Martial Sage

Chapter 578: One to pass one hundred

Three days later.

On the lively Vermillion Bird Street, a huge shop is being renovated.

The brand-new tables and chairs of golden nanmu, the radiant candlesticks, and the three big characters "Tianjiaoge" with dragons and phoenix dancing on the door, are always proclaiming to passers-by that there will be a luxurious and unusual shop opening here.

I haven't seen an item for sale, but the curious people have stopped and talked around the store.

The gorgeous lady, looking at the jeweled plaque on the door, said.

"I heard that there will be a rouge gouache store here. I am afraid that only princes and nobles can enjoy such luxurious stores."

"That's true, but the handwriting on this plaque was mentioned by Tang Hao, and it was mounted by my husband, so I can't make mistakes."

A slightly meaningful voice came from the crowded crowd.

It seems that this mounting plaque is like occupying a share in this Tianjiao Pavilion.

"Yo! So, is the news from the Yu Mansion true?"

In the abrupt voice, there was a touch of excitement, and many people looked over it.

"what news?"

"Say it!"

"What new trick did Dingbeihou have created?"

At the same time as the urging voices came, they were secretly mixed with a few words of impatient abuse.

Everyone who is curious wants to know what kind of rare treasures can be sold in such a luxurious and expensive shop.

The woman didn't want to sell her, she said with a little Eight Trigrams in her smile.

"I heard that Ding Beihou created a wonderful fragrance, which is fascinating and fascinating. It can make a woman's face glow, youthful and beautiful, and many wonders."

As soon as the voice fell, many people had their imaginations.

"God, there is still such a god in the world? Isn't it possible for a man to live forever and keep his face forever?"

Of course, there are also some sensible people who do not believe this kind of myth-like rumors.

"Really? Could it be that you made up nonsense to deceive everyone."

Some words are exaggerated invisibly.

This is especially true for those things that will be mysterious.

The discussion continues in front of this gradually taking shape shop, and the rumors are like a pool of water, opening a gap and completely spilling out in the city of Chang'an.

The early days are still the same.

Tang Hao also went to the morning court after a few days of rest.

At the time of the New Year, after the Great Tang pacified the Eastern Turks, its powerful troops shocked the surrounding countries.

There was no more memorial of barbarians invading the border this morning.

The civil servants sang their praises, and most of what they reported in the court was how much taxes were collected on the market, which was a lot more than last year.

The population is growing steadily, the mulberry is planted on time, and irrigation is sufficient, and there will surely be a good harvest this year.

Tang Hao was a little sleepy when he was standing underneath.

After finally getting to the next dynasty, Tang Hao followed the ministers out of the palace slightly confused.

Just before stepping out, Cheng Zhijie followed mysteriously.

"Dingbeihou stayed in step."

Tang Hao looked at Cheng Zhijie, who was copying his hands, and was quite puzzled.

Although he and Cheng Zhijie were friends of life and death, Tang Hao had very little friendship with Cheng Zhijie.

This time, he took the initiative to find himself, but it made Tang Hao a little surprised.

"Duke E, what's the matter?"

This fierce tiger on the battlefield in the past has changed from its usual power today, but is mysterious and embarrassed.

Looking around, Cheng Zhijie leaned in Tang Hao's ear and whispered.

"Dingbeihou, but made a fragrant perfume? Can you let the old man take a look?"

Looking at this veteran with tight muscles, Tang Hao took a step subconsciously and said.

"You... why do you want perfume?"

Seeing Tang Hao avoiding, Cheng Zhijie knew that Tang Hao had misunderstood, so he pulled Tang Hao and said.

"To tell you the truth, I heard that your lady gave a bottle to Yu Mansion, so the old man, the insider, went to Yu Mansion as a guest."

"Since I went back to the mansion, I begged the old man to come and ask for help all day long. For the sake of being in the same dynasty, Dingbeihou would be accommodating?"

"Caibo, the old man will not owe a point."

Tang Hao was slightly surprised, it was only two days before the perfume was delivered.

In this information-blocked time and space, being able to have such a speed, people dare not underestimate it at that time.

But this proves a little bit, Cheng Zhijie, as expected, is as rumored as he is afraid of his wife!

"Hey! Count me one!"

An abrupt voice came from behind.

When the two turned their heads, they saw Du Ruhui appearing behind them for some time, with a flattering smile on his face, looking at Tang Hao.

"Recently, the insider has a sad face and things are not going well."

"If Dingbeihou is accommodating, the old man will send another acre of fertile land to Beihou in exchange."

After that, Du Ruhui said with a charming smile.

"The old man hasn't asked anyone in his life, so today the old man made an exception..."

Tang Hao understood, the two of them tacitly wanted to take a shortcut from him.

Waved his hand, Tang Hao said with a stern expression on his face.

"Two, it's not that I don't care about love."

"This perfume was ordered by the emperor to collect money in exchange for dividends, not careless."


The two looked at each other, looked at Tang Hao who was running away, and muttered.

"Why so."

"Hey! The bonus old man is no better than you. This is always accommodating, right?"

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