Martial Sage

Chapter 552: I'm Sorry

It is not a trivial matter for Wang Tang to marry a daughter.

The betrothal gift of Dingbeihou Mansion had long been sent to Li Mansion and Princess Mansion under Wu Tong's Zhang Luoxia.

The bride price of hundreds of boxes is not lightly cool.

It can be said that Tang Hao has consumed the gold silk and satin he earned from his military exploits and the profit he earned from his tea and wine for so long.

After a big wedding, Tang Hao's savings were almost spent.

In the Palace of Weiguo.

After Li Jing stated the situation, the whole government was shocked.

Li Jing, who was full of excitement, waved a big hand, and immediately asked for a thorough reorganization of the mansion.

Although it is not too long according to the year, it has already been sorted out.

However, Hong Funu went into battle with Li Jing herself, instructing the servants to move away and clean up.

If you marry a big event, you should look like a big event.

For the Li family, this marriage was a double happiness.

The vermilion silk satin wraps the bare branches, and the red paper lantern has also been pasted with the word ‘囍’.

The entire Li Mansion has gradually become a red ocean, with a festive appearance, more lively than that year when it was closed.

When the whole mansion was busy, some ministers of the DPRK and China successively sent congratulations to Li Mansion in the name of congratulating Li Wanqing as a princess and finding a good Xu.

Until the evening, at dinner, Li Jing, who was so innocent and so innocent, asked in a puzzled way, looking at the gift that took up the board house.

"Madam, these gifts are too expensive, too many, right?"

"How can it be more than several times more than when the old man was granted the title of the country lord?"

Hong Fu Nu looked at Li Jing who was confused on her face, smiled slightly, and said.

"You think it's a lot, these people who give gifts, but it's not too much."

"If I guess it's right, I'm afraid this Marquis Mansion doesn't collect as much as our Li family."

Upon hearing this, Li Jing was extremely puzzled.

This is Tang Hao's big wedding, so the gifts that should be received should be the most.

Seeing Li Jing thinking silly on the side, Hong Fu Girl turned her head slightly, and saw Li Wanqing who was sitting in the boudoir and combing carefully in front of the dressing table, said.

"Ascension as a daughter nowadays is true, but after all, it's just a title."

"After all, Wan'er is just an ordinary general in the army, but when she marries into the Marquis Mansion, she becomes Madame Tang."

Jing Hong Funu said so, she seemed to realize something after her experience, rubbing her beard between her forehead, said.

"What the madam said, these courtiers came for Tang Hao, and the gifts they gave were also based on Tang Hao's face?"

Although the words were explicit, they were punctual to the hearts of these courtiers.

Tang Hao was still a weak crown, and he was already one step away from the position of the Lord of the Country.

No one can see that this newly promoted Master Hou has unlimited potential.

This time, taking advantage of this great joy, and making good friends with the Li family, if Li Wanqing can blow the pillow breeze, there will be no shortage of one place.

Li Jing curled his lips, snorted coldly, and said.

"These courtiers are really delicate in their minds!"


Fengyang Pavilion.

As the Wang family who manages this important marriage event, it is the duty to inform the young people of both parties.

On the side of Li Mansion, the Wang clan has sent three state lords and noble ladies to take care of it.

With the help of Changsun Wuji, he tremblingly came to Princess Changle's bedroom.

As soon as she entered the palace gate, Princess Changle welcomed the kind old man herself.

In terms of dignity and inferiority, perhaps the eldest grandson clan old antique, as your courtier, would not be ready for a princess to greet him.

But according to the clan academy, this old woman is the grandmother of Princess Changle.

As a descendant, it is normal to go to meet him.

Pulling on her dry palm, Princess Changle helped the old woman walk towards the collapse.

On this short journey, the old woman kept praising Princess Changle for growing up and becoming sensible.

In the babbling admiration, the old woman sat down slowly.

Holding the soft and smooth jade hand, the old woman looked a little serious, and said in a deep thought.

"Quality, you are not the only one who married into the Marquis Mansion this time, but also the girl Li Wanqing."

"It is fate to be able to get together, and family and harmony are the right way."

"Do you understand what Mom means?"

Princess Changle is, after all, the eldest princess of the royal family. When the old woman said this, she didn't name her, but the implications were already clear.

Meeting this benevolent gaze and listening to the harmonious tone, Princess Changle's heart warmed.

I haven't seen each other for many years, and this mother is still as she used to be. In her words, she has a discussing tone everywhere, and she has a kind of friendly feeling.

The wise and wise Princess Changle can naturally understand what the old woman said, put her arm on her skinny arm, and smiled.

"Mum is too worried, Miss Li was my childhood playmate, and a good friend who talked about everything since I was a child."

"I entered the Marquis Mansion this time, and I must live in harmony with her, like a sister."

What the old woman worries about is this orthodox princess, who is holding the princess's frame to crush others.

After hearing this, I also relaxed, looking at the beautiful figure around him, and said earnestly.

"Tang Hao of the Marquis's Mansion is witty, smart, affectionate and righteous. If you are married this time, the old man believes that he will treat you sincerely."

"It's just that you are in the royal family, and you are not so comfortable at the Marquis Mansion."

"The Marquis Mansion's family business is not small, not to mention Tang Hao's royal manor, the wine shop and the tea shop in the Marquis Mansion, you have to help it."

"It's a big mansion and consumes a lot of money and money. As the mistress of the Marquis Mansion, you have to know how to keep the house and the husband..."

"As a competent wife, don't quarrel with your husband-in-law, don't be jealous with Miss Li..."

Once the chat box was opened, it seemed that the old woman always had something to do with her, and she had an endless reminder.

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