Martial Sage

Chapter 565: Rouge Gouache

Heart of beauty in everyone.

This is true for later generations, and so are the people of Datang.

For the women of the Tang Dynasty, they are quite particular about their facial appearance and manners.

They haven't seen the delicate eyebrow pencil, but they also know how to use charcoal to outline the eyebrows.

I have never seen a gorgeous lipstick, but I already use rough lips to whitewash my lips.

In any era, women are definitely a huge consumer group.

Naturally, the same is true in this prosperous Datang!

Tang Hao, who had the dream of making money by himself, was actually embracing the left and right, smirking silly.

The two people who were chattering around, realized at this moment that the previous good words to persuade them were all forgotten by the own husband.

"Husband? Is there a way to get money? If not, I will ask my father to remove those tickets."

Princess Changle's gentle words lingered in her ears.

Before answering, Li Wanqing's fan fist had already knocked over.

"Don't do it anymore!"

"Lizhi Little Sister is also the jewel in your majesty's palm. If she intercedes, your majesty will definitely agree!"

On the shoulder, being hit limply and feebly, Tang Hao also suddenly recovered, gazed at both of them with joy, and said with joy.

"Withdraw? Why withdraw? This is a good opportunity for us to make money!"

"Today, I will do something different for you!"

Tang Hao's slightly excited face had a touch of mysteriousness, which made Princess Changle and Li Wanqing more curious.

The scene of hugging left and right really embarrassed the ancients. The female steward passing by here glanced, pursed her mouth and smiled, and was about to leave, but was shouted by Tang Hao.

"Why dodge?"

"Order some manpower to pick some fresh flowers, the best ones are roses and lilies."

The main reason why Tang Hao said this was because he had seen this thing in the courtyard of Li Jing's mansion, and it was commonplace.

The female steward kept her head down, took the order, and left in a hurry.

Li Wanqing and Princess Changle, who were still in Tang Hao's arms, didn't wake up until the female steward left.

Thinking of the scene that the talented female steward saw, the cheeks of the two of them were burning.

Although she was married as a wife, the girl's character was not exhausted, and she was unavoidably shy when she was seen by others.

Almost at the same time, the two of them seemed to be scalded, leaving their broad chests like lightning, and took a step back.

Tang Hao was amused at the reaction of the two of them. He laughed and teased.

"I, Tang Hao, is getting married by a Ming matchmaker. Why is it shy?"

"How does it feel like a private meeting of lovers?"

The voice of the words suddenly increased, as if they were announcing to everyone in the mansion.

The two originally shy and shy faces were as red as cooked shrimps.

Two pairs of beautiful eyes glared at Tang Hao and said in unison.


After all, the two headed for the outside of the house, followed by the crowd, picking petals.



The early morning sun shines through the thin clouds and pours out.

People wrapped in leather jackets are already wandering on the street early.

It was in early April.

The hardworking people have long been arrogant about the wax, shouting on the neighboring neighborhoods, and in groups of three to five to the largest land temple in the state and county.

In this earth with a strong humanistic atmosphere, the people who rely on the land to grow food and rely on the sky for food seem to have a special respect for this land god.

Passing through the hustle and bustle of the crowd, the arched old man squeezed the scented wax tightly and slowly approached the candlelight.

In the muddy eyes, the shadow of the flame was reflected, as if the scented wax in his hand was like the melon and fruit that he took care of, he was very careful.

The three pillars of fragrance, the smoke rising, curled up, the rough palms protected the flame-retardant scented wax, gently shaken.

The figure with trembling forehead fell to his knees, muttering words.

"God of agriculture, old man Zhang came to worship you today with incense wax."

"Listen to my children. Worship is about sincerity. In the fields, gods will not pass by. Only in this temple will they show their spirits."

"The old man has never studied and doesn't understand these etiquettes. Hope the God of Agriculture should not blame it."

With broken thoughts, the old man bowed piously. When he raised his head, his eyes filled with turbid tears, and his big hand, which was full of calluses, trembled gently while holding the joss stick.

"The poor harvest last year must be a punishment from the gods to the old man. Now that the old man knows where he honors your old man, he will certainly offer incense on time."

"I just hope the gods will bless me, this year I can also buy seeds and plant food on this old bone."

The old man worshipped again tremblingly, his lips trembling, and said.

"I wish my child can be released by the government sooner, my old man is the only one!"

After the three prayers, with a big hand with a little yellow mud, he tremblingly inserted the incense wax, and walked out of the temple step by step.

Looking at the trembling figure disappearing, the two people at the door talked.

"Isn't that old man Zhang? You can't afford to wear clothes and eat, and you still have money to worship the land god?"

"Heh! I didn't listen to what his son said. Learning from Confucius and Mencius is only about the appearance, not the deep meaning, pitiful."

"Hush! Be careful and speak carefully, but don't let the Zhang family listen to you, or else you will catch and criticize and humiliate Old Master Kong."

"To count this ancestor, Old Man Zhang is also Zhang's family, but has he ever eaten Zhang Xian for nothing?"

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