Martial Sage

Chapter 519: The Battle

The fight in Langxu Mountain followed this one after another to join the support team, thoroughly hunting and killing the entire Turkic team of 100 people.

Although it was a team of only a hundred people, Datang lost nearly one hundred and fifty people.

Looking at the battlefield filled with corpses and the soldiers who screamed in pain, Su Dingfang felt a chill on his back.

If it were not for the joining of the next few teams and the safari with bows and arrows, the casualties would have been even greater!

It was also at this moment that Su Ding had just realized the wisdom of Tang Hao's move.

Had it not been for such a team of soldiers who were good at hunting, I am afraid that these Turkic soldiers would break out and pass the news to the Western Turks.

"Clean the battlefield! Clean up the arrows!"

Suddenly, dusk has arrived.

Su Dingfang stood on the loess slope, looking at the direction of Yinshan Mountain, muttering to himself.

"General Tang, General Su lives up to your trust!"

"I hope you will achieve great success in Yinshan!"


The golden light sprinkled freely on the bits of snow that had not melted, and the horseshoe rolled and splashed the fresh green grass.

On the vast grassland, the rushing horses drove for a few miles, and even the wind at the beginning of the spring carried a bitter intent to kill.

In mid-March.

The Great Tang's army heading to the Palace of the Golden Tent and the Turkic army heading to Yinshan met in this grassland.

Tang Hao slowly drew out the Blue Nightmare sword from his waist, the moment the silver light flowed over the blade, his throat rushed out of his throat.


Without extra words, meeting is a battle of life and death!

The melodious horn sounded simultaneously in the two armies of both sides.

Under the warm sun, a cavalry advancing like a sea tide from south to north, accompanied by a charging horn, rushed to the opposite side.

Under the sky.

The huge waves that stretched densely for several miles, and the shaking of the horseshoe tossing up, almost flattened the entire towering Yinshan.

Boom boom boom.

The iron hoof of the Maidong like a war horse.

Almost at the same moment, the cavalry of Datang and the Turkic took their bowstrings at the same time.

Next second.

The dense clusters of arrows rose up into the sky like his migratory locusts, and the air was full of humming sounds.

After rising to the highest point, the arrows poured down like a torrential rain, covering the entire forward of both sides.

Nailed to a person's body, in the body of a war horse, and in some damp mud.

Among the teams charged on both sides, when the miserable howling sounded, blood was splashed.

The horse wailed and hissed, and the huge body fell to the ground and dragged, and the knight on the horse was rolled under the horse's hooves.

The earth seemed to be torn apart and trampled to pieces at this moment.

Tang Hao looked solemnly at the army about to collide, and made a gesture.

The cavalry rushing forward changed the flag at the first moment.

The cavalry lined up behind him suddenly squeezed to both sides, opening a gap.

In the gap, rows of sturdy horses, all covered in armor, sprayed with heavy white air, maintained a high-speed charge and ran into the Turkic army.

At this moment, the iron chain that implicated Malaysia was tight.

Dolly Khan looked at the thin-fingered iron chain, and the hand holding the rein suddenly squeezed tightly, frowned, and shouted.

"Heavy Cavalry!"

When the words were spoken, the first war horse neighed in the distance.

The iron chain shook, strangling the necks of the oncoming horses.

The Turkic people on horseback were thrown away in an instant, and the horses were overturned to the ground at the same moment.

Countless spears ignited sparks on the passing iron armor.

A series of charging figures stabbed at each other, and the unfortunate soldiers were pierced by sharp spears, hung on the tip of the spear and slammed backwards.

The roaring iron hoof, unabated, pushed hard towards the second row.

"Let these Turks die!"

Deafening shouts exploded on the front line of the charge.

The veterans led these recruits to guard the two wings of the heavy cavalry, and they stabbed the Turkic soldiers on the ground who had not yet died.

In the crowd, General Zheng smashed the stabbed spear, and the heavy broadsword slashed towards the Turkic soldier whose door was wide open.

When the warm blood rain was spraying, the surrounding was full of figures fighting against each other.

In the surrounding light, a stupid soldier, holding half of his body, dragged towards the horse.

The silly soldier, a bright scimitar behind him, was already raised high.

General Zheng yelled violently, then drew out half of the iron spear from the corpse in front of him and threw it out.

"Damn it! When is it! Still caring for the dead!"

When the voice rose, the figure behind the silly soldier turned back, and the scimitar fell to the ground.

General Zheng wiped the blood off his face, and the old man's cries rang out again.

"Don't worry about the dead! Why don't you collect the corpses for your compatriots after the war!"

At this moment, the two cavalry who lost their momentum fell into a stalemate.

The two waves that collided together formed countless fangs to fight each other. When the horses galloped, some people broke their arms and dropped their horses, some screamed while holding their stumped legs, and some were completely blushing.

Tang Hao looked at the two armies in a stalemate, feeling a little at ease.

Sure enough, as I expected, although the Turkic army is large in number, there are many elderly soldiers who are old and frail.

For a time, Datang Ruishi, who had the disadvantage of the number of people, did not reveal any disadvantages in the slightest.

But this is only temporary.

People always have physical limits, and even these young soldiers are no match for this wave after wave of constant impact!

Tang Hao looked at the banner raised by the Turkic army and shouted in a deep voice.

"Two thousand soldiers listen to the order!"

"Fetch Dori Khan's dog head with me!"

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