Martial Sage

Chapter 490: I'm Sorry

On the broad field.

The scouts still spilled all of them.

Tang Hao was still close to the grassland this time, so Tang Hao had to stand up and be cautious.

Although the large East Turkic forces still withdrew to the Yinshan area, they would even be even further behind.

But it is not ruled out that there will be some small groups of Turkic soldiers still wandering on the border of the big Han.

Especially this year's snow disaster, the north is much more severe than before.

Maybe those Turkic people will go south and rob some Han people of food.

While thinking about it, a small soldier rushed over with a panic face.

"General! There is a situation in the village!"

After listening, Tang Hao frowned, glanced at Li Wanqing and Wu Tong on both sides, and said.

"Go! Take a look!"

In the sparse woods, the old crow stood pointing and wailing.

Ga... Ga...

The wind passed through the grass, and the sound of horseshoes in the jungle gradually became louder and louder.

The old crow standing on the branch pecking the flesh and flew into the sky with shock.

Tang Hao led everyone out of the woods and headed straight for the village.

A hundred meters away from the village, Tang Hao saw the scorched tents collapsed among the sparse trees.

Tang Hao suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

With his legs clamped between the horse's belly, he ran towards the destroyed village.

In front of his eyes, Cheng Chumu had a dark face, gritted his teeth, clenched his fists tightly, and glared at the mess in front of him.

The soldiers with him had already knelt on the ground, their hands on the ground, and they vomited.

His eyes moved to the village, and the horizontal woods at the entrance of the village were scattered on the side of the road, charred as black as charcoal.

The smell of charred tents and burnt corpses still remained in the air.

The mutilated corpses stood upright on the ground, some naked corpses were stained with blood, and their deaths were rather miserable.

Obviously he was insulted, and finally his body was thrown in this village.

In the messy village, many walls and broken doors are splashed with blood stains, which is terrifying.

Even the ground showed a dark red color, which was obviously caused by the drying up of blood stains.

Some corpses have been eaten by carrion-eating wolves, showing their white teeth, watching the team at the entrance of the village warningly.

Those cowardly crows flew up to the branches in flocks, croaking.

Seeing this offer, Tang Hao's anger suddenly rose.

The hand holding the horse's rein tightened unconsciously, and the veins violently violently made a crackling sound.


A sound of vomiting came before him.

The taxi Cheng Chumo brought with him before had a stroke. He had never seen such a bloody and gloomy scene, and couldn't help but vomit again.

With the sound of vomiting, many soldiers vomited as they covered their mouths.

"Turkic beasts."

Word by word was squeezed out of the teeth.

Tang Hao clenched his fists and watched the tragic scene, said.

"All the recruits dismount! Clean up the village!"

"These are our citizens, compatriots, brothers of Datang!"

"You can't let them die in this wilderness, you must enter the soil for safety."

With an order, the recruits covered their noses and mouths, tremblingly and slowly leaning toward the center of the village.

The beasts that had been gnawing, saw a large number of people approaching, they hummed a few times, and then fled around one after another.

Across the horizontal wood, the smell of burnt and blood in the air became more and more intense.

In the eyes, those corpses with protruding eyes and different parts of their heads became more and more clear.

The horrible wounds, panicked pupils, and the five internal organs that squeeze out of the belly hit the eyeballs of every soldier.

Fright, fear, and horror appeared in the face of every recruit.

The people in the back were okay. The soldiers in front were full of the blood-red color, and many of the soldiers were unable to stop their legs and feet soft and trembling all over.

"Ah! I can't stand it anymore!"

After all, a soldier couldn't stand this bloody and tragic picture, and shouted out.

Then the soldier fiddled with the soldier beside him like crazy, and squeezed out desperately.

With this person's lead, a small group of soldiers began to squeeze backwards for a while.

There was a little confusion throughout the scene.


Tang Hao pulled out the Blue Nightmare Sword from his waist, his face sank, and he shouted sharply.

"If you don't obey the military order, you will beheaded on the spot!"

The sound of majesty swept across the entire venue, rolling towards the wild.

Military orders are like mountains.

The rioting recruits and soldiers also stopped their bodies, not daring to flee.

Li Wanqing strongly suppressed the nausea in her heart, frowned slightly, turned her head to look at Tang Hao, and said.

"Is it cruel to let their recruits do this?"

Tang Hao slowly put away his sword, glanced at the recruits who had stabilized the battle, said.

"Sooner or later they will experience these scenes."

"It's better to experience it now than to frighten and defect on the battlefield!"

After listening to this, Li Wanqing did not refute.

Tang Hao was right.

The blood on the battlefield is tragic, far more terrifying than the sight in front of me.

If that time comes, these recruits really can't stand those scenes, it's not just a simple escape.

What is paid is the price of life!

Tang Hao's doing this is considered to have given these recruits one in advance.

Let them know the tragic battlefield, and let them know the bloody battlefield.

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