Martial Sage

Chapter 773: The Secret

The Tai Chi Hall fell into silence for a while.

In fact, the intention of the King of Tang had already made it clear that asking the ministers was just unwilling to refuse face-to-face, leaving a face for the two envoys.

How did your Royal Highness's courtiers know what Tang Wang meant?

Fang Xuanling walked slowly into the hall, looking at the two figures lying prone on the ground, and bowing to the cupped hands of King Tang.

"Your Majesty, it is now entering the cold winter, and the colder it gets more and more north, even if the conquest will definitely not be in this season."

"As for the Princess of the Tang Dynasty, the armor of the iron cavalry is the treasure of the Tang Dynasty, and the hearts of the two envoys are a little big!"

Upon hearing this, the messenger from Xinluo felt a little bit pale in his heart.

In fact, there are many acts of marriage in the Tang Dynasty, like Tuyuhun, and places like Tubo, there are princesses and kisses.

As for this princess, she also has dignity and inferiority, and most of the people who went out with the kiss were some nameless, collateral bloodline of the Tang king.

The messenger did not expect that even such a superficial move would not be allowed by the Tang king.

For a moment, a touch of sadness surged into my heart, and the messenger paled and his lips moved.

"Your Majesty Tang! I beg you to see the danger of surviving in the cracks of Xinluo, and allow me to wait!"

"It's also the princess, it's okay."

As soon as this remark came out, even King Tang, who had always been calm, was slightly surprised.

A word difference, thousands of miles apart.

In Datang at this time, the princess was the daughter of the crown prince. Compared with the daughter of the current Tang prince, her status was a thousand miles away.

When Changsun Wuji heard this, his heart suddenly became unhappy.

Crown Prince Li Chengqian has already been demoted, and this daughter must not suffer any more twists and turns.

With a cold snort, Changsun Wuji glared at the Silla envoy and walked into the hall.

"The young emperor of Silla succeeded to the throne. Although the middle school has won the hearts of the people, it is assisted by veterans."

"But now it is facing the sea while facing the enemy. The situation is critical. How can we put the children of the Prince of Tang Dynasty in danger?"

"It's a good match for years, but after all, the country is in danger! Let's leave it to Xinluo, we don't worry about Datang!"

"You, just stop thinking about it!"

Hearing this, the Silla messenger was a little bit depressed.

Changsun Wuji's remarks are considered to be the key to Silla. It is precisely because of the succession of the younger son that Silla needs more time to develop.

Goguryeo, the neighboring city, will be annexed sooner or later. Only Datang, where there is still a gap, is the only choice.

Even though he had lowered his profile, this powerful country still rejected own's request, leaving no room for it.

Slowly stood up, the Silla messenger looked disappointed, cupped hands said.

"It was Xinluo who was abrupt, and I hope His Majesty Datang will forgive me."

After all, the messenger's eyes were rosy, and he raised his trembling arms and bowed.

"I just hope that your majesty's golden and jade words will do what you say, and when Silla asks for help in the future, he can help you."

Wang Wang waved his hand slightly, which was regarded as an answer.

A hint of success flashed in the eyes of the Baekje envoy, and the envoy who was slumped next to him secretly looked at him, and his heart blossomed with joy.

Just as Tang Hao had guessed, Baekje's messengers came here only to get some surrender benefits from the Tang Dynasty.

If Datang agrees, it is naturally good.

If he doesn't allow it, he knows Datang's attitude towards Silla. It would be a good strategy to cooperate with Goguryeo to invade Silla.

Taking a step forward, the Baekje messenger cupped hands said.

"Your Majesty, what I mentioned by Baekje..."

Before the words fell, Yuchi Jingde screamed.

"You kid dare to mention it too! When our armor is the corner pancake? Very cheap?"

"Datang Iron Cavaliers swept across the grassland, and the light armor suit is the winning Magic Treasures. How can you give it away?"

The prestige of the Xuanjia Army of the Tang Dynasty has long been spread in various countries. Mingguangjiao is even more innovative and unique.

The manufacturing of armor suits is even more a secret of military aircraft. This kid has 5,000 pieces when he opens his mouth, and he feels a little bit open-mouthed.

Gao Shilian coughed slightly and walked out.

"Five thousand armor suits are too big."

"What's more, as E Guogong said, the armor and armor are the most important weapons of the country and cannot be easily passed on."

"We have a long-standing reputation for our Datang silk and porcelain. Two people have come from afar, and Datang should respect the friendship of the landlords."

The cupped hands bowed to the king of Tang on the dragon chair, Gao Shilian suggested.

"Your Majesty, if you don't want to send some silk and porcelain, it won't be in vain for the two foreign nations to travel all the way."

The reasons for the refusal have been explained by all the important ministers. After a lap, the decision-making power once again fell into the hands of the king of Tang.

With a smile on his face, King Tang stood up and looked at the two foreign envoys in the temple.

"I came from afar, so it should be hospitality."

"Where is the Hongyou Temple?"

As soon as the voice fell, an veteran came out.

"The minister is here."

Don Juan waved his hand slightly.

"It's fashionable and not too cold in winter, and there is some warmth. You will take the two of you around in the imperial city and treat them with great hospitality."

After all, Wang Wang waved his hand.

"Datang is a state of etiquette, even if foreign nations treat each other with courtesy, Datang will never neglect."

"To pass on my will, give two messengers a hundred pieces of silk and satin, and a thousand pieces of porcelain."

"It's up to the father-in-law to formulate the decree."

Ronggong came forward to answer.

"Old slave follow the order!"

With a flick of his sleeves, King Tang strode towards the side hall.


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