Martial Sage

Chapter 524: The Secret


The silver wave broke out, as if the floodwater gradually spread out and spread into a silver line.

Ashina Sheer looked at the galloping front line with a heart, and the hand holding the bow and arrow faintly trembled.

Although there were only two thousand men and horses, the screaming, the rumbling horseshoes looked like a thousand horses.

The army has not stopped, and the awe-inspiring murderous aura has completely spread.

There was a cry from the dry throat.

"Remove the weapon! Dismount all of you!"

With the galloping horseshoes, all the Turkic soldiers behind Ashina dismounted, quietly waiting for the arrival of the two thousand soldiers.

Ashina Sheer bet again.

Not only the lives of the eight thousand soldiers behind him, but also the gambling capital for the entire family of Turkic soldiers.

If this Tang general is unwilling to surrender, what awaits them will be a bloody massacre.

But if they don't surrender, I'm afraid that these Datang cavalry will not completely slaughter the last Turkic man, and they will never give up.

It was not so much a surrender, but rather a prayer for Tang Hao to give the Turks a chance to surrender.

As Tang Hao said, ending the killing requires a big battle.

In this war, the Turkic internal fighting had already been lost at the beginning.

The wind stopped.

Ashina Sheer, who walked away quickly, approached the tall figure under the Tang banner in a panic.

Kneeling in front of the horse on one knee, a trembling sound came from his throat.

"General Tang, I surrender on behalf of the people, and implore your men not to kill indiscriminately."

The clouds are black, one by one.

Tang Hao, who straddled Wu Qi, didn't immediately reply. He looked back at the stale battlefield behind him and turned his head.

Even though his head was lowered, Ashina Sheer could still feel the scorching gaze sweeping over Own's back.

An inexplicable panic suddenly took root in my heart and rose.

A cold sweat dripped from Ashina Sheer's drooping head, he swallowed drool in heavy breathing, and said again.

"General Tang, stop fighting, Dolly Khan doesn't understand."

"But I understand it!"

"We... we Turks can't afford it!"

After that, Ashina Sheer slowly lifted his face covered with cold sweat, pointed at the distant battlefield, and trembled.

"There... there are our aging older generations."

"The twilight lives were supposed to hold their grandchildren in a blanket to support them all."

"At this time, they are fighting on this battlefield that does not belong to them, and lives are fading away."

As he spoke, Ashina Sheer raised his cheeks and looked at Tang Hao, tears falling.

"General Tang, let go of these old people who have worked their lives."

"They have done so much for this grassland. I can't bear to die so fearlessly."

Tang Hao groaned softly, turned his horse back, and strode over, tapping the scabbard in his hand on Ashina Sheer's head twice, and said.

"You have this heart, it's really good."

"In the final analysis, our Datang is a country of etiquette, not a Devil who kills indiscriminately."

The surrounding area of ​​Tang Qi calmed down, Ashina Sheer, who was kneeling on one knee, let out a sigh of relief, and withdrew his erected right leg, kneeling with both legs on the ground.

He raised his hands high, trembling slightly, crawling in front of the pair of armor-covered shoes, his forehead heavily touching the icy grass.

Under the messy hair hanging down, a hoarse male voice came from the grass.

"Ashnasheer is willing to surrender to the Tang Dynasty."

"Long live King Tang."

As soon as the voice fell, the eight thousand soldiers behind them all knelt to the ground, crawling and chanting.

"Tian Khan, long live."

Tang Hao glanced down at the figure in front of him, and the scabbard nodded on the shoulder of the figure under his feet, motioning for him to get up.

Then waved back and said.

"If the order continues, all prisoners who disarm shall not be killed in vain, except those who resist!"

When the messenger left, Tang Hao put the scabbard on Ashinasheer's chest and said.

"I can spare that army."

"Dolly Khan, you caught him back with your own hands."

Hearing this, Ashina Group nodded enthusiastically and pressed his fist on his chest, bowing in salute.

"These skills subordinates should do."

After that, he twisted and waved back, said.

"Send an order to the army, lay down their weapons, and those who violate the order will be killed."

"Separate half of the troops to pursue the fugitive Dolly Khan!"

"I want to see people in life, and corpses in death!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Turkic squad was divided into two groups, each doing its own thing.

Ashina Sheer solemnly bent over and said.

"Dear General Datang, most of the soldiers and soldiers in the Royal Camp of the Golden Account are under the control of his subordinates."

"I also hope that General Tang will move to the King's Court of the Golden Tent, rest for a while, and let me wait for Dolly Khan to be captured."

As he spoke, Ashina Sheer bent over and bowed a big gift.

As he turned on his horse quickly, Ashina Sher shouted.

"Make a way for General Datang!"

After all, the remaining four thousand soldiers were separated on both sides and headed towards the Golden Tent King Court.

On the large expanse of land that was vacated, Tang Hao led two thousand soldiers and moved forward slowly.

Wu Tong glanced at the Turkic team not far away, turned his head and said.

"Master Hou, this Turkic general surrendered so simply."

"I'm afraid there is fraud."

Tang Hao looked at the horses galloping ahead and said.

"As one of the six great warriors of the grassland, this person is resolute and daring to do it, and he can also have a compassionate heart for his people. It is really rare."

"Such a person can bend his knees and surrender, but it is far more courageous and more powerful than Dolly Khan."

"The order goes on, and a few scouts stay behind to investigate the situation in the rear. Let's first go to the Golden Tent King Court to find out."

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