Martial Sage

Chapter 830: I'm Sorry

Li Zhi was really shocked.

After returning to Prince Jin's Mansion, this kid didn't think about tea and rice, and the instant noodles he brought back from Tang Mansion didn't seem to be as fragrant as before.

The glimpse of Tai Chi Palace still lingers in my mind today, and it can't dissipate for a long time.

A secret fragrance floats, her skirt fluttering, this woman is like a Fairy walking out of the picture scroll, coming from Ling Feng.

That Yingying smiled, that tingling voice, now in retrospect, it is still vivid.

Looking at the glazed hairpin that I asked for in front of me, it seemed as if I saw Wu Meiniang inserting the hairpin, and the bright smile under the bright agate, a little fascinating.

Involuntarily, Li Zhi chuckled, his abrupt voice awakened himself suddenly.

Next second.

Wu Cairen's face disappeared, and the crystal-clear hosta seemed to overlap with phantoms, leaving only a translucent glass of water droplets shining brightly.

The smile on his face slowly dissipated at The next moment, Li Zhi's face appeared with a touch of sadness, and a soft whisper sounded.


"He is a talented father, how can I do such things that violate morals and ethics."

The eyes looking at the hairpin became irritable at The next moment, even a little disgusted with myself.

How can I have such a rebellious idea?

Is this still a question that a normal heir should think about?

The sound of self-blame was like a heavy hammer beating in Own's heart, and it was very heavy every time, until the young man slumped down on the desk.

Li Zhi, who woke up, was terrified in his heart. He didn't know when he suddenly had the idea of ​​interfering with his father's emperor's talent.

Throwing away the hosta in his hand like lightning, Li Zhi stared at the hairpin that was originally used for awakening, and his breathing became heavier.

"No! I'm a good boy! I can't do such ridiculous things!"

"I am the prince. I care about the people of Datang and share the worries for my father. This is the right way! I will be panicked and confused for a woman!"

"Datang will be ashamed for having a prince like me, let alone being so intolerable by the world!"

During the words, Li Zhi clenched his fists until his knuckles were pale and his nails were deeply embedded in the flesh.

Qiang Zi comforted the beating heart at that moment, Li Zhi took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes.

Inhale long, exhale slowly, inhale again...

Within a few breaths, Li Zhi's mood gradually calmed down and slowly opened his eyes.

The guilt seems to gradually recede with the loss of the hairpin, and there is already a little more clarity in his eyes.

At this moment, Li Zhi suddenly realized that in just a few short breaths, his forehead had been soaked with cold sweat, and even a large part of his back was inexplicably wet.


Exhaling a turbid breath, Li Zhi shook his head.

"It's really dangerous and dangerous. I still keep my heart at the loss and don't be confused by the outside world."

As soon as the voice fell, a strong sense of guilt and shame filled my heart.

Li Zhi didn't dare to imagine that he didn't know that he was lustful, but Devil Dao would have the idea of ​​sending the hairpin as a sign of goodwill.

Smashing his head hard, Li Zhi threw away the thoughts that shouldn't be in his mind, and smiled bitterly.

As he raised his eyes, his eyes touched the shining glazed hairpin again.

"Successful and defeated is an eternal law. The good marriage of the emperor's family is the long-term choice for the hegemony."

"Even the saint nowadays married his brother's wife?"

A strange voice suddenly popped out of his mind.

For a moment, Li Zhi felt a little shaken, and it seemed that the affairs between himself and Wu Cai had also become a little smooth, and it seemed that it hadn't been so unbearable.

Under the sunlight, the crystal-clear hosta reflects colorful colors, and the streamer floats, like a jade carved in ice.

The glazed hosta is so beautiful and holy, it looks like a Lotus flower blooming in the ice and snow, arousing pity, and it is also like that dreamy cheek that people can't help but reach out and touch Fangze.

Li Zhi's eyes became a little greedy, his hands hesitated and hopeful, and he slowly stretched out towards the hosta.

When he touched the hosta with a touch of coldness again, Li Zhi's heart seemed to have received his beloved thing, which was exceptionally comfortable.

Caressing the hostess in his palm, Li Zhi's mouth raised a smile.

Perhaps this is the power of love. When people encounter things, they can't help but think of someone.

When the guilt in his heart surged again, Li Zhi was no longer as panicked as before, and his fingers closed and pinched the hosta.

"It can only be blamed for being destined and unfavorable. When I inquired about you, I was already a talented man of the emperor."

"If I could be earlier, I would like to ask my father to beg you when you are a beautiful girl. At this time, you must be in the Jin Dynasty's mansion and become the Jin's concubine."

With endless sadness in the whisper, a lonely color flashed on Li Zhi's face.

Turning the glazed hairpin in his hand, Li Zhi muttered in deep thought.

"I heard that your family started as a bean business, and you must have learned a lot about the bean business."

"This...this hairpin... Quan, Quan should be your thanks!"

It seems that a suitable excuse has been found, but Li Zhi's heart is quiet a lot.


Well, this reason is good.

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