Martial Sage

Chapter 717: The Man of the Imperial City

I don't know who leaked the sky-high price of colored glaze.

One pass ten, ten pass a hundred, spread quickly in Yangzhou City.

Someone was interested in this astonishing amount, gesturing how big the mountain could be.

Some people said that the mysterious woman was extremely speculative. Some said it was from the mysterious Yu family, some said it was a royal princess passing by for fun, and some said it was a wealthy family married to a foreign businessman.

For a while, the hot news about this occupies almost the whole of Yangzhou's people's idle chats.

The astute merchants had already searched for a smell of copper from it, and they tried every possible means to ask Tang Hao when he was going to win the treasure next time. The purpose is to get a little bit cheaper from it and resell it at a good price.

The small merchants gathered together one after another, took out their own wallets, and took out some spare money.

Those big merchants who were rebellious but were squeezed by the Zheng family also secretly found some reliable personnel, exchanged the cash, and prepared to put together one or two at the last minute.

Gradually, some strange faces appeared in the small city of Yangzhou.

Some are from nearby states and counties, some are from foreign businessmen who arrived in a hurry, and some are from overseas business travelers.

It seems that in less than a few days, Yangzhou City has become a bit crowded.

"The person in front, get out of the way!"

With a shout, a carriage slowly drove into the city gate!

The coachman was completely dumbfounded as soon as he entered the city gate.

I planned to draw two lashes, gallop on horseback, and get to the inn as soon as possible to avoid the scorching sun.

But I didn't expect that this sparsely old Yangzhou city was already bustling, and this crowded scene is not an exaggeration at all.

Raising the bead curtain slightly, the coachman smiled flatly.

"Master, there are too many people! We can only go slowly!"

The rough male voice in the car sounded.

"It's so fucking bad, aren't these untouchables afraid of the heat? They're all begging when they go to the streets?"

"Don't worry about them, go to Yuelai Inn as soon as possible! The little master is already sweating out of boredom."

Putting down the bead curtain, the horse whip sounded suddenly, accompanied by screams and curses around, the carriage speeded up a lot, and went straight to the Yuelai Inn.

Fatty, who got off the car, dressed in gold and daiyu, took a puff fan and scolded a few words on the ghost weather, and strode towards the hall.

When Fang arrived at the door, he was stopped by Xiaoer Men Ying, looked at the Fatty with a smile, and said.

"Guest, I'm really sorry, this shop is already full, please find another home."

Facing the scorching sun, Fatty's sweat was rustling, and this time he heard that there were no guest rooms, and suddenly became angry.

"Why? Look down on this little master, don't you?"

"Your broken shop, in our Dengzhou, Xiaoye didn't even look at it, dare to refuse customers?"

With Fatty's big eyes wide open, Xiao Er stretched out a touch of timidity, stepped back two steps, and bowed.

"Master, it's true that the inn has been booked and can no longer take guests outside. Please do it for your convenience."

Yo roar.

A shout came from the coachman beside Fatty.

"Do you know our name in Dengzhou? Dengzhou Miner!"

"Sitting on eight coal mines, with a wealth of wealth they can afford, we can also start, tell us how much they can afford?"

The shop Xiaoer was about to reply, the horse hooves shook behind him, the sandalwood base, and the gold-rimmed luxury carriage slowly came to a halt.

A gorgeously dressed young man slowly walked towards the inn, and the shop Xiao Eryi responded with a bright smile on his face.

"Official man, are you here?"

Seeing the shop's little Er's eagerness to flatter, Fatty looked even more annoyed.

"Why does he have a guest room when he comes, but if I come to mine master Dengzhou, I don't have one?"

The loud and bright voice of a bell seemed particularly noisy in this hot summer, the son curled his eyebrows slightly, glanced at Fatty, and walked up slowly.

"Dengzhou mine master?"

"The coal mines in the land of Dengzhou are all controlled by the government. I don't know where you, the mine master, came out from."

While speaking, the paper fan in his hand knocked Fatty's head and whispered softly.

"My son still has important things to do, so I don't want to be entangled."

"You're pretty good! This head will stay on your neck first. If this young man remembers that day, he went to Dengzhou and he will find what you want."

After all, he turned and walked towards the store regardless of the fatty flushed cheeks.

Fatty, annoyed, was about to speak, but was dragged tightly by a pair of hands next to him.

When he looked back, the coachman had a pale face, and he tightly grasped his own clothes and dragged them back.

"Hurry up, go!"

The flesh on his face trembled twice, and his mouth splashed with saliva.

"Look at you silly! What's so scary, treat me..."

Before he finished speaking, he was covered by the hands of the coachman, covering his mouth and nose, and said in horror.

"Master, we can't afford this person!"

"This is the high official of the capital!"

Fatty suddenly stunned in place, like a puppet knocked on by someone stupid.

"I...I see his jade pendant... it seems that he is still a grandfather... from the mansion..."

Hesitating words were squeezed out of the driver's mouth, and Fatty's face was instantly bloodless.

Recalling the words of the young man just now, he felt cold in his hands and feet, and he couldn't help touching his neck, said.


"Really... Damn it... Jing Bao can also meet... Grandpa's people!"

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