Martial Sage

Chapter 475: Severe Situation

In the North Yard.

Seeing Tang Hao's face gradually dimmed, Lord Rong had a bad premonition in his heart.

Seeing Tang Hao's handsome face gradually heavier, he couldn't help becoming anxious.

The grandfather stomped his feet, spread the back of his hands, said.

"Dingbeihou, you are actually giving the old slave a reply!"

"Your Majesty is still waiting for your answer!"

Hearing this, Tang Hao forced a smile and said.

"Father-in-law, this time is too tight. Give me some more time and let me think about it again."

While replying, Tang Hao quickly calmed down from his anxiety.

After hearing these words, Wu Tong frowned and said slowly.

"This time the north expedition is in a hurry, and the marching speed of the infantry soldiers is too slow."

"But if the cavalry is on the march, the number of cavalry that Datang can mobilize now is probably only 50,000 at most."

Tang Hao frowned and said.

"fifty thousand?"

"It's just a force fighting forward!"

"If you count those lifting feet, I'm afraid it won't be less than 100,000."

After that, Tang Hao slowly raised his head, looking at Wu Tong's sad face and said.

"In this way, we will again fall into the deadlock of slow marching."

After Tang Hao mentioned this, Wu Tong's face was even more helpless, and he nodded slightly and said.

"But so! Can't we do without these feet, right?"

"Last time we were light and simple, we didn't start in the depths of Yinshan Mountain."

Tang Hao frowned and said.

"Aside from the strength of this foot, even if we get to the Yinshan area, there are only 50,000 cavalry."

"According to my estimation, we only have a five-point chance of winning, excluding those old, weak, sick and disabled Turkic tribes."

"This battle is a bit difficult!"

After saying this, the two were silent at the same time.

There was not only a sense of sadness on the face of Grandpa Ronggong, looking at the two men in thought, he was even more anxious.

In the hour of a stick of incense, Grandpa Rong's eyes never left Tang Hao's face.

That Zhang Jun's face sometimes frowned, and sometimes stretched his forehead, only making the grandpa waited anxiously.

Just when Rong Gonggong was already impatient.

The opposite Tang Hao smiled, and his whole person looked a lot more relaxed.

Upon seeing this, Lord Ronggong wiped the fine sweat on his forehead and asked eagerly.

"How? Dingbeihou thought of any countermeasures."

Tang Hao let out a smile, and said unhurriedly.

"Familiar father-in-law replied to your Majesty that if you dispatch troops within a month, you will be able to mobilize 50,000 cavalry in the Tang Dynasty at the same time."

"I will be able to smooth the East Turks in two months!"

For Tang Hao's ability, Rong Gonggong would not doubt it.

But this time, hearing what he said, it was still shocking.

Grandpa Rong's gaze saw Tang Hao standing upright with his hands upright, and he chose to believe it.

For some reason, young people in their early twenties can always bring people an inexplicable sense of security.

The return of life was imminent, the grandfather did not dare to delay, cupped hands replied.

"The old slave will report back to King Tang!"

After all, he hurriedly turned to leave the house.


Tai Chi Hall.

King Tang paced on the empty Great Hall.

The Beizheng incident has become a heart disease.

Under the solemn face, there is a heart full of thoughts.

There was such a voice in my heart all the time.

If Tang Hao asked for more dates than these two months and less than half a year, how could this be better?

If so, how does Datang make a decision?

While thinking, the sound of hurried and messy footsteps came from the steps outside the hall.

Hearing this step, King Tang suddenly raised his eyes.

At the sight, the honorable father rushed in eagerly.

Seeing the relaxed look on the face of the grandfather, Tang Wang's hanging heart, inexplicably let go.

Not waiting for Grandpa Rong to stand firm, Tang Wang asked eagerly.


"Does that bastard, like these generals, think this is impossible?"

Grandpa Ronggong wiped the sweat from his forehead, took a deep breath, and smiled.

"Return to your Majesty."

"According to Hou Dingbei, the East Turks will be suppressed in two months."

Hearing what Rong Gonggong said, Tang Wang couldn't help but shake his body, his pupils dilated suddenly.

Soon, the Datang emperor returned to normal again, said.

"Tell me in detail!"

After that, Lord Rong repeated Tang Hao's words completely.

When the father-in-law finished speaking, a touch of astonishment flashed across Wang Wang's face, said.

"It's over?"

"Just a few simple requirements?"

Rong Gonggong nodded heavily.

After getting an affirmative answer, Tang Wang thought carefully.

According to Tang Wang's understanding of Tang Hao.

Maturity and stability are Tang Hao's character, and Tang Hao is not a greedy person.

Just say that these 50,000 cavalry soldiers are basically the usable soldiers of Datang Hoarding in Guanzhong and the Imperial City.

It seems that Tang Hao's control of Datang's army is relatively accurate.

But these 50,000 cavalry soldiers cast on the grassland, it is considered that Datang has exhausted the power of the imperial cavalry, and the last bet is!

50,000 against at least 80,000 troops. Can this battle really be won?

Perhaps for Tang Hao, it was just losing a war.

But for King Tang, this was the last hole card in the imperial city.

There were no cavalry in the imperial city, and King Tang could not imagine the consequences.

You know, the training of cavalry can't take shape in three or five days.

This is the result of accumulating days and months on horseback.

As the prince of a country, we should not only consider these forces and the connection of resources, but also estimate the safety of the entire imperial city and even Datang.

a long time.

Wang Wang stood in the hall with his hands behind his back, his knuckles beat the back of his hands rhythmically, said.

"Tang Hao, what else do you want?"

Grandpa Ronggong bowed slightly, standing beside him and replied.

"Return to your Majesty, Tang Hao didn't ask for anything other than these."

Hearing this, Tang Wang bowed his head slightly, thought for a moment, said.

"Go, invite Shen Guogong, a military general, and I will discuss with them."

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