Martial Sage

Chapter 481: Li Family Affairs

The soldiers are very fast.

Tang Hao didn't stay longer in the palace, he went directly back to the Marquis's mansion as soon as he left the palace.

As soon as the fifty thousand troops that King Tang had promised were assembled, Tang Hao would immediately send his troops north.

Datang law order, after the order of the Ministry of War was issued.

Within three days, the army you are in must respond, and those who violate the order will be dealt with by the military law!

Calculated like this, the horses and soldiers will be assembled in about ten days.

Ten days may seem long, but Tang Hao has a lot to do.

As soon as he entered the Marquis Mansion, Tang Hao gave an order to Wu Tong who was oncoming.

"Wu Tong, tomorrow you will select the number one hundred from two thousand strokes and start training the use of firecrackers."

This news is undoubtedly exciting and shocking for Wu Tong.

Wu Tong, who had long been interested in those fire-breathing things, couldn't wait to let Tang Hao teach this skill at this moment.

Wu Tong thought for a moment, and said excitedly.

"Master Hou, but we are going north? When will we leave?"

Tang Hao didn't have to conceal this loyal subordinate, he said frankly.

"Yes, after ten days, I will be in command and set off to clear the East Turks."

After listening to this, Wu Tong suddenly moved his mind and said.

"Master Hou is short of time now, and you also have many important things to do."

Having said this, Wu Tong smiled and pulled Tang Hao to stop.

"If you first teach me how to use this firecracker, your subordinates might also teach others tomorrow."

Seeing the end of the joy of this rough man, Tang Hao pondered for a moment.

What Wu Tong said is true. He has not yet reported his combat readiness, food, horses, etc. to the Ministry of War. There are indeed many things that need to be done.

At this year of age, if you are idle today, you might as well teach Wu Tong, and let him teach the recruits who have been recruited.

Patting Wu Tong's solid back, Tang Hao smiled and pointed at Wu Tong and said.

"You kid, I know you have been thinking about that firearm."

"Well, let's go, I'll teach you this time!"

Throughout the noon, the Marquis Mansion heard violent explosions of ‘bang bang’ from time to time.

Shocked, the servants in the marquis' mansion kept looking towards the martial arts field.

Fortunately, everyone understood that it was the forbidden area of ​​the Marquis Mansion.

Even with great curiosity, everyone would definitely not dare to break in.


Weiguo Gongfu.

Within the same day, Li Jing was called into the palace twice.

This not only aroused the curiosity of Hong Fu Nu, but also surprised Li Wanqing.

Such a thing has never happened in the past.

Similarly, in the past few days, the relationship between the three in Li's house has become very delicate.

Li Wanqing and Li Jing had their own opinions on the issue of Li Wanqing, and the two had a very stiff quarrel.

At the dinner table, there was only a slight clash of bowls and chopsticks, and all three of them kept silent, looking extremely dull.

Hong Fu Nu glanced at the two people who looked like a stranger, sighed lightly, and looked at Li Wanqing who was sullen beside her.

"Wan'er, if your father does this, don't you..."

Half-talking, he was interrupted by Li Wanqing, staring at Li Jing on the opposite side, and said.

"But the battle of the Northern Expedition?"

Hearing this questioning voice, Li Jing put the soup cake to his mouth, and it stagnated in the air, and the whole person also froze for a moment.

This well-behaved and obedient woman since childhood was actually speaking to herself in this tone at this time.

Li Jing did not frown, knowing that Li Wanqing was still in anger because of her persistence and separation.

After sending the soup cake into the mouth again, Li Jing said slowly without lifting his head.

"Military secrets, no comment."

For this tough answer, Li Wan had expected it early in the morning.

His father, Jong Ma, had an arrogance in his bones, and he was completely impossible to succumb to himself.

Li Wanqing slowly retracted her gaze, and the long chopsticks writhed in the bowl for a few moments, said in thought.

"I'm going!"

Although the voice was small, it was already in the ears of Li Jing and his wife.

Hong Fu Girl widened her eyes, looked at this stubborn daughter, turned her head and said.

"Wan'er, you can't act headly!"

"This Northern Expedition is too dangerous, and I have to spend all the way on this horseback."

"You have fought many battles, but they were all battles between siege and defense. You have no experience in battles on this grassland."

Having said that, Hong Fu girl frowned her eyebrows slightly, pulled Li Wanqing's cuffs, and said.

"Wan'er, don't mess around."

Li Wanqing scowled, glanced at Li Jing, and said.

"Datang is in distress, why shouldn't we wait for the sergeant to come forward?"

"The lack of experience is my weakness, and this time I also happen to learn."

The muscles on Li Jing's face, who was sitting opposite, twitched a few times unconsciously, sighed heavily, said.

"Father knows what you are thinking, but this war is not a joke at the moment."

"The disparity in military strength is aside for the time being, and we may even encounter Western Turks for assistance."

"You are not Tang Hao. You don't have as much experience as his cavalry. What's more, the battlefield on this grassland is completely different from the way of attacking and defending the city."

Speaking of this, Li Jing slowly raised his head, his eyes unconsciously mixed with a touch of affection, said.

"If you go, you will only disrupt Tang Hao's plan, and even become a burden."

Although Li Jing is stubborn, this war is not a trifling matter after all, it will kill people.

Hearing this kind of tone, Li Wanqing could also guess that her father's temper was much smaller.

Hearing the danger of this battle, Li Wanqing suddenly felt tight, and worried for Tang Hao in her heart.

"Father, if this battle is really the case, I can't just ignore it. I must go to this battle!"


Li Jing threw the bamboo chopsticks in his hand, his face rose with anger, and shouted.


Hong Fu's brow furrowed on her face, and she pulled Li Jing and said.

"If you have something to say, why are you angry?"

On the other hand, Li Wanqing sat on the opposite side in a daze, and a line of tears slowly slid down her cheeks.

Li Wanqing sniffed, crying.

"I've been thinking about it, maybe Heli is the best home for him."

"Before this, I am afraid that this expedition will be my last chance to see him."

"Tang Hao has a life-saving grace for me, father and daughter beg you, let her go."

The two people on the opposite side were stunned at the same time, looking at the daughter of Ewha with rain, they felt uncomfortable in every way.

After a long time, Li Jing picked up the bamboo chopsticks on the table and said calmly.

"If you really want to go, and you run out of meals, you can ask Tang Wang for orders."

"For my father, I will no longer participate in warfare in the future."

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