and panicked, there was a touch of shock and joy.

Princess Changle never imagined when this father, who has a heart for Datang, would have fully understood her own mind!

Seeing the deep smile, Princess Changle's jade face suddenly turned red, even this blushing has reached the roots of her ears.

For a while, Princess Changle did not dare to stare at King Tang again, lowered her head slightly, and whispered.

"Huh? This..."

"Father, don't tell your children these jokes, then Tang Hao has a family..."

Before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by King Tang, with a tone that couldn't hold his beak, said.

"He has already moved out of the Weiguo Palace. That marriage is nothing but a dispensation for him."

After that, Wang Wang slowly turned around and faced Princess Changle.

"What's more, you are Princess Datang, if I let him reconcile, it would be fine!"

After hearing these words, Princess Changle's heart was shocked, and her bare hands were also tightly clasped.

For the father, she knows very well.

What the emperor wants, he will definitely get it.

It's just that if this relationship really goes down like this, it would be too far-fetched, and it will even make Princess Changle feel another sense of anxiety.

Although Princess Changle didn't say a word, her words and deeds revealed the thoughts of a young girl.

Without waiting for Princess Changle to reply, Wang Wang said slowly.

"Don't worry, the emperor is not such a brutish person."

"This is exactly what your mother meant."

"At the moment, Tang Hao ranks among the pillar kingdoms and a high-ranking official. This is definitely inappropriate for his son-in-law status."


Weiguo Gongfu.

A few dishes of side dishes, a bowl of rice porridge.

Although carefully prepared, Li Jing now tastes like chewing wax, without taste.

Tang Hao's matter has always been a thorn in his heart.

When Tang Hao was promoted to Marquis, Li Jing deliberately invited the three elders to preside over the overall situation, and to clear Tang Hao's reputation.

However, the Tubo murder case will soon be postponed.

Now Tang Hao is in the midst of a day, and if he doesn't say anything about it, I'm afraid Li Jing will be upset all his life.

Li Jing slowly put down the hot porridge and drank a few mouthfuls, his eyes were already calm, and said slowly.

"I plan to invite the three elders to let Hao'er and Wan'er reconcile."

As soon as the voice fell, a clear, slightly alarmed sound came.

"I disagree!"

While speaking, Li Wanqing turned out the screen, her eyes were red, and she looked at the two people in the hall.

It turned out that Li Wan had heard the conversation between the two on the screen.

At this time, I couldn't let go of it, and rushed out.

After a brief consternation, Li Jing lowered his face, stared at Li Wanqing, and said.

"Wan'er, don't be fooling around. Now that Tang Hao is a distinguished person, if he doesn't say it, we can't help but mention it."

"After all, we owe him this matter."

Hearing Li Jing's words, Li Wanqing and his entourage slowly slipped tears down their cheeks, said.

"It is precisely because of the existence of this paper marriage contract that Tang Hao has scruples."

"If it's a peace now, then... Then Tang Hao...maybe...will marry someone else, I..."

Halfway through, Li Wanqing didn't say any more, and the meaning behind it was very obvious.

Tang Hao escaped from his son-in-law and lived in the Marquis Mansion for a long time.

The relationship with the government of Weiguo has become quite distant.

After Li Wanqing mentioned this time, Li Jing suddenly understood this truth.

Li Jing sighed and said slowly.

"That's it right now. If Hao'er really has this intention, what's the point of staying here?"

"It's best to stay. If it's time to go, let him go."

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