Martial Sage

Chapter 771: Asking for National Treasure

Upon hearing the question, the two envoys smiled at each other.

The Baekje messenger took the lead in responding with cupped hands.

"Datang has abundant resources and strong soldiers and horses. In recent years, the Northern Expedition to Turkic led to an astonishing war."

"His Majesty Baekje is deeply impressed by Tang's prestige, and he is humbly taught."

"Now Goguryeo's army is in full force, and Baekje is in fear. Hopefully, Tang can protect us from war."

Before the words fell, Silla's envoy took the stubbornness, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"His Majesty Tang, all the people of Goguryeo are soldiers, and they claim to have an army of 500,000."

"In recent years, Gai Suwen has vigorously increased his army, and it has been swelling day by day. His Majesty Silla has a kind heart, but despite the limited terrain, there are no soldiers in the pot to fight against."

"If you can win the blessing of the Tang Dynasty, and you will be in peace for the first time, Silla will respect the Tang Dynasty and the people will think of the Heavenly Grace of Tang Dynasty."

After that, the Silla envoy bowed to the ground, with both hands on his forehead, and slowly bowed down.

"Hope that His Majesty Tang can solve the danger of Silla, and Silla will dedicate the treasures of the middle school every year."

The five bodies cast the ground and bowed down and bowed to the ground, which really meant a bit of sincerity.

For so many years, the Goguryeo branch has been a heart disease in Tang Wang's heart.

So that Goguryeo's every move was in the eyes of the king of Tang, and Su Gavin made great efforts in military engineering, strengthened the defense of the middle school, and disturbed the three-nation pattern of the peninsula, and the ambition of the peninsula was clearly revealed.

The two envoys came, in the final analysis, because they were afraid of Sugawen.

But this is a bit tricky.

Baekje's attitude is somewhat dictatorial. The relationship with Goguryeo has been hot and cold over the years, and it is very subtle.

As for this Silla, it seems to be a salted fish, thinking about protecting the country and the people, and has made many decisions with Baekje to contend with Goguryeo. It has also been broken down by Baekje's relationship with Goguryeo many times.

This time, the two of them first presented the middle school treasures, and then praised Datang as a heaven.

A gleam of light appeared in the deep eyes, and the king of Tang patted the armrest of the dragon seat, laughed, and shook his head and crowned the jade beads trembling.

"alright, alright!"

"You have two skillful tongues, but in the final analysis it is a conquest of Goguryeo."

"But this is a matter of the Tang Dynasty. Whether or not to conquer, and when to conquer, it is up to my Datang to decide."

Slowly waved his hand, Tang Wang said jokingly.

"You guys, don't have to complain like this."

"If the two countries have a good relationship with Datang, if there is a war, Datang can adjust its troops as appropriate."

King Tang is not stupid, how could he rashly attack them in a few words?

The previous three campaigns against Goguryeo failed and suffered heavy losses.

At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, when the king of Tang ordered the recovery of the remains of the former warriors, he destroyed the proud "Kingguan" of Goguryeo. Goguryeo was so scared that he built a bunker for defense, starting from Fuyu City in the east, and stretching for thousands of miles to the sea in the southwest.

Regarding this fortification, if you want to make a breakthrough, you must take a long-term view. How can you attack it rashly?

The envoy of Xinluo was shocked when he heard the words of King Tang.

King Tang's words were too ambiguous, neither politely refused nor agreed, it was entirely a matter of your loyalty.

Datang may be able to wait for his country to show loyalty, but his excessive people cannot wait!

Goguryeo is just a stone's throw away, and it is a matter of a short time for the army to crush the territory, and it is also a kung fu for a cup of tea to keep the war and slaughter!

Straightening up in a hurry, Silla's envoy was extremely anxious on his face.

"Your Majesty Tang, Xinluo's intention to surrender is a lesson from heaven and earth!"

"Courageously implore your Majesty to marry a princess, as the marriage of the two countries, Silla is willing to present ten boxes of precious medicinal materials, more than 100 beauties, and 100 gold thread fabrics every year."

"I would like to ask Datang's blessings to exchange information about what is needed and tell good stories about in-laws."

Silla's actions were quite abrupt, and his heart of seeking peace was quite anxious, and even the treasures he presented were quite a few, which was a bit fascinating!

We must know that in this small country, military positions are originally scarce, and it is the limit to be able to produce so many treasures every year.

Even the Baekje envoy's face changed.

The county king of Silla is a little weak, but he has won the hearts of the people, but he never thought that the king could put down his figure and beg for all the people of Silla.

Is such a low posture really done by the prince of a country?

While being surprised, the Silla messenger beside him urged in a low voice.

"Don't be stunned, say something for us!"

"Aren't we here for peace?"

Hearing this, a sly gaze flashed in the eyes of the Baekje envoy, and he slowly bowed.

"His Majesty Tang, even if Xin Luo intends to marry and seek peace first, Baekje is not good at speaking up again."

"Baekje country only hopes that His Majesty can bestow five thousand armors to help the Baekje army vigorously, and has resisted the Goguryeo soldiers!"

The two seem to have a sense of harmony, as if they had previously negotiated.

The princess of the Tang Dynasty is the blood of the royal family, and is the blood of the king of Tang, so it goes without saying that her status is noble.

The battle armor can be regarded as a country's military secrets. There are 5,000 pieces at the first opening, and the tone is not small.

Wang Wang chuckled, looking at the two kneeling in the temple, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"It's really not easy what you are looking at!"

After that, glanced at his Royal Highness and his ministers, said.

"You Aiqing, tell me, how should I choose?"

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