Martial Sage

Chapter 589: The Debate of Confucianism and Taoism

Everyone was seated.

Zhang Xian looked at Tang Hao alone and sneered.

"Tang Hao, you are brilliant and famous in Chang'an. The old man respects you."

"On the Confucian classics, the old man admits he will not lose to you."

"Couldn't the person in the courtroom drank muddy wine, and felt that you were the only one who could argue against my many undergraduates?"

"A child with yellow teeth, can you understand the geometry of the cure?"

Hearing this, Tang Hao smiled slightly and said.

"Please advise."

Seeing that Tang Hao was so straightforward, Zhang Xian was not polite, waving and waving, saying.

"Benevolent, lover, righteous, altruistic."

"In the land of Qingzhou, the people are suffering, but in the city of Chang'an, extravagance is rampant, and the corpses of hundreds of officials are pretended to gather wealth and pride."

"The great Confucian family stands on the Qilu land. In the midst of this crisis, is it to stand up, or just to live the world and stand by?"

The old-fashioned start, sharp contrast, rough traps have been set up, and it was Tang Hao who was waiting for it.

Tang Hao calmly said, calmly.

"Zi said, those who can do the five and the world is benevolent."

"Gong, Kuan, Xin, Min, Hui. Living respectfully, deacon respectful, and loyal to others."

"If the people don't know humility, and the officials don't know loyalty, they will fan the flames in the imperial city and agitate the people."

"Is this country in turmoil, and the people in distress?"

Meeting Tang Hao's questioning eyes, Zhang Xian's heart moved slightly, and there was more appreciation in his eyes looking at Tang Hao.

"While gaining more help but failing to help, those who don't know how to help, those who don't have much help, the ones who help the relatives, the ones who help more, and the world goes smoothly."

"Qingzhou belongs to the land of Datang, why didn't we see Datang's help in distress."

"Could it be possible that the old man, this old bone, is not in Chang'an, and the emperor of the Tang Dynasty cannot hear the wailing of the people of Qingzhou if he does not post the list?"

Speaking of the pain of Qingzhou, Zhang Xian became excited, flushed, and roared.


The big hand shakes the teacup, and the clear tea is poured out.

Tang Hao stood up suddenly, showing resentment, glaring at Zhang Xian coldly, and shouted.

"You still remember the Analects of Confucius classics!"

"The Analects of Confucius, Yan Yuan, in the article. The son said, the beauty of a gentleman is an adult, but the evil of an inadequate one is vice versa."

"The great Confucian family is the land of Qilu, and even the Sacred Land of Confucius and Mencius in the hearts of the people all over the world. It does not promote peace and enlightenment. Instead, it encourages the people to shake the country and slander the king's way. Isn't it the evil of adults? The behavior of the villain?"

"Are you convicted?"

Suddenly raising his head, Tang Hao's face was close in front of him.

Zhang Xian's body then leaned back, a flash of astonishment flashed across his face, and he didn't expect Tang Hao to understand Confucianism so clearly.

Unconsciously, the palms of the hands were sweating, and the facts that I wanted to hide in my heart had already loomed.

Zhang Xian's use of the Qingzhou incident was not only to ask for explanations, but also to fight for a piece of imperial power in the Qingzhou Confucianism, in order to help the king Wu, who has always been admired, be put on the list of the crown prince.

This adventurous and tempting idea has always been a secret in Zhang Xian's heart.

No one knew about it except after talking to the man in the palace.

Zhang Xian secretly calmed his mind and forced the panic in his heart, said.

"The people are the most important, the society is second, and the king is the light."

"The vitality of the people is the most important thing. We should act justly and condemn the deeds of the emperor who betray the people. What is the sin?"

Tang Hao suddenly turned around, looked at the dumbfounded scholars, furiously fluttered his sleeves, said.

"Out of context! Absolutely absurd!"

"Mencius, leave the building, go up, and say, don't follow the six rules, can't correct the five tones, don't follow the rules, can't make a circle."

"If there is no ethics, there is no order? If you let you raise the flag in the Tang Dynasty, how can you talk about the national society?"

"If there is no national community, where can the people come from? Where are the people expensive?"

The clever counterattack made Zhang Xian speechless.

The expressions of the several great Confucian families beside him changed suddenly.

Obviously, he was holding the banner of righteousness, asking the royal family for justice for the people of Qingzhou, and calling for justice.

This time it became the chief culprit for breaking the laws of the Tang Dynasty and disturbing the Republic of China.

This is the great crime of conspiracy committed by the following in the law of Tang Dynasty! But to punish the nine races!

The few great Confucian families who accompanied them were already trembling, and they were shocked.

A look of fear flashed in Zhang Xian's eyes, and the arrogant arrogance that was just now swept away, blushing, and silent.

Looking at this situation, Tang Hao didn't feel much joy in his heart.

The so-called big scholars are rigid and conservative.

The things handed down by the ancestors have become the tools of these aristocratic families and the status of prominent families.

Tang Hao leaned down, brought the already cold tea, and handed it to Zhang Xian's mouth, said.

"Old Zhang, have tea."

"You raised the banner of righteousness, but you have pushed all the children of these aristocratic families to the guillotine, which is indispensable."


The three words are like a thunderbolt in a clear sky.

Zhang Xian was a little confused.

He was originally plausible, but at this moment, he felt a bit like a throat in his throat.

It is good to get justice, the own method seems to be a bit extreme, and it has already touched the bottom line of Tang Law.

He is already an old bone, even if he is convicted, he can still bear it.

It can be a serious sin to implicate a family of young and old, as well as the great Confucian family in Qingzhou.

"no no!"

Zhang Xian's eyes were suddenly bright, his trembling hands grabbed Tang Hao, and stared at Tang Haodao with red eyes.

"The one who is benevolent should be in a high position. If he is not benevolent, he should be in a high position. This is to spread evil to the public."

"Only the noble and benevolent can be in a dominant position. Nowadays, the saints kill brothers and force the father, there is a bit of a half-benevolent person!"

"Such a king is not worthy of being a Datang monarch, so he should be a virtuous!"

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