Martial Sage

Chapter 584: I'm Sorry

In public for private, it is plausible.

If it wasn't for the Marquis Mansion, or if the two in front of him were the own ladies, Tang Hao would still be a little moved.

But when I think about it, everything seems to be reasonable.

Nowadays, Tang Hao married Princess Changle, who is the royal family, and his own father-in-law is the current king of Tang.

It seems that I want to stay out of the matter and I can't justify it.

"Then I will agree first..."

"Grandpa Honored!"

The long voice came in just right.

Tang Hao glanced around at everyone in the room, spread his hands, and said.

"It's over...can't hide it."

Sure enough, the Lord Rongpai was an oral message from the sage who sent Tang Hao into the palace.

The three Dongzhus were stuffed into the chubby hands of the father-in-law, and after taking them in a light car, the atmosphere in the swaying carriage became cheerful.

It is no longer possible to give and receive gifts once or twice. Although they are familiar with each other, the two are tacitly aware.

What should be asked or shouldn't be asked, what should be said or shouldn't be said, are all weighed in my mind.

With a smile on his face, Tang Hao stared at that pure white fleshy face and said.

"My Lord, is your Majesty today, is it happy or sad?"

Ronggong's white face, the kind smile dissipated, and he turned slightly serious, said.

"At the meeting this morning, your Majesty Long Yan was furious, and after returning to the palace, his expression was flat, and no anger was seen."

With Father Rong's words, Tang Hao felt much more at ease.

Presumably, the matter of this great Confucianism, His Majesty has already broken in his heart.

Walking through the long street, crossing the palace gate, the corridor bridge, you will come to the gate of Taiji Palace.

Grandpa Rong turned slightly and put on a serious face, before leading Tang Hao slowly inside.

In the eye, Tang Wang held a bamboo slip booklet and looked at it.

"Your Majesty, Tang Hao, Dingbei Hou, is here."

The voice of the father-in-law is still respectful.

Wang Wang didn't raise his eyes either, and slowly raised his left hand.


In the silent palace, the two waited silently, silent.

a long time.

Wang Wang put down the bamboo slips in his hand, pushed it to his hand, and looked over.

"Tang Hao, do you know why you are called?"

Tang Hao said with cupped hands.

"Chen, dare to guess, it is related to the confucianism."

Sitting at the head of the temple, the king of Tang picked up the hot tea on the table, took a sip, and said.

"Go on."

The expression was plain, not happy or worried, it was difficult for Tang Hao to detect from Tang Wang's face for a while whether his previous guess was correct.

Tang Hao pondered for a moment to be bold, said.

"The great scholars of Qingzhou came from thousands of miles to denounce the royal family, and committed the following crimes, and there is no king in his eyes, so he should be cut."

In his gaze, Wang Wang's hand holding the teacup slightly choked, without saying a word.

Tang Hao continued.

"But above the list, every sentence and every word is for the benefit of the people of Qingzhou, all for the benefit of the people of the world, it is to promote Confucianism, and it should not be punishable."

The tea that was handed to his mouth did not touch his lips. Wang Wang's cheeks slowly lowered the teacup, and in his eyes, two cold glows swept over.

"In your opinion, how to deal with it?"

Forbearance of anger, with the majestic voice of the royal family, slowly resounded in this Great Hall.

From these words, the grandfather who has been following the king of Tang for many years has already felt that the sky is approaching, and the precursors of the showers and gusts have already come.

Rong Gonggong's hunched back seemed to be lowered by two points again by the pressure, and he couldn't help but glance at the figure on the opposite seat.

Tang Hao could also feel the dignity in the air, and a touch of killing intent that seemed to be true and illusory.

At this moment, Tang Hao was a little unpredictable with the figure above him.

Since entering this palace gate, Tang Wang has never said a word about the disposition of Zhang Xian to the great Confucian family.

At this time, he threw this difficult problem to himself again.

As the saying goes, the heart of the king is like the sea, unfathomable.

Questions that are not prompted are often the most difficult to answer to give a satisfactory answer.

Sandalwood curled around, the candlestick flames trembling slightly, and the air in Great Hall became thick and suffocated.

Father Rongpai didn't notice sweat in his forehead, cool breeze on his back, and his hands trembling faintly, holding his breath, just like King Tang, waiting for a perfect answer.

Tang Hao wriggled in his throat, raised his eyes slightly, and collided with that sharp gaze.

"Your Majesty already has the answer in his heart, why don't you ask any more."

As soon as the voice fell, the dignity in the air suddenly intensified, and there seemed to be a refreshing breeze in the huge hall.

The candlelight flickered and the green smoke scattered.

The eyes that looked at Tang Hao were full of chill.

Although Grandpa Rong did not raise his head, he still felt the anger of the figure on the head of the palace.

The king asked the minister, but the minister did not answer, but asked the king.

Today, Tang Hao is the only one who dared to do this.


The shrill voice of Lord Rongji interrupted in order to stabilize the figure in the hall and give Tang Hao a chance to answer again.

Tang Hao didn't say much, sweating slightly on his forehead, but the gaze in his eyes became more determined.

"It's okay."

A quiet voice was uploaded from the palace head.

The dignity in the air suddenly disappeared, the candlelight was no longer swaying, and the fragrance was stranded.

Wang Wang laughed loudly and said.

"It's so good, you will handle the matter of the Confucian scholar yourself."

"After three days, give me a reply."

The stone pressing on the top of his head was suddenly removed, Tang Hao let out a long breath in his nose, stood up respectfully, cupped hands bowed, said.

"Chen, take orders."

Looking at the figure that sold Great Hall, Grandpa Jung let out a sigh, wiped off the sweat on his forehead, bowed slightly, and moved to the front of the case.

"His Majesty."

"This Ding Beihou..."

King Tang slowly sat down, looked at the open door of the palace, smiled slightly, and said.

"Kill or not, I leave it to him to deal with."

"In three days, he will give me an answer, an answer to the people of Qingzhou, an answer to the great Confucian family."

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