Martial Sage

Chapter 709: Meeting again

The nine-curved corridor is like the mood of a woman in blue.

Only then has the dazzling light bloomed and become the focus of much attention.

But in the near future, only she knows best.

The fate of the entire family is like this meteor in the sky, dazzling and fleeting.

"Girl stay!"

The strong magnetic voice came from behind.

This friendly voice interrupted the thoughts of the woman in the light blue shirt, restrained her mind, slowed down, and looked back.

Almost at the same moment when the voice came through, the two guards behind him already held the hilt with their fingers and turned around.

In front of his eyes, Tang Hao wore a white shirt and hurried over with two beautiful characters.

Out of the light, I caught a glimpse of the alert posture of the two female guards drawing their swords, and the calluses on the tiger's mouth.

The alertness and swiftness of consciousness made Tang Hao amazed that the force of these two men was only placed on Datang, not under some school lieutenants.

Tang Hao consciously waved his hand two steps away, stopping Li Wanqing and Princess Changle from wanting to move forward.

Standing in place, bowed respectfully and said with cupped hands.

"Don't panic the girl, there is no malice here."

"It's just that there are some trivial things to ask, and I also ask the girl for one or two."

The modest attitude made the blue-clothed woman more useful. In addition, she was not hostile to Tang Hao. The blue-clothed woman raised a smile and placed her bare hands on the arms of the two guards.

When the two guards let go of the hilt, the woman in blue slowly took a step forward and blessed her body.

"I have seen Master Tang."

"Minnv doesn't know what the adults can ask for, but it doesn't hurt to say."

With gestures and gestures revealing the demeanor and generosity of famous ladies, Tang Hao replied with a respectful attitude.

"Presumably the girl understands in her heart, it's just a small colored glaze, and it often won't sell for nearly 100,000!"

"I hope the girl will give me some advice."

In Tang Hao's eyes, this was nothing more than a cheap glass product, which was so common that it cost almost less than fifty liters.

Even if people in this era respect Liuli, even if Liuli is sold at this price, it is still outrageous!

Many women across from each other pursed their lips and chuckled, looking at Tang Hao with interest.

"What? Master Tang came here to tell me that this colored glaze is not worth the price?"

"This girl is also the first time I saw someone who saw the money, but didn't have the courage to accept it. Is it because Master Tang was timid?"

Seeing the woman looking at him jokingly, Tang Hao laughed loudly.

"The girl laughed."

After all, pointing to the two beautiful ladies behind him, said.

"Tang came to the land of Yangzhou this time and traveled all the way. He was embarrassed in his pocket. Now that he has this Jinshan wealth, how can he not dare to accept it."

"What's more, these two stunning wives of Tang are also greedy for the scenery of the south of the Yangtze River. The things they bought are countless, and they are short of money."

Converging his smile, Tang Hao turned a touch of seriousness on his face.

"It's just the saying, that a gentleman loves money and takes it in a proper way."

"A little colored glaze was taken away at such a high price, Tang Mou was really uneasy, and Xiang asked to understand."

As his tone paused, Tang Hao caught a glimpse of those faces that did not show joy and sorrow, and Tang Hao couldn't hold back what the woman was thinking, adding one sentence.

"If the girl really likes it, Tang can give it to the girl free of charge. It's also a fate."

"If the girl has any concerns, take that Quan as a thank you after Tang's relief."

His words are sincere and there is no hint of falsehood.

The woman in blue and the two guards behind her were obviously startled.

Ninety-five thousand pens, as a thank you gift?

This Tang Hao really sees money as dung? Or is the family business in the Marquis Mansion already earning enough money?

For a moment, the two guards behind him had a heartbeat!

Ninety-five thousand pens are enough to prevent the family from falling into embarrassment!

In other words, even if it is suppressed in the future, these ninety-five thousand pens are enough to allow the family to move to other states and rise again!

In the silence, there was a hot flash in the eyes of the guard, and some even hoped that the woman in front of him could agree to it.

It is not only the guard who is thinking about the same thing, but also the woman in blue.

She also deeply knows how much effect these ninety-five thousand pens have played for the survival of her family.

For a moment, the woman in blue almost wanted to say what she had accepted.

But when the words rolled out of his throat, they were suppressed by the inherent pride of his family.

With a smile, the woman in blue arched cupped hands.

"Master Tang was kind, and the little girl accepted it."

"Master Tang is also a wise person, and adults must also see clearly about this overweight thing, and the reason why Rong Xiaomai can't tell."

Lightly touching the arms of the two guards, the blue-clothed woman bowed.

"Don't pass it here."

"Master Tang, future auctions may not be so lucky. Adults need to be careful."


The three of them bid farewell, leaving their graceful backs.

Tang Hao looked at the back of the three of them, recalling the words of the woman just now, vaguely, it seemed that the woman knew the old man very well.

For an instant, it seemed as if there was a ray of soft light in the dark, which could reveal the mystery of this strange auction.

Looking at the figure that was about to disappear, Tang Hao said anxiously.

"Dare to ask the girl's name."

At the corner, the three stopped, seeming to think for a while.

After a while, a white light shot towards Tang Hao's door.

Tang Hao held up two fingers between the sparkling flint and held it firmly.

Three pairs of eyes stared at Tang Hao's fingertip wooden sign, slowly unfolding.


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