Martial Sage

Chapter 707: A Final Word

For a time, in a dilemma, riding a tiger is hard to get off!

Cold sweat was already coming out of his forehead, and even the hand holding the bell trembled slightly.

At this moment, Guan Shi's old face was extremely gloomy, and a pair of eyes reflected the woman Liying who was leisurely drinking tea.

Gritting his teeth, Guan Shi decided to fight for the fame of the Zheng family, and the bell quivered.

"Little girl, there are some things, it's better not to touch things that shouldn't be touched."

"The Zheng family is still very young, with good teeth, this bone can still be chewed."

"Zheng family, eighty-five thousand pens!"

He deliberately increased the volume of the word "Zhengjia", which seemed to warn the little girl next to him that such behavior was against whom.

Sure enough, the beautiful figure suffocated the hand holding the teacup, as if thinking.

The light blue shirt swayed slightly with the breeze from the skylight of the house. The woman's beautiful eyebrows were slightly raised, and her green fingers tapped the green jade cup.

One colored glaze, eighty-five thousand pens!

This price is already higher than the sky, which is unprecedented.

Plus, can the family behind it really be able to bear it?

The seemingly calm surface, in fact, has already been flustered and solemn with increasing heights.

After a few breaths of silence, she seemed to have made up her mind. The woman raised her head and put the green tea into her mouth, turning her head to reveal a sneer.

"Good mouth?"

"Is it?"

Under the gaze of countless eyes, the bell in his hand rang again.

"Ninety-five thousand pens!"

There was a touch of unknown sadness and sadness in the soft voice, but it was steadfastly yelled out.


The entire Jingbao venue is like boiling water, boiling completely!

The sky-high price!

From the beginning to the end Wanguan Wanguan rose, has never stopped!

Many people stood up, stared at the mysterious woman in amazement, and shouted.

"Oh my god! Is this... where does this little girl come from? She actually has such financial resources."

"Unbelievable! A little girl's family is so courageous! A family has such financial resources! It is beyond my expectation!"

"Tsk tusk! Not simple! Not simple! Yangzhou has since added a mysterious chaebol family!"

"Here is the treasure! It is clearly fighting for a face!"

In the words, there was no longer the previous suspicions and disdain, but instead was shocked and admired by this powerful financial power.

Hearing the discussion in his ear, Tang Hao, who didn't interrupt from beginning to end, his face became more and more solemn.

It stands to reason that the two great families are vying to bid, and the ultimate beneficiary is Tang Hao, who is in the midst of the matter but is left out.

However, Tang Hao could see that the girl who helped her out of danger had reached the limit of extreme price, and the end of the battle.

If the noise goes on like this, I am afraid that it is not the rise of a family, but the fall of a wealthy family!

The raised eyebrows were reflected in the bright eyes, and the expression of the teeth biting his lower lip, Tang Hao had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Can't let this family who rescued oneself finally end up with the family wealth dissipated!

Turning his gaze lightly, Tang Hao looked at Manager Li, who was already flushed and his eyes bulging. Obviously, this price was already the biggest price paid by his servant.

Manager Li stood up and looked at the woman, his chest burning with anger.

As the merchants below said, this is no longer a competition for treasures. It is a time for two families to compete with each other for wealth and prestige!

What is hateful is that the little girl who has been silent on the opposite side once again held up the weight.

One hundred thousand coins!

This amount, even a business veteran like him, has never handled such an astonishing amount once.

The trembling hand slowly stretched out, wiped away the cold sweat from his forehead, and stretched out toward the bell at the corner of the table.

Behind him, a pair of big hands pressed the trembling arms.

"Manager Li, stop here!"

"Beware of fraud!"

The deep reminder echoed in his ears, and Guan Shi's figure shook.

He once thought about this.

However, this time it sounds more like a piece of advice, a step.

Sitting down on the seat, Guan Shi took a big breath, leaning back, and said in a deep voice.

"After this is over, touch the bottom of this little girl."

Guan Shi silently exited, declaring this round of treasures, and it came to an end for the time being.

On the side table, the woman's peripheral light caught a glimpse of the old man sitting down, pulling her hand tightly at the corner of the shirt, and slowly lowering it.

It wasn't until this time that I realized that I was nervous to the extreme. Even my hands and feet were a bit sore and sleepy. I don't know when the smooth forehead was already covered with fine sweat.

Seeing that the malicious competition had come to an end, Tang Hao took a long breath of relief, his palm holding the mallet was already soaked with sweat.

Unexpectedly, this little treasure is even more nervous than a palace face saint!

Putting on a smile again, Tang Hao stretched his arms and signaled the undecided crowd to take their seats.


The mallet hit the bell on the white jade platform, making a long and crisp sound.

"Congratulations to this girl, for taking the picture of Ma Chao Longque Liuli at the price of 95,000 guanxi!"

The young woman who had watched a big show just woke up like a dream at this time, stepping forward, slowly putting the transparent glass product into the wooden box.

Carefully moved to the second floor, and accepted a bronzing serial number plate from the woman in a light blue shirt.

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