Martial Sage

Chapter 473: I'm Sorry

In the Tai Chi Hall, incense lingers, light and ethereal.

In the empty Great Hall, Tang Hao propped his head and leaned on the back of the chair, quietly thinking.

To recuperate or take advantage of the opportunity to conquer are two contradictory views.

Truce to stabilize the country?

The great opportunity was right in front of him, and Wang Wang was a little unwilling.


King Tang was a little bit unstable. After all, it was a question of whether hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of Tang people had surplus food for disaster relief.

There was silence throughout the Great Hall.

There was a faint sound of footsteps.

Rong Gonggong quietly came to the side of the dragon chair and said softly.

"Your Majesty, Wu Cairen is here."

Tang Wang's thoughts fluttered, and he didn't have time to take care of these trivial matters, so he waved his hand casually.

Not long after, Wu Cairen walked lightly, carrying a food box, and slowly walked into the hall.

Seeing Tang Wang's slightly solemn face, Wu Cairen bowed sideways and whispered softly.

"Chen concubine, I have seen King Tang!"

In the soft voice, there is a touch of seductiveness, which is quite different.

But at this time, the king of Tang was thinking about Beizheng, unconsciously listening to the sweet voice.

A casual wave is a response.

Upon seeing this, Wu Cairen stepped forward slowly, standing on the side of the dragon chair, and said.

"Your Majesty, what annoyance has you encountered? Why not talk to your concubine."

"Maybe, the concubines can share the worries for your majesty."

Wucai knows that the grandson empress is going to die, and Tang Wang is no one to share his worries with.

Therefore, King Tang stayed here alone and did not leave.

Of course, since it is in the Taiji Hall, most of the matters discussed are also major events in the DPRK.

The harem does not engage in politics, this is the rule handed down through the generations.

Even if the Queen of Longsun is alive, in this Taiji Hall, she will not interfere in court affairs.

Wucai people are afraid of owning a word, which will annoy the king of the Tang Dynasty who started the prosperous age.

Therefore, these words are extremely gentle, with a touch of caution.

After listening to this, Wang Wang raised his eyes slightly, the charming and lovely figure was reflected in his eyes, and he spoke.

"Wu Cairen, you have always been Bingxue smart."

"Then you can think about it for me. The civil servants suggested that I recuperate and stabilize the country. The military commander suggested that I seize the opportunity to eliminate the Turks."

"From your point of view, how should I choose?"

Hearing about the question of King Tang, Wu Cairen was taken aback.

This is the Tang Dynasty government, how could he dare to give pointers when he is a talented person?

Furthermore, the question raised by Tang Wang is undoubtedly very difficult.

It was a question of making Tang Wang sit in this empty Great Hall, all overwhelmed and uncertain.

It must be a big event that made it difficult to make a decision that the veteran officials of the Tang Dynasty were blushing.

After a brief stupefaction, Wu Cairen was not frightened by this, and his brain quickly started to rotate.

After a while, a beautiful smile appeared on that charming jade face.

"Your Majesty, if you ask a little talented concubine about this matter, you are asking the wrong person."

Seeing a flash of suspicion in Mianshan of Tang Wang, Wu Cairen slowly moved behind Wang Wang, his bare hands gently kneading the broad shoulders.

The delicate vermilion lips approached Wang Wang's ear, exhaling like blue.

"Your Majesty, you should ask our Datang Dingbeihou for this kind of war."

Hearing this answer, King Tang paused, and then he laughed.

Over the past few months, this Tang Hao has practiced recruits and faded out of King Tang's vision.

Suddenly, Tang Wang almost forgot that this young leader came.

King Tang moved his gaze to the outside of the hall, looking at the clear blue sky, his eyes filled with relief, said.

"Yes! It is possible to reverse the situation in the Northern Territory twice. I am afraid that only the Champion Hou is alive can do it!"

"Our Dingbei Hou of Datang can really compete with this champion Hou. Maybe Tang Hao will have something to do."

Turning his head slightly, glancing at the grandpa on the side of the hall, Tang Wang asked.

"This bastard, what are you doing these days?"

Hearing this, the Ronggong Gong bowed and replied truthfully.

"Return to your Majesty, when the second-year old slave went to deliver the cakes, Hou Shang Dingbei wrote and painted in the study."

After listening, there was a touch of joy on Tang Wang's face, said.

"Go and bring me a word, and see what the kid thinks about the East Turks."

After all, King Don paused and added.

"Just ask him, within two months, will he be able to pacify the East Turks for me."

"If it can't, let him give me an accurate answer, how long will it take to eliminate it."

Counting it all, today is the day of rest, and King Tang is too lazy to summon Tang Hao into the court.

If he came in a hurry, Tang Hao would have nothing to do, but it would make Tang Wang happy.

The enlightened honourable gentleman responded.


After that, he took small steps and hurried out of the Great Hall.

King Tang looked at the figure stepping out of the palace, with a hint of hope in the corner of his eyes, slowly said.

"Talent Wu, do you think Tang Hao will take on this errand?"

The Wucai man behind him gently squeezed the shoulders of King Tang. Hearing the question of King Tang, a smile appeared on his jade face, said.

"Since Dingbei Marquis has the word Dingbei on it, he must have a way!"

After hearing Wu Cairen's answer like this, Tang Wang laughed loudly and said.

"It makes sense! This Dingbeihou was not called casually."

During the words, a confident expression appeared on Wang Wang's face, said.

"I, trust him."

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