Martial Sage

Chapter 508: Psychological Game

Everything is speculation.

However, the choice of the coach will often determine the overall situation of the conquest, whether it is stable or extreme.

After listening to what Dolly Khan had said, the strategist smiled indifferently and said.

"Tang Hao has repeatedly sent out cavalry. This kind of seemingly gambling style of play is hard to guard against."

"Often this gambler is not generally lucky."

Speaking of this, I did not continue to say it.

The leaders also knew what the military teachers meant.

Tang Hao took his sword twice and took the life of his subordinate soldiers to gamble.

But this kind of trick has turned things around and changed the situation of the battle.

It is precisely because of this style of play that left an indelible influence on the hearts of the leaders.

This insistence of the military commander is also intended to remind Khan not to be careless.

The hunk took a deep breath, collapsed on the seat, and said.

"We really have to guard against dangerous moves by soldiers. Such people will lead them and it will be difficult to deal with."

Dolly Khan looked at the strategist and asked.

"Currently, what is the maximum number of troops that Datang can mobilize?"

The military teacher closed his eyes slightly, pondered, and said.

"As far as I know, the 150,000 cavalry of the Tang Dynasty is scattered in all directions. If the troops are deployed in such a short time, the North can draw out at most 60,000."

Sixty thousand?

Hearing this number, the leaders' expressions eased, and they let out a long sigh of relief.

After listening to the military commander's words, the leader of Short-beard and Alice Hu let out a ‘huh’, raised his thick eyebrows, and asked back.

"Sixty thousand?"

"Sixty thousand soldiers dare to attack my Wang Court?"

As soon as the voice fell, a leader with a wide face and beard stood up, snorted disdainfully, and said.

"I think this Tang will be stunned!"

"I only know that we have been defeated and our vitality is greatly injured. I don't know if we have enough horses and all the people are soldiers, right?"

After all, the broad-faced leader Tan Tan Shou said.

"Or, these Tang Qi have never seen the northern prairie?"

"He's not afraid of going back and forth?"

These slightly mocking words caused a few laughs in the big tent.

Dolly Khan on the stone chair gave a sneer, his eyes gleaming, with a somewhat confident voice, resounding in the royal court.

"Since the Tang people want to gamble, this king will accompany him on a bet."

"This is the northern grassland. It is the territory of my Turkic people. It is not something that the Tang people can come if they want to come."


Above the wild.

As the number of scouts increased, Tang Hao ordered the entire army to slow down.

In the past few days, the fighting among the scouts has become more frequent.

Within a short period of time, the loss of one's own scouts reached more than 600 people.

On the Turkic side, the deaths and injuries were more serious, with more than a thousand people.

Even the well-equipped Tang Qi only had a slight advantage in catching and fighting each other.

These Turkic soldiers who grew up on horsebacks were born with this incomparable advantage over the art of imperial horses.

It was perfect for Datang Scouts to have such a performance, which was mainly attributed to the combat skills taught by Tang Hao.

This half-day slow walk, invisibly, caused all the soldiers who were running day and night to breathe a sigh of relief.

Li Wanqing's pale face also recovered a lot from eating some meat and resting during the half-day.

Turning his head, he caught sight of the unshaven Tang Hao, Li Wanqing smiled and teased.

"Do you look like a general like this."

"The previous appearance is more like a scholar!"

After listening to these words, Tang Hao smiled slightly, and his eyes met the smiling face, and said.

"If you put it this way, I think I'm complimenting my ability in literary and military skills."

After listening to these words, Li Wanqing turned her head back, hummed and said.

"Don't be ashamed!"

Having said that, he already admitted what Tang Hao had said in his heart.


A magnetic male voice came from behind.

Tang Hao turned his head, looked at the right-back general, and nodded slightly.

The General Youwei glanced back at the army, shaking the reins, and standing next to Tang Hao, then said euphemistically.

"The palace of Yinshan Mountain doesn't seem to mean to divide the troops. In this battle, the strength of our troops is very different, I am afraid it will be a little difficult to fight."

Tang Hao can understand the subordinates' questions like this.

After all, this battle is very involved, and under the huge disparity in military strength, it is still unreasonable to divide the troops out.

Tang Hao was silent for a moment, patted General Youwei on the shoulder, said.

"Don't worry, this commander won't fight to the death with the lives of the soldiers."

"The Turkic tribes claim that all the people are soldiers. Judging from this journey, the large tribes have already migrated to the Yinshan area."

"I'm afraid that in the royal court, the army will be in the hundreds of thousands."

"It's not a wise choice to play more with less, and he doesn't plan to play like this."

Although there are many doubts, General Youwei wants this promise.

Tang Hao continued.

"Although there is an insider in the city, I am not sure how many soldiers he can persuade."

"Now that we are mixed with food and audio, it is difficult to decide between the break of the golden account and which way is the main force."

General Youwei frowned slightly, said.

"What if the Turkic army is divided into two directions?"

After listening to this, Tang Hao smiled faintly.

"Now they know the number of troops on the Eastern Front, but the dynamics on the Eastern Front are very high, which can easily lead to the illusion of hiding troops."

"As for the strength of our line, until now, the Turkic Khan didn't know it."

"If we use troops rashly, it will be difficult to wipe out our Tang Qi. They will definitely send a main force to concentrate their advantages and defeat them one by one."

After listening, Li Wanqing frowned slightly and said.

"What if they choose our way?"

Tang Hao stared into the distance, smiled softly, and said.

"There is no case, it definitely won't."

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