Martial Sage

Chapter 760: Li Yuan's Death

On the way back to the home, the words of those kiln workers lingered in their ears clearly.

Tang Hao had mixed feelings in his heart.

Wu Tong was right. The flourishing age of the Tang Dynasty was the flourishing age of those powerful families.

Ordinary people in the countryside have only grasped the tail of the prosperous age. Perhaps life is indeed more comfortable than before, but this material is still extremely scarce.

Even if the income of food increases, it will only give these poor people more stuff to fill their stomachs.

But the dressing and living have not improved much.

Tang Hao is just a small member of this great Tang, he can't save everyone in the world, nor can he boast that everyone can eat and wear warm Haikou.

Lifting the curtain on the carriage, King Tang looked at the crowd of Xiran on the Loess Avenue, a gleam of light appeared in his eyes.

"You can't save the people of the world, maybe you can make the people around you live better."

The mumbling comes from the bottom of my heart, like a declaration, but also like a promise.

Everything went well in Huangzhuang’s kiln, and the cement produced was in full compliance with Tang Hao's standards.

It also confirmed Tang Hao's conjecture again.

It's not that this material recognizes the region, but that an official who doesn't know how to pretend to understand, command blindly.

The mere fourth rank is not enough to make Tang Hao care about this matter.

Holding the note placed in the sleeve beforehand, Tang Hao handed it to the dressmaker.

"According to these three sizes, make two sets respectively."

"Choose some good fabrics to be festive and well-colored, and leave them for my two ladies to wear."

Several dressmakers heard that it was worn by Mrs. Tang, so they didn't dare to neglect at all, and carefully cut it out.

Seeing these bouncing cotton, Tang Hao moved his heart and looked to the northwest.

"Presumably it's almost Longyou by this time, right?"

"I just hope that everything goes well for you to bring this cotton back."

Busy time always flies quickly.

In the Marquis’s mansion, Tang Hao had to take care of Princess Changle. Fortunately, the fetus in his womb was still small, and he didn’t need to worry too much.

Princess Changle, who was a new mother, needs Tang Hao's company and talks to resolve her anxiety, caution, and confusion.

Physical discomfort and psychological changes are also slowly diminished in the modern knowledge of parenting that Tang Hao instilled daily.

Jin Wang Li Zhi, the child, seems to have grown up a lot in Qingzhou and his party.

It's just that this innocent child is less immature than before, has more respect for Tang Hao, and more care for Princess Changle.

Tang Hao, who was also an important matter of the country, was busy with the things in the Tang mansion while also busy with the progress in the imperial estate.

Kilns, wine shops, tea houses, perfumes, honeycomb briquettes that are now hoarding, and fired cement.

Tang Hao doesn't need to do it himself, but Tang Hao's care is needed.

It's almost every three o'clock in the line, running back and forth.

At the end of September, a major event happened in the imperial city.

Supreme Emperor Li Yuan died.

This old man was supposed to walk in front of the Queen of the Grand Sun in the nine years of Zhenguan, but it has been dragged to this day before he died for a long time.

In the old life of the elderly, wives and concubines are in groups, and they are romantic, leaving many children and grandchildren.

Tang Hao, who was still overseeing the production of cotton-padded clothes, heard the sad bell ringing in the imperial city, and his heart was mixed.

The last time the bells and drums sounded, it was the death of Queen Eldest Sun. This time I am afraid that it is the royal family, and there will be one missing family member.

"This is the death knell of the imperial city?"

He had just returned to the manager of the imperial house, his face was solemn, with a touch of sadness.

"Return to Lord Hou, it is the death of the Supreme Emperor."

The steward finished speaking, slowly heading towards the palace, bowing to the ground.

Hearing these words, Tang Hao sighed in his heart.

The man who founded Datang Jiangshan is no longer there now, and Datang has one less legendary figure!

Speaking of which, this old man is also a tragic figure.

When he was young, he led his troops to fight from the east to the west to disintegrate the decadent Sui Dynasty step by step.

During his lifetime, he climbed the throne of the king on the mountain of corpses in the sea of ​​blood, which attracted the attention of the world.

But I never thought that when I was proud of my life, my own sons were fighting in the same room and killing each other.

Tang Hao didn't dare to think about the mood of a father watching his own flesh and blood fight.

The throne, who had not yet been scorching hot, was also forced to retreat to the deep palace under the intimidation of the king of Tang who had won the siblings.

A monarch, who suffered two shocking changes in a row, eventually became the romantic Emperor of the Tang Dynasty in this harem.

This kind of mental journey is just for ordinary people, it is hard to imagine, hard to understand.

Slowly bowing in the direction of the imperial city, Tang Hao just stood up.

When I was making oil-splattered noodles for the old man, I saw him once. The Supreme Emperor seemed to have this deep resentment towards the current King of Tang.

At this moment, people have driven to the west of Hexi, and the grievances are also written off. I only hope that this old man will be able to see the human worldliness when he lasts, let go of his obsessions, and have a good beginning and a good end.

While thinking about it, outside the imperial village, there was a "call" of the coachman reining in his horse.

Grandpa Ronggong was dressed in white and plain clothes, standing under the gate of the imperial village, whirling in the corner of his eyes, hoarsely calling out.

"Dingbeihou, your majesty summoned."

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