Martial Sage

Chapter 788: Retribution for Good and Evil

Nanshan Huangzhuang.

Today is a relatively leisurely day.

In the early days, the servants of the Marquis Mansion had already brought batches of cotton-padded clothes and coal stoves made in the workshop, and went to the newly opened store to sell them.

With the wave of propaganda at the last competition, Tang Hao didn't have to worry about the sales of these two goods at all.

All that is left is that these domestic servants are in charge of a shop, and they can make a profit on their own.

There was a bit of chill in the morning breeze, and the strong tea aroma mixed with this intoxicating wine aroma drifted across the entire imperial courtyard.

Standing on the soil slope, Tang Hao smiled when he looked at the greenhouse that was about to be completed.

This winter, vegetables and vegetables can be considered as nothing to worry about.

It seems that I have seen a family of three enjoying the natural hot pot, talking and laughing.

The faint wind bell was mixed with this shout, which was sent to the ears by the breeze.

"Master Hou, you are here."

Tang Hao slowly turned his head and looked at the farmer with three cows in surprise.

"When did you raise the cow?"

The old farmer fainted with joy on his face, smiled at Tang Hao, and shouted loudly.

"Master Hou loves the people like a son, and he provides us with food, clothing and shelter, and the wages are not paid. I am a widow and lonely old man who is already satisfied."

"It just happens to be wandering around the market these days and I met a cow vendor, and I knew it was a scalper in the north at a glance."

"I just used the remaining money to buy some scalpers, which is regarded as a reward to Lord Hou."

Tang Hao walked towards the old farmer with his hands behind his back.

"Relying on hands to eat and labor to earn money, have you ever owed me a certain point."

"I can accept this gratitude."

Between the words, he stopped in front of the old farmer, smiled and pointed at the scalper behind, said.

"I owe you all the expenses!"

"Today I ordered the steward to pay back the cost of the cattle."

Tang Hao waved his hand first, pretending to be angry.

"Don't refuse, if you don't, you look down on me a little bit!"

Tang Hao's generosity and old farmer were aware of, and the nine cows could not be brought back.

Simply bend over cupped hands and give a gift.

"Then I will thank Master Hou for this old bone."

The polite words were normal, but Tang Hao's eyes fell on the backs of the old farmer's hands that were crooked together.

There seemed to be something unusual, shaking in front of my eyes a few times.

Curiously pulled the old farmer's hand, Tang Hao looked carefully.

Soybean-sized blisters were attached to the old man’s shriveled hands, clustered together, or scattered around.

Most of the blisters have burst and scab, while others have become turbid, swollen and swollen, although they seem to be about to emerge.

"What is this? Why do you have these things on your hands?"

The old farmer hurriedly retracted his palm, quite surprised.

"Master Hou, don't touch the old man, I'm afraid this disease will be passed on to you."

While speaking, he took a small step and moved a little away from Tang Hao. Just now he glanced up at the back of his hand and pointed at the scalper behind him with his back slightly arched, and explained.

"Niu'er, he is sick, and the old man has no money to see it. I didn't expect this cow to rub against the branch for a few days and it would be fine."

While talking, the old man raised his palm and said with a smile.

"It's strange to say that when the old man helped these cattle and sheep clean up the herpes, he also got sick."

The old farmer squeezed his palms, then squeezed his arms, added.

"This sickness is like a charcoal fire. It's hot and hot. And this hand lever hurts every time."

"The old man was thinking, this is Lord King Yama who came to accept me. I won't live long."

Having said this, the old man slowly raised his head, looked at Tang Hao, and pulled out a brilliant smile.

"Guess what Hou Ye?"

"The old man with this disease, after two days of nesting, his hands are crusted, and his whole body is not hot or painful, he seems to be like a cow, and he is better."

"Look, the old man can now herd cattle and do farm work."

After all, the old man nodded at Tang Hao and said piously.

"This person, he must be good, and know his gratitude. I am also able to live in a comfortable nest and eat comfortable rice with the blessing of Lord Hou."

"Otherwise, I've already reported to Yin Cao Jifu."

It seems that when a person reaches old age, these words are extremely numerous.

But in Tang Hao's ears, he didn't feel bored at all. On the contrary, he sounded more cordial like Grandpa Own.

Especially when he heard this experience, Tang Hao's eye circles were a bit astringent, and his heart felt pity.

When can Datang's medical skills be improved, so that these poor people will no longer suffer from the torment of illness.

The palm of his hand gently touched the old man's back, and Tang Hao bowed and said with a smile.

"When you are old, you can rest assured that you can eat and drink in Huangzhuang, you will be able to live for decades."

The old farmer smiled heartily.

"If you live for a few more decades, isn't the old man a stranger in the mountains! Haha."

"Okay, okay, the old man isn't talking anymore. Niu'er was hungry all night and waited to eat the grass."

Watching the old farmer leave, Tang Hao stood quietly beside the dirt road, his thoughts tumbling.

The old farmer got cowpox, a virus passed from cattle to humans.

In this underdeveloped Datang, this old man may be the first person to be vaccinated with cowpox in the entire Datang!

If this old man knew, his accident would have avoided the infestation of smallpox, a disease that has afflicted millions.

Will this old farmer be so happy that he can't speak from ear to ear?

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