Martial Sage

Chapter 821: Iron Smelting Workshop

Cheng Chumo couldn't wait, the Divine Armament blade was right in front of him, as if the hot pot in front of him was not fragrant anymore.

From the shape of the sword, to how to cast, to the raw materials for casting, it seems that this young man has endless questions.

The hour of a meal is just half of the hour caused by this kid's mixed problems.

As soon as he put down the bowls and chopsticks, Cheng Chumo silently pulled Tang Hao with his sleeves.

"Military affairs, don't neglect!"

"Go and go! Let's do it now."

Afterwards, he glanced at the two Madam Tang and smiled.

"Go and go back, go and go back."

The two have a deep and righteous relationship, and Li Wanqing and Princess Changle naturally know.

For more than 20 years, Princess Changle, who has lived in the deep palace for a long time, was naturally not interested in the cold and fierce swords, and said angrily.

"You people, when you go to the battlefield, you think about your hard work, and when you go off the battlefield, you still think about the cold sword."

Li Wanqing naturally understood the feelings of a martial artist for swords, and walked over to hold the jade arm of Princess Changle, and smiled.

"Little Sister doesn't have to blame him."

"Men are fighting on the battlefield. Apart from the daring to fight and fight, the upper head is a sharp blade in his hand, and there is a sword in the world."

"While the war has not yet started, it is also very good to improve the generals and make a few handy weapons."

If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. Datang is still facing the enemy on all sides, so it is good to take precautions in advance.

With a grateful look at Li Wanqing, Cheng Chumo's smile was even thicker.

"Thank you General Li!"

As soon as the voice fell, he no longer hesitated, pulling Tang Hao and ran to the outside.

To say that in this city of Chang'an, the most pure iron smelting technique is Changsun Yishi.

Sitting on the largest iron ore mining in Datang, it has the richest source of iron making, and it is easy to make money.

We greeted the guards in the camp, walked through the mountain of rough ore mines, and headed for the three towering chimneys with thick smoke.

Before entering the shop, waves of heat hit him.

Tang Hao's face was already highly recognizable in the capital, so he took off his cotton coat and walked in without much hindrance.

Even though he was wearing a thin shirt, he was still hot and sweating when he entered this blacksmith shop.

Seeing the old blacksmiths hammering the iron embryo in front of him, Tang Hao had a headache.

Tang Hao couldn't make a high-grade alloy without a windmill that was so good, but at this time, Tang Hao had already achieved some achievements in steelmaking.

Honestly, according to the ancient method, sprinkle mineral powder on the burnt hot metal and stir constantly.

Stop when the flame on the molten iron turns into a blue surplus, and pour the molten iron into the manufactured mold. The early stage embryo is considered to be made.

It is made of three-sided military thorns, thrown into the water to cool and quench, and a little bit of polishing is considered a success.

Cheng Chumo took the newly polished military stab and looked at it from beginning to end.

The three blades glowed with blue light, with three thick blood troughs directing the handle. "

After waving up and down twice, Cheng Chu silently appeared puzzled.

"This is not a gun? What is this?"

"Which way is it?"

As he spoke, his hand rose and the blade fell, and he poked at the case table beside his hand with a ‘pouch’.

There was a big hole in an inch-thick case.

As expected of being from the martial arts family, Cheng Chumo had already guessed the essence of this army thorn without Tang Hao speaking much.

Tang Hao took the military stabbing backhand, inspected the cutting edge, and explained.

"This is a military stab, just like you just used it. You can only stab, not chop, not chop."

Looking at the blunt knife with no edge on the side, Tang Hao jabbed it against the blade.


A spark was sputtered out of the metal gold.

After checking the lower edge again, Tang Hao shook his head again and again.

"No! Now the steelmaking technology has to be improved."

"This kind of steel can't make any good weapons."

Hearing this, Cheng Chumo felt a little disappointed and sighed.

"It's a pity, it's a pity."

"I see this peculiar shape, is there a mystery in such a design?"

Even though it is an imperfect finished product, Cheng Chumo is still very interested in this thing, especially this new thing, for the generals, it is even more novel.

Hearing this, Tang Hao pointed to the tip of the blade and said truthfully.

"The special feature of this thorn is the tip of the blade. It needs high-quality steel and strong hardness in order to show its true cruelty."

"The three-edged shape can tear the skin, cause major trauma, and keep the blood flowing."

"Whether it is summer or winter, they have been infected with suppuration. The mild cases were amputated, and the severe cases lost blood and died."

After talking about it, General Tang Hao stabbed him aside, patted Cheng Chumo, who was already stupid, and smiled.

"You, it's best to hope that you don't see this kind of thing on the battlefield, otherwise it will be miserable."

Cheng Chumo didn't expect that this strange weapon would still have such amazing power, so he asked.

"Since this military stab is so powerful, why not implement it in our barracks?"

"Why don't we go to the eldest grandson now to refine new steel materials and popularize it throughout the army?"

Cheng Chumo had this temperament, and he kept begging to see good things, hoping to see the finished product earlier.

Tang Hao wiped the sweat beads on his forehead and said.

"Well, we still have to ask people whether they are willing to reform."

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