Martial Sage

Chapter 469: The Secret

On the case.

There is a dazzling array of rare and exotic treasures.

The jade is crystal clear and colorful in appearance.

The logistics of gold and silverware is brilliant and dazzling.

It seems that the treasures of the entire world have all gathered here.

After the offering, the Book of Rites recorded all these treasures in the book and carefully withdrew it out.

These treasures will be used as ornaments or utensils, decorated in the Tang Dynasty palace, or in the imperial study room.

The "Datang Training Strategy" written by Tang Hao has already been left in the Great Hall at this time as a treasure for people to observe.

Above the Great Hall.

A group of Yingyingyanyan singers dragged their long sleeves and filed in from the side of the hall.

When the qinse chimes sounded, the ladies of the palace brought plates of delicious delicacies before the officials.

The venison printed with "Fu" and "Shou" is lean and not firewood, and it is delicious and tender.

The rich smell of meat came out, smelling it, and salivating.

Above the entire Great Hall, the sound of celebration, singing and dancing, and the sound of bells mingled together, and the hustle and bustle spread to the outside of the hall.

The fragrance of wine is overflowing, the fragrance of meat is permeated, and there is a lot of joy and laughter between covetous and intertwined.

This kind of annual banquet lasted for two hours before it gradually dissipated.

When Tang Hao was out of the hall, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the light, and Rong Gonggong pulled Li Jing to whisper a few words, and Li Jing followed him to the side hall.

During the entire banquet, Tang Hao had discovered that Li Jing seemed to be worried.

When I was going to retreat, I would ask him on the sidelines, but now I saw that Li Jing was called away by the Ronggong, so I couldn't ask any more.

Tang Hao shook his head, walked slowly a few steps, and merged into the retreating crowd.

the other side.

Li Jing followed Ronggong to the Piandian.

In his eyes, Wang Wang still smiled, sitting in front of the case, watching with interest the two people entering.

Li Jing said with respectful cupped hands cupped fist.

"I have seen your Majesty."

Wang Wang slowly waved his hand and said.

"Li Jingna, you don't have to be polite when you are old."

As he spoke, he pointed to the seat in front of him, said.

"Come on, sit down and talk."

Li Jing still appeared to be somewhat detained, and only took a seat after bowing deeply.

Li Jing was a little worried about Tang Wang's sudden summons.

There is a saying called Gong Gao Zhenzhu.

Li Jing also reminded herself of these words all the time.

As a result, in his twilight years, this veteran no longer showed his edge in the court, and faded out of Tang Wang's field of vision.

Now that Wang Wang was summoned to see him, it was inevitable that there was a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

Wang Wang stared at Li Jing, a strange color flashed in his eyes, said.

"I think you are upset today, but what's on your mind?"

After listening to this, Li Jing frowned and her complexion became complicated, and it seemed difficult to speak out.

a long time.

Li Jing sighed softly and replied.

"His Majesty."

"Now that Tang Hao is flying into the sky, the old minister is ashamed!"

"When I first entered Zui Li Mansion, the minister considered poorly. Now, after careful consideration, the minister intends to invite the three elders and let the two reconcile."

These words have been held in Li Jing's heart for a long time, and now they are exposed, but they are a lot of fun.

As soon as this remark came out, Tang Wang's heart suddenly brightened.

Unexpectedly, what Li Jing thought in her heart coincided with her.

But in an instant, Tang Wang realized a problem.

Right now, Li Jing is in his twilight years. Although Li Wanqing and Tang Hao are husband and wife, they have no children.

There are many variables in this reconciliation.

Wang Wang thought for a while and asked.

"Did you think about it? This and the separation are not trivial matters."

"You Li Jing is just such a baby girl."

Although the words are not finished, the meaning is clear.

After the reunification, whether Tang Hao is willing to marry again, and whether Li Wanqing will not marry Tang Hao, these are all questions.

For these issues, Li Jing had already thought about it.

When Tang Wang asked this time, he didn't feel much entangled.

Li Jing sighed heavily and said.

"Wan'er didn't mean to reconcile."

"But our Li family owes Tang Hao too much after all."

"Tang Hao rescued Wan'er in the battle of Xiangcheng, and also rescued Deyang during the decisive battle."

"Now that I am dragging my status as a son-in-law, I am a marquis, a minister, and a minister really feel sorry for him."

Li Jing's words came from the bottom of his heart, with sincere feelings.

After listening, Wang Wang also sighed softly, said.

"If you can have this heart, I think the kid can feel it too."

"Today, I am calling you to come for this time."

"Tang Hao, as your Li family son-in-law, staying in the Marquis' mansion like this is definitely not suitable."

After that, Wang Wang slowly got up, took two steps, put a big hand on Li Jing's shoulder, and patted him.

"Duke Wei Guo, at this time, consider carefully!"

The steady sound of footsteps faded away, and the whole side hall returned to its former tranquility again.

The blue smoke was lingering, a faint sadness appeared on that vicissitudes of face, but a certain light gradually appeared in the eyes.

Tang Wang's reminder made Li Jing even more determined.

In the end, Li Jing stood up slowly, looked at the Great Hall that held no one, raised his head, and said softly.

"Tang Hao, after the Spring Festival is over, it's up to you to make decisions."

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