Martial Sage

Chapter 800: Heavenly Bless The Genius Doctor

At noon, the haze cleared, revealing sunlight.

The sun in winter is not very hot, but hanging in the sky can always give people a glimmer of hope.

Sun Simiao, who had been sleeping for a long time, woke up, and the first thing he saw was Wu Tong standing outside the door.

He paused in his throat, looked at the stalwart body that came in, and grinned bitterly.

"Where is this? The old man is still alive?"

There was a glow of joy on Wu Tong's face, he leaned down and squatted on the edge of the bed.

"Doctor Sun, this is the Marquis Mansion."

"You have worked for the people for the rest of your life, saved the world and helped the people, and eradicated diseases. You have worked tirelessly in the territory of the Tang Dynasty. I don't know how many poor people have been cured. The accumulated merits have long been able to influence God, so how dare Lord King Yama? Take you."

"Wait a minute, I call Master Hou to come."

The hurried footsteps sounded, and then Wu Tong yelled.

Sun Simiao looked at the ceiling, took a look, and muttered.

"Okay, okay, I've survived, and I can live another year."

Tang Hao rubbed his somewhat sour eyes and reached out to reach Sun Simiao's forehead.

There is no thermometer, only the back of the hand is roughly estimated, and the body temperature is still normal.

My own efforts to cool down physically were not in vain, and Old Man Sun at least stopped burning now.

"You can be regarded as awake, but the sore hasn't been cured, you are fine, and you have a brain surgery to inoculate yourself with acne."

"Do you think you have lived too long, or try to be hard on your own life?"

"The sore hasn't been removed yet. If you have three long and two short, I will find a golden sign from there?"

Sun Simiao's slightly pale old face, with a smile on his face, was a little weak, but he was relieved.

"What kind of golden signboards are all compliments by others and put a false name on them."

"Although you can't figure out what you call the fight between the two viruses, there is no other way. The only way is to try your whimsy."

"The old man now only has one thing to ask for, and he will take advantage of the fact that the old man is now clear and bright, and the ugly words are ahead. If you start to get sick again, and you don't wake up from the illness, you have to study the disease. If not, the old man will not be able to get underneath. quiet."

There was a gentle knock on the door, and the servant slowly walked in with the hot porridge.

"Master Hou, this is the gruel from the dining room."

"The genius doctor has been in a coma for half the night and has never eaten. Now let's drink it while it's hot."

It was still a little hazy just now. At this time, the servant mentioned that Sun Simiao felt his stomach hollowed out, taking the bowl and chopsticks, snoring and eating.

Tang Hao watched Sun Simiao regain his appetite and his mind regained his clarity, and it was not a major problem.

"You, don't say those frustrating words all day long, eat and drink enough, and nourish your spirits. The people of Chang'an City still need you and me."

Between the words, the stewardess appeared at the door of the house with a letter.

"Master Hou, General Li brought a letter here, saying that it was written by His Majesty."

After taking the letterhead, the ink is still wet, but there is still a fragrance of ink.

Tang Hao shook the letter in his hand, looked at Sun Simiao, and handed it over.

"Your Majesty gave it to you."

Sun Simiao put the corner of his mouth on the edge of the bowl, glanced at the letter, and slowly put down the bowl.

"Let it go, don't read it, the old man will know what the letter will say."

At this critical juncture, as the king of a country writing a letter to a doctor, apart from praise, it is about the medicine man.

Sun Simiao had no interest in listening to these things, watching them, and just thinking about the next decision.

Wiping the corners of his mouth, Sun Simiao propped up and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Let's go, I will eat and live with the prisoners from today."

"It's a bit abnormal, but it's good to know it in the first time, and diagnose and treat it."

After walking before the ghost gate, the old man was still so stubborn, and Tang Hao smiled helplessly.

"Why are you doing this again, with me, why don't you worry about it?"

Sun Simiao moved his head away and waved his hands again and again.

"No, no."

"It is the duty of a doctor to go out of the disease. As a Tang Dynasty official, if you are determined to fight on this disease, it will appear that our doctors are incompetent."

After all, you must stand up.

Wu Tong stepped forward and supported the thin figure.

The next second, he was pushed away by Sun Simiao.

"The old man is a man of rotten wood, and his condition has only eased slightly, so please don't touch it, lest you get sick!"

Sun Simiao didn't know about the Marquis Mansion's persuasion of the upper and lower inoculations, and Tang Hao didn't plan to tell, lest the old man had to keep track of his pulse every day, and he wouldn't be too busy to die.

The death row prisoners were overjoyed when they saw that Sun Simiao's condition was slowing down, knowing that Tang Hao hadn't deceived them, and the restlessness in their hearts suddenly slowed down a lot.

Sun Simiao was not idle, taking the pulse, inquiring, and checking the wound, meticulously.

After confirming that there was no problem, the three prisoners held each other and cried bitterly if they received a pardon.

After several years of prison, I finally had some hope at this moment.

One of the prisoners, with a sullen face, looked at Tang Hao who was standing at the door smiling silently.

"Master Hou, in the three years of my childhood, I haven't touched a drop of wine, can I ask for a drink and celebrate."

When people are happy, they are naturally full of energy and spirit.

Tang Hao also leaned on the food and drink, and ate two bites, talking and laughing.

Living with Sun Simiao made the three prisoners flattered, but three days passed before they were used to it.

Tang Hao and Sun Simiao carefully checked the scars on everyone's arms before they were relieved.

The inflammation dissipated and belonged to ordinary people, and the next thing was to let these people infect smallpox virus to verify Tang Hao's strategy.

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