Martial Sage

Chapter 792: I'm Sorry

A corner of the imperial city.

With several closely covered figures, the thief glanced at the left and right sides of the empty alley, huddled together, and started talking in a low voice.

"Patriarch! What about this time?"

"Kim Wuwei has already ordered us to be arrested, shouldn't it be for punishment?"

There was a touch of horror in the words, and as he turned his head vigilantly, the headscarf flashed, revealing a red rash on his face.

The person on the opposite side was dressed in the same manner, with a headscarf covering his face, and only heard a low voice.

"I'm so scared! We are here to seek medical treatment, and we haven't done any harm to the world."

"Besides, the winter is severely cold, so there are not a few of us dressed like this!"

Even though the words are like this, the Patriarch still looks around in the words, for fear of being discovered in this deep alley.

Perhaps it was the fear in the heart that had the upper hand, and the original headache of the Patriarch was also forgotten at this time.

The person on the opposite side turned his head, and his hands holding the turban were also shaking slightly, apparently he didn't listen to this person's words.

"But let's take out North Cloud City!"

"This...this violates the ban of the Datang Medical Officer, let's..."

Hearing the word prohibition, the head of the Patriarch trembled slightly, quite a bit afraid of the majesty of this Tang law.

"We...we have nothing to do."

"Rather than sitting in Beiyun City and waiting for death, it is better to walk in the imperial city! Try your luck."

"You have been with me for so many years. Believe me, that Xiao Zheng must have found Huang Langzhong in the imperial city, maybe he can cure our sickness!"

The owner knew the person in front of him, and was timid and fearful, for fear that this product could not help searching, rushed to the street, and shook himself out.

After all, their group had escaped from Tibet all the way along with the flow of North Cloud City.

Just trying to comfort a few more words, suddenly there was a sound of footsteps from behind.

At almost the same moment, the two of them got frightened and got up to run.

In the shadows, a burly man came out, his face was covered with scabs and blood pits, but he was born with dragons and tigers, without the slightest morbidity.

He walked quickly to the two of them, said.

"The doctor surnamed Huang doesn't dare to receive patients anymore! It's closed for a long time!"

"Patriarch, our path to seek medical treatment in the imperial city is nowhere to go!"

As soon as these words came out, the two figures who were about to run sat down on the ground, looking desperately sad.

The Patriarch was silent for a long time, and slowly raised the face that couldn't be seen clearly, and looked towards the gray sky.

"The sky is unfair!"

"We are all magnanimous and we have never owed anyone, why should I wait to catch this evil?"

"Along the way, I'm still hungry, suffering from body pain and heat, in order to seek medical treatment. Why... why is it so difficult to do?"

There is a sense of sadness in the muttering, which is chilling to hear.

The opposite figure leaned against the wall, head drooping, shoulders shrugging.

"I haven't been in my weak crown in a few years. I haven't married a wife and had children, so I don't want to just let it go."

Speaking of this, a faint sob came in a low voice.

"The neighbor tiger was the day I went to see it, his face was full of abscesses, ugly and terrible. And the back of the hand, there is no good flesh and blood..."

"The whole wrist was pierced by nails, and the yellow juice and blood flowed out..."

It seemed that the scene reappeared, the shivering figure shrank into a ball, and the turban trembled.

"I can't die, I'm still young... Even if I die, I can't die this way. An ugly and hideous body can't cast a good baby..."

Talking to himself was interrupted by a shout at the end of the alley.

"Your Majesty has a purpose. The East City has set up a disease and epidemic department to place patients, take care of the heat, and take care of them. Go first and live first."

"All the subjects can go back to the mansion and wait for Jin Wuwei to register for the record. Those who trespass without authorization will be killed on the spot!"

Hearing the four characters at the back, the two figures who were sitting down were shocked.

Now there is no way to escape!

The burly man squatted down, glanced at the two of them, and said.

"It seems that your Majesty is not going to pursue the fleeing matter anymore, let's... let's go to the Epidemiological Department."

"At any rate... At any rate, you can eat and drink. Even if you don't get cured, you can't be a starving ghost."

After a few days of fleeing, the three of them were already hungry.

I don't know who's belly, and now there are two untimely groans.

The three looked at each other, and the young man no longer shuddered, but was a little bit happy.

"Xiao Zheng is right! Patriarch, let's go to the Disease Department!"

"The whole city is under martial law, and Jin Wuwei is searching house by house. Sooner or later we will be found out."

"Furthermore, if your majesty does not pursue it, he must be sincere for our good."

The figure in front of him looked at the horses rushing by at the end of the alley, and listened to the sound of fading away, seeming to be meditating.

After a long time, he seemed to be determined and got up suddenly.

"Let's go! Anyway, most of this life is gone, so why don't you take a gamble at the last minute!"

"Even if we die, we die in the Epidemiological Department, it is far better than exposing the dead on the street!"

The words are stiff, but this body is a little shaky.

The burly Xiao Zheng helped the owner of the house and lifted up the young man on the ground, smiling.

"Go! It's life or death, let it be your fate!"

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