Martial Sage

Chapter 504: The Secret

The sky is high and the earth is wide, and the vast grassland.

Tang Bing, who was full of food and drink, set out again for the North March.

This is the fifth day of stepping into the grassland, the fat cattle and sheep, resting all night, this exhausted army has once again returned to its former vitality.

This day, sporadic tribes and small groups of scouts and Datang Tieqi met one after another.

The two sides met unexpectedly on this grassland, and a small massacre was inevitable.

Intent to fight unintentionally.

Datang's soldiers came prepared, and those Turkic scouts had never expected that in this area so close to Yinshan, there would actually be the whereabouts of Datang cavalry.

Completely crushing the number of people, plus preemptive strikes, every round of hunting has come to an end.

The smoke of wolves lit up on this verdant grassland one after another.

Blood was sprinkled sporadically on this vast land.

Tang Hao rode on a war horse and looked down at the entire village. After many days of rushing, the sweat-stained mud had stained that handsome face dirty.

The stubble sprouted out, bringing out a sense of vicissitudes and maturity.

It's just that on this messy appearance, there are a pair of divine and wise eyes.

There was a sea of ​​fire and bones everywhere.

The last bitter scream came to an abrupt end as the knife shadow fell.

Tang Hao waved his hand slowly, and his cold voice resounded.

"Clean up the battlefield, take away the food, a quarter of an hour later, the army will start!"

The soldiers passing the order, waving the flag, shuttled through the messy village, shouting Tang Hao's military order loudly.

As we get deeper and deeper into the grassland, the tribes we encounter have become denser.

In the five consecutive days of this road, more than 30 Turkic tribes have been destroyed under the Iron Cavalry of the Tang Dynasty.

Tang Hao also got what he wanted.

The looted jerky is enough for this fifty thousand cavalry to eat for a month.

Zhengzheng iron cavalry, going forward indefinitely, continue to advance toward the north!

"A large group of Turkic scouts were found ahead."

The scout who rushed forward passed the news to Tang Hao for the first time.

Tang Hao took the rein of the horse and started the second wave of deployment.

"Cheng Chu silently comes out!"

"Bring 10,000 soldiers to encircle and wipe out these Turkic scouts, without leaving a piece of armor!"

The voice of no beak rang out on this grassland.

As the order was issued, the ten thousand soldiers were listed in an instant.

Tang Hao glanced at Cheng Chumo and said solemnly.

"The emergence of a large group of Turkic scouts means that the road ahead is more dangerous, and the Yin Mountain is almost here."

"After hunting down these scouts, you must detour from the Eastern Route and make as many big movements as possible along the way to attract Turkic ideas!"

Tang Hao understood that the own army had a large number of people, and as the number of Turkic scouts increased, it was difficult to hide the eyes of the Turkic people.

The Turks will find this army sooner or later.

The reason for the division of troops at this time is to completely disrupt the situation in this grassland.

The news of the Turkic soldiers was chaotic and noisy, and it was impossible to tell where the main force was.

As long as Cheng Chumo's tribe can involve some of the forces of the Turkic army, Tang Hao can approach the Golden Tent King Court.

Divine Armament, hit the Turkic people by surprise.

Cheng Chumo didn't have any doubts or hesitations about Tang Hao's order, and he straddled the figure of the battle horse, cupped hands cupped fist, said.

"General Mo leads the order."

"Just like this, you can't fight alongside the general and witness the demise of the East Turks with your own eyes."

Tang Hao came over, patted Cheng Chumo's shoulder, smiled indifferently, and said.

"There are many more opportunities like this!"

After that, Tang Hao patted Chen Chumo's vest and said.


Without any extra words, Cheng Chumo waved his hand and said.

"Warriors of Datang! Follow me!"

"Kill these Turkic barbarians who do not live or die!"

Rumbled horseshoes, whizzed past, lifted mud debris, and galloped away.

The wind blew the blue silk, sweeping on the muddy jade surface, a calm figure was reflected in a pair of beautiful eyes.

With a touch of uncertainty, Li Wanqing said in a daze.

"We now have only 40,000 soldiers, against the nearly 80,000 troops of the Golden Tent King Court."

"How confident are you...?"

The scarlet cloak rolled and fluttered, and a smile came across the calm and handsome face.

"Ninety percent!"

Confident words came out of Tang Hao's mouth, and a gleam of light appeared in his wise eyes.

A flash of astonishment flashed across Li Wanqing's handsome face, and the doubts in her heart blurted out.

"Why is there only 70% to 80% at the time of 50,000 yuan, but at this time, it is 90%?"

"The reduction in troop strength will only make the situation more serious, why..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Tang Hao's voice.

"Previously I was not sure how to choose that drop."

"These scouts are still unaware now, it seems that he has chosen."

Bingxue's clever Li Wanqing understood Tang Hao's meaning in an instant, pondered for a moment, and her eyes lit up.

"This Turkic surrender has already taken refuge in Datang? He has concealed the news?"

Tang Hao smiled slightly, nodded slowly, and said.


While speaking, Tang Hao slowly turned his head and said.

"This person can be worth tens of thousands of soldiers!"

It seems that the ball in my heart is all clear at this moment.

Li Wanqing looked at the figure in front of him, and she couldn't help but feel admiration in her heart.

Do not be surprised, and not chaotic.

It seems that all things are no longer troublesome in front of this man.

While thinking about it, Tang Hao's shouts came from his ears.

"The whole army is advancing quickly!"

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