Martial Sage

Chapter 705: The Power of Tongue Warfare

There are different opinions.

There are many speculations about the identity of such a big mysterious girl.

Some people say it must come from the mysterious Yu family, some say it is a wealthy family outside of Yangzhou, and some even speculate that it is an old acquaintance of Tang Hao!

Of course, this is the speculation of the small wealthy businessmen, and some wealthy families are more likely to hold a good show attitude, cross their hands and wait for the Zheng family's response.

Among them, there are many merchant families with solid wealth, and they are itching to hear the price of 50,000 guan. I only hate the intervention of the Zheng family. If not, I will definitely add some and take down these rare treasures.

Li Wanqing and Princess Changle, who were sitting in the main seat, were like these merchant families, their minds and thoughts flying.

Li Wanqing glanced at the girl's delicate face, frowned, pouted, and said something bitterly.

"Should this be the acquaintance of the dead boy again?"

"I look at the kid, I just owe it! How dare you get the flowers everywhere."

Li Wanqing and Tang Hao's grudges and grudges, along the way, the ups and downs, it is not easy.

He has always called his name directly, even with the name of the dead boy, the boy, but in my heart I cherish this hard-won love.

With the previous Meng Yuqi and now a girl no less beautiful than herself, how could Li Wanqing not doubt it?

In addition, the woman's fair and delicate skin is better than her, and it is inevitable that there will be a touch of jealousy in her heart.

Princess Changle's soft fingers covered her secretly clenched fists, her mouth pursed, and she looked at Li Wanqing, who was staring hostilely on her face.

"Wan'er Big sis, you! Too much suspicion!"

"Look at that girl's demeanor between her gestures. With her fair complexion, she must be a boudoir for a long time and not good at going out."

"How can you meet your husband?"

As if receiving a touch of comfort in his heart, Li Wanqing's clenched fist eased, and there was less hostility in his eyes and more gratitude.

After thinking for a moment, Li Wanqing went back to her head.

"Little Sister is right!"

"It's just that why does this woman help our Tang family for no reason? Even if she is interested in this colored glaze, she won't pay this price!"

The words were suddenly interrupted by Manager Zheng Jiali.

"The girl has this financial ability, and exports are ten times the price, which is really amazing."

"Old man Rong is curious, he said more, dare to ask the girl's name? My father is a wealthy family member?"

Speaking of this, Guan Shi, who asked about cupped hands, seemed to think that there was something wrong with this question, so he added a sentence.

"Girls don't mind, the Zheng family is absolutely not malicious, but hope that after this incident, our Zheng family can help your house with some of the transactions delivered on Rivers and Lakes."

What Guan Shi heard was not only what the merchant family was curious about, but also what he couldn't understand.

This girl doesn't look like she's in the prime of life, she doesn't seem to come from the He family, but she makes such a generous shot!

On the one hand, I wanted to find out the girl's life experience, and on the other hand, after the incident, he would clean up these malicious opponents for the Zheng family.

In response to these countless pairs of curious eyes, the woman didn't care, especially in Guan Shi's hostile eyes, but she was not afraid at all.

Standing in the hallway of the stand, the woman slowly turned around and looked at Guan Shi Li, with a touch of power in her eyes.

"Why? This Jingbao Conference is also the place where your Zheng family negotiates business?"

"This girl's life experience, I am afraid there is no need to talk to you, the servant of the Zheng family's foreign surname!"

In a word, without anger and prestige!

There is a hint of arrogance in his body, and his words can increase the accent of the word servant with the foreign surname.


The whole venue was quiet.

A scent of gunpowder smoke diffused throughout the Jingbao venue, gradually becoming richer!

With words circling his ears, Guan Shi's heart suddenly rose with nameless anger.

This person actually tore his face to his face, openly and the Zheng family as an enemy!

The anger turned anger, but Guan Shi also felt more shocked.

What kind of family is this! Unexpectedly, he could leave no affection for the Zheng family in the Yangzhou area.

Many of the merchant families present here are also the same as this manager Li, but most of them are shocked.

This little Yangzhou Jingbao is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

For a time, many people's hearts were even more grinning. Unexpectedly, the Zheng family, who was usually in Yangzhou, was deflated!

Especially in this kind of meeting place where businessmen gather and celebrities are everywhere!

I am afraid that the position of the Zheng family in Yangzhou will plummet from now on! Become the laughingstock of everyone's ridicule.

Thinking that there might be a greater backing behind this mysterious family, Guan Shi didn't dare to make trouble rashly, and smiled embarrassingly.

"The girl didn't want to tell, the old man didn't ask any more."

"If there is any offense, please ask girl Haihan!"

Cupped hands apologize, humble attitude!

Zheng Jiaran gave up?

In such a moment, almost all merchant families cast a complex look, and the expressions on their faces were extremely rich.

Some were sighed and disappointed for the Zheng family, some were surprised at the end of a good show, and some were gloating.

Almost at the same time, everyone felt that the Zheng family lost all in this battle of tongues.

The Zheng family was discredited in Yangzhou, and it was a complete failure!

The girl in the light blue shirt felt a little relieved, and finally felt relieved.

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