Martial Sage

Chapter 731: I'm Sorry

The king of Tang gave an order, and the matter was settled.

Anyone present who is not a veteran of the business can see the oil and water in them.

As the saying goes, if you don't have that Vajra drill, you don't want to work on porcelain.

The entire imperial city is rich in resources, but after all, this is not something that anyone can play, and only this Tang Hao can handle these things right now.

Not only was he highly praised by the king of Tang, but he also seemed to be reluctant to accept such a beautiful job.

For a moment, the veteran in the palace was itchy, but helpless.

When Tang Hao returned to the mansion, the two ladies had already packed some bags and said they were going to return to their parents' house.

After going out for a few months, it would be good to come back to report that he was safe, and Tang Hao agreed.

However, the two of them went aside, and it was difficult for Tang Hao to make a decision. He took two sets of glass products left during the auction, one set for each person, and he should honor his mother-in-law and father-in-law.

Princess Changle took a big suitcase and a big wooden box, riding a carriage, and went straight to Tai Chi Palace.

Before entering the hall, he shouted sweetly.

"Father, my son came to see you."

Sitting at the desk, reading the memorial, and hearing the call from her daughter, my heart moved slightly.

Since childhood, Princess Changle has been a woman who likes to live alone, and her personality is inevitably a little introverted and calm, so that she suffers from depression.

Could it be that Yangzhou and his party made her daughter more cheerful?

Putting down the memorial, Wang Wang stood up, with a smile on his face.

"Quality! Back!"

Between the words, Princess Changle had stepped into the palace gate and walked in.

"Father, my son brought you a lot of good food, come and taste it!"

The eunuch, the entourage behind him, hurriedly handed the bag up.

"This is a pebble bun. It is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. It is salty and delicious. This is what my husband strongly recommends. Come and taste it."

As he said, the jade hand gently broke a piece and stuffed it into the cheerful mouth of the king of Tang.

"And this, the rich and famous people in the south of the Yangtze River like to drink it, called plum wine."

"It's very different from the one in our imperial city. This road has a Jiangnan flavor. The husband will be a little bit decayed in the long journey, so he always put ice cubes on it."

"In the meantime, I changed the ice ball many times!"

After that, he turned around and opened the box, revealing an oval wine jar with the size of a palm.

The original chunks of ice have turned into ice ballast, and there are still a lot of water stains.

Uncovering the red silk and removing the cork, a peculiar plum scent came out, with a sour taste.

Smelling this appetizing breath, Tang Wang happily took it, put it to his mouth, and took a sip.

The taste is cold, sweet and sour, with an attractive fragrance of ripe plums, and a slightly drunk aroma, which is very delicious.

Holding the wine jar in front of him with a smile, Tang Wang smiled happily.

"This kid will enjoy it!"

"In our huge palace, using some ice ballast is still saving and saving, and his kid also uses it for iced wine!"

It sounds like blame, but the appreciation in it has long been concealed.

"Father, let's tell you the truth, at the Marquis Mansion, there are ice cubes that can't be used up every day!"

"Blowing the cool breeze, drinking ice-cold grape stuffed stuff, eating ice cream, so happy."

King Tang is a bit silly!

The life of this marquis mansion is much more leisurely than this palace.

"Hey! Quality, what is this ice cream?"

When the emperor father, who has always been knowledgeable, didn't know what he was, Princess Chang Le was happy, covering her mouth with a smile.

"If the emperor father is free, you can come to the Marquis Mansion for a taste or two. This ice cream is something that melts easily, so I can't bring it back to the palace for the emperor to taste."

King Tang stroked Princess Changle's head and looked at the delighted face, with joy in his heart.

Just a few months after marrying into the Marquis Mansion, Princess Changle is indeed alive and cheerful now.

Thinking of this, Wang Wang felt more and more that he insisted on referring to the correct marriage at the time.

A happy daughter is more important than being a wife and concubine!

"Really? There are still such things? I am curious, there are so many new and singular ideas from this kid!"

Perhaps it was a trip to the far door, and Princess Changle's heart was also unconsciously relaxed in the landscape of high mountains and waters. Or maybe it was not seen in March, and the feeling of longing in Princess Changle's heart was also particularly strong.

This time, the king of Tang mentioned that seeing the novel color on his father's face, once the box of Changle's words was opened, it was quite uncontrollable.

He waved his hand and asked the little eunuch to put his bag aside, and Princess Chang Le took Tang Wang's arm and said.

"Father, more than that!"

"Since entering this Marquis Mansion, my sons and ministers know that the husband is really like a god outside the sky."

"The transparent glass, the freehand brushwork of the landscape, the tea table of the Yanyun Waterfall, and this crystal clear tea set are really countless and amazing!"

The father and daughter talked as they walked, chatting with some homely words under the shade of the backyard of the Tai Chi Palace.

Perhaps even Princess Changle hadn't noticed some talkative changes in herself. Perhaps Tang Wang hadn't experienced this kind of harmony between father and daughter.

While listening to her daughter slowly coming, she enjoyed this rare family happiness.

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