Martial Sage

Chapter 510: The New King Worries

Conversations between smart people are often a lot easier.

Unlike those superficial Turkic generals, this military division can often see the essence of things at a glance.

In front of this understanding person, Dolly Khan also opened his heart without hiding it.

After the fur cloak turned over, his sturdy body suddenly stood up, and Dolly Khan walked slowly in the Great Hall.

Amid the heavy and steady footsteps, Dolly Khan sighed with emotion.

"The Khan who took office is a rare generation of heroes in the grassland in a century! Talent and strategy, the grassland is unparalleled."

"But after all, it was a disastrous defeat in the hands of Datang Tieqi!"

After all, Dolly Khan paused, clenched his fists, and said.

"Datang soldiers are not weak!"

As he spoke, the generous back slowly turned around and said.

"In this battle, it must be wrong to separate the troops!"

"Stick to Yinshan Mountain is the safest move."

"But, I need this battle! I also ask the military division to express it!"

In those deep eyes, the light and shadow danced against the fiery snake that swallowed through the charcoal fire.

This newly appointed Khan suffered a mess of successive defeats as soon as he took office, and the Khan's prestige in the minds of soldiers continued to decline.

As Dolly Khan said, he needs a perfect battle to prove himself.

It proves that Dolly Khan has the strength to surpass Jieli Khan, and it is proved that Dolly Khan is the powerful Khan King who is truly blessed by the eternal heaven on this grassland.

After hearing these words, a touch of relief appeared in the shrewd eyes of the old soldier, and he nodded slightly.

"The reason why the wild wolf on the grassland can become the totem of our race is that it will not hide in its nest and make a living."

"As long as there is one last breath, it will run on this grassland forever, hunting down all the prey that breaks into the territory."

Having said that, the strategist slowly stood up and looked at the sturdy and sturdy body a few steps away, said.

"With such considerations, the people on the grassland have the hope of regaining the grassland."

The military division stroked his beard lightly, surrounded the brazier, walked tremblingly for two steps, and said in thought.

"A large number of Tang army changes on the Eastern Front, I'm afraid it's not that simple. As expected, the next step is to rob homes and homes. Our tribesmen are completely suffering."

"The army laid out on the Western Front is actually a dark move.

"As expected, 60% of this western team is Tang Qi's main force."

Having said that, the strategist took two steps slowly, stopped, turned his head slightly, and said.

"I am old and it is difficult to be on the battlefield. The hope of the Turkic tribe depends on you warriors."

"There are some things, how to cut off, it's up to you to decide."

Watching the slightly bleak voice slowly lifted the curtain and disappeared into the big tent.

A touch of sadness flashed across Dolly Khan's face.

Since Jie Li Khan was captured alive, this army division seemed to be ten years old overnight.

He didn't want to bother about things in the army, as if he had faded out of the world of Turkic barracks.

However, among the younger generation, there is not a dazzling young man who has taken up the post of military instructor.

The future of the Turkic tribe needs to be mastered by oneself.


Grassland East Line.

Cheng Chumo straddled the war horse, looking down at the Turkic tribe at the bottom of the mountain.

The tents were burning in the raging fire, and dark smoke rose into the sky.

The running Turkic youths were chopped to the ground by a handful of cold blades.

Amidst the splashing of blood, each body collapsed to the ground.

The woman hugged the child tightly, shiveringly shrank under the carriage, avoiding the disaster that fell from the sky.

The child in her arms cried heartbreakingly, her mouth was covered in horror by the woman, and she kept comforting.

The sound of rumbling horses hooves concealed hysterical crying and panic-stricken roars.

At this moment, the entire Turkic tribe was trembling and crying in the wind.

The blood-stained lieutenant moved forward, and when Cheng Chumo approached, cupped hands said.

"General, according to your instructions, all the men have been killed except for a few who reported."

The stern face slowly turned his head, Cheng Chumo looked at the blood beads hanging on the deputy general's hair and nodded slightly.

A majestic voice came from under the silver helmet.

"Search for jerky, food."

"After half an hour, change the flag and continue to set off!"


Above the blue sky, eagles burst into waves.

Cheng Chu silently looked up at the sky.

Above the tens of thousands of miles of blue sky, a group of eagles gathered and hovered endlessly.

Such scenes are rare.

The deputy lieutenant beside him raised his head and frowned slightly when he saw this rare scene.

"General, it seems that our whereabouts were discovered by their falcon scout."

Cheng Chumo, who looked up at the sky, showed a slight smile on his stern face.

"Has it been discovered?"

With the departure of the eagle trainer, his eyes slowly lowered, and the cold whispers sounded.

"It's too late to find out!"

Cheng Chumo waved his hand under the brand-new general flag, staring at the direction of this Yinshan Mountain, said.

"The whole army is ready! Keep going! Until you see the big Turkic soldiers!"

The horseshoe whirled the mud and kicked the drafting skin, and the tens of thousands of people galloped again.

On the icy scabbard, the sticky blood stains were red, and along the end, it slowly dripped onto the secluded grassland, immersed in the mud.

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