Martial Sage

Chapter 502: The Battle of the Camp

When the news came, the whole army suddenly became energetic.

Tang Hao stopped the horse's rein, staring at the panting scout and asked.

"How many people? But Turkic soldiers?"

Scout cupped hands cupped fist, answer truthfully.

"It's a tribe of more than 300 people."

As he spoke, there was a touch of excitement in his eyes.

Perhaps, in the eyes of these recruits, what they saw was a massacre.

But in the eyes of these veterans, what they saw was the golden leg of lamb dripping with oil.

A smile appeared on Tang Hao's face, turning his head to look at the veterans who couldn't stand it, and said loudly.

"Soldiers! Tonight, I'm going to be a bit cleaner!"

In an instant, excitement roared out among the crowd of veterans.

As for the new recruits looking at the horses passing by, they were a little confused. After a little stunned, they followed along.

On the dense pasture, a little bit of snow covers this vast plateau.

Tang Hao rode on Wu Qi, condescending, looking at a distance not far away.

Under the plateau, Turkic tribes are scattered in groups, forming huge clan camps.

In the white tents, the smoke was lingering, and it was very quiet and quiet.

A woman opened a corner of the tent and got out, a thick felt hat covering most of her face, and she let out a long call.

The children chasing and snarling on the grassland stopped when they heard the cry, and the childish voice returned a few words.

A few young men carrying milk wine, set off a tent and got in, and after a while, the men laughed wildly.

At the foot of the mountain in the northwest, cattle and sheep flap their long ears, eating leisurely green grass.

Some herders who had finished herding the cattle and sheep drove the fed cattle and sheep back into the pen, making a noisy noise.

After two looting of the grassland, it is clear that these herdsmen have left a lot of shadow.

When grazing, do not forget to bring the bow and arrow and the sharp machete.

Seeing this peaceful scene, Tang Hao slowly raised his hand.


A scream exploded from the plateau, and all Tang knives were raised to the sky. Rows of war horses suddenly jumped out, spreading towards the foot of the mountain with a loud rumbling noise.

The man who lifted the curtain caught a glimpse of the sea of ​​people rushing down from the mountain, and hurriedly took out his bow and arrow from behind, and a loud shout followed.

"The Han is here! Run!"

As he spoke, he bent his bow and set arrows, aiming at these galloping Datang cavalry.


The arrow flew across the sky.

It flew from another angle, nailed to the man's neck, blood spattered, and the bow and arrow in his hand fell weakly.

To his side, a figure in a cloak led a bunch of people and horses, rushing down from another angle of the hillside, looking at the two young men running away on horseback, a fierce color flashed in their eyes.

In the sound of breaking the sky, the Turkic youth turned back in fear.

In the line of sight, a figure came straight forward, and the blade cut it out.

The youth's pupils tightened, and then they were thrown up high. Numerous cavalry and horses rolled up the dirt from below and rushed towards the tribe.

The horseshoe approached like thunder.

People around the tribal tent heard the movement and ran out.

During the exercise, full of soldiers surged like a tide, and the familiar neighbor rolled down from the horse, his body stranded in the rushing horse's hoof, and disappeared for a moment.

Seeing the shocking scene, the whole tribe instantly became noisy and chaotic.

The elders of the clan, young adults roared into the tent and took out their spears and bows and arrows.

The next second, Tang Qi rushed into the tribe, advancing at high speed.

The blade was swung, the blood line soared, and a young man who had just been in the camp fell down in an instant.

The horseshoes that followed intensively stepped on it, and in a moment it became a pool of meat.

The charge continued.

The women screamed sorrowfully, the children cried in panic, and the angry screams of the young and middle-aged were mixed among the soldiers.

The fleeing people were smashed by the cold blade, and the blood was splashed on the white tent.

The resisting man was pierced with a sharp spear through his chest, and warm blood was poured into the white snow.

In the chaos, the horseback figure lit a torch and threw it on the tent.

The flames jumped up for a moment, and thick smoke rolled into the sky with the cold wind.

A small part of the entire tribe has fallen into flames.

The body on fire rushed all over, screaming like a heart-piercing scream.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the resistance gradually ceased. The undead and wounded were hit together, shivering at the surrounding Tang Qi.

Cheng Chumo waved at the figure on the plateau.

Ta Ta Ta.

Accompanied by the galloping sound of horseshoes, Tang Hao and Li Wanqing galloped over.

The sound of horseshoes stopped in front of the dozens of Turkic prisoners.

Tang Hao stepped on top of Wucha, looked down at these shuddering barbarians, said.

"You know, where is the new Khan stationed?"

There was silence for a while.

Tang Hao narrowed his eyes and nodded silently towards Cheng Chu.

Cheng Chumo also understood what Tang Hao meant, and when he nodded, he carried the iron spear on his shoulders and shouted toward the after-sales service.

"List ten people with no blood on their hands!"

The recruits glanced at each other with trepidation, but hesitated.

However, a group of 2,000 people who had been struck by Cheng Chumo's rate came out.

Tang Hao glanced around at these soldiers who stood up, nodded slightly, closed his eyes, and said.

"Kill them!"

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