Martial Sage

Chapter 857: Restarting the Journey

The dilapidated city is full of burn marks, and the red-soaked land is full of ruins, with broken limbs and broken arms.

The men of the Mukun tribe wrapped their mouths and noses with cloth towels, resisting the tumbling of stomach juices, dragging stiff corpses, and transporting them to the huge pit outside the city.

The women tossed the collapsed houses, found some usable items in them, or turned over a piece of biscuits or two and stuffed them into the hands of the crying children.

Pushing the door open, Tang Hao stepped out wearing silver armor.

He glanced at the busy people in the direction of the city, and sighed.

"Xing, people suffer, die, people suffer."

Following Tang Hao's gaze, Wu Tong looked at it from a distance, and said in thought.

"It's better to start all over again instead of surviving under the prestige of Tianxiang Khan."

"The father-in-law gave them a chance to live, so that they could regain a new life."

Withdrawing his gaze, Tang Hao glanced at Wu Tong, with approval in his eyes.

"Along the way, you know a lot."

"Whether it is a strategy or an interpretation of the war."

After all, Tang Hao took the lead and walked out.

"Go, go to the barracks, we don't have much time to waste."

Walking through the busy Mukun people, many people put down their work and bowed to Tang Hao and his party.

Without much communication, Tang Hao nodded slightly as a response.

It can be seen that there is less fear in their eyes, and a touch of awe.

Out of the city, the soldiers in twos and threes lit a campfire, heated hot water, baked clothes, and chewed dry food.

In the ice and snow, being able to eat a bite of hot food is the greatest satisfaction.

Su Qingjie took a piece of grilled meatloaf and handed it up with a smile.

"Yesterday the gang of Mukun people were grateful for not killing and sent a lot of meatloaf."

"I also sent some beef and mutton. The guys have already cooked it into meat porridge. We will warm up the soldiers later."

Tang Hao listened to his arrangement and nodded in satisfaction.

"Thanks a lot."

In the words, glanced at the continuous military account and said.

"Covered with snow and ice, the road ahead is difficult to walk, and the pawns and pawns who carry the baggage will stay in the city and stand by."

"The cavalry rectify, get ready to go!"

Su Dingfang came from behind and asked suspiciously.

"General Tang, the Mu Kun clan is just a small branch of the Western Turks. Are you really planning to use only cavalry?"

"The remaining ones form a coalition army, maybe they are advancing towards Muyang City."

"The old man has estimated the strength of Muyang City, but it will not be less at all."

Hearing this, Tang Hao smiled faintly.

"Then let them taste the remaining shells."


Muyang City.

In the hinterland of the wasteland, there are stretches of ice and snow here.

In front of the snow-covered city, there were no rut and hoof marks. Obviously, the locked city gate had been around for a while.

One hundred thousand soldiers of the Tang army marched westward, intending to break through the tents of the Jinya Mountain Turkic. The cities along the way had already felt the oppression of the army.

The news that the Mukun clan had been breached at the fingertips reached the city, and the soldiers at the head of the city suddenly increased.

As a checkpoint city in the Turkic hinterland, Tianxiang Khan deployed 30,000 tiger divisions here. As a guarding force, General Tu Yu became a king of the city.

In the cold wind, the fur on the cloak brushed across his cheeks, and he looked at the vast fertile fields quietly with sunken eye sockets.

"A stick of incense..."

"A stick of incense can break through the city at an hour, so what kind of abilities does General Tang have?"

The lieutenant next to him frowned, glanced at the Mukun people who were struggling to flee at the foot of the city, and turned his head to respond.

"Listen to these people, it's a round stone that can burn, burst, and has the power to shake the earth."

"Tang Jun did not move a single soldier, so he destroyed the city wall and the city gate in one fell swoop."

The whimper and the wind whizzed by, and the messy long hair was flying in the wind. Tu Yu murmured quietly in thought.

"Maybe it's just that Tang Jun wanted to make a shocking battle and deliberately made these mysterious things."

"Things are not as bad as the rumors, I have sent spies to inquire. Tang Jun has no more than 50,000 cavalry, and no more than five catapults."

"Our Turkic army must be on the way when it came."

After that, Tu Yu retracted his gaze and looked at the lieutenant beside him.

"Mukun City Pool has been undergoing repairs for many years. It was already shaky, and it was destroyed by Tang Jun's stone bullets. It was normal."

"The order goes on, the whole city is on guard! Replaced with five thousand militiamen on the city, if General Tang really has that ability, we will break through the city gate and fight him in this icy world!"

The ferocious gaze was full of wolf-like wildness, and when he turned around angrily, he shouted.

"It's only 50,000 soldiers. I really think Muyang City is a vegetarian!"

"As long as he comes, I will leave him in this wasteland, divide and nibbles!"

While talking, a soldier trot all the way, stopped in front of him, cupped hands said.

"Chief, a message from General Geshuhan."

Hearing the name, Tu Yu frowned, took the letterhead, but did not immediately open it.

"He's not dead yet?"

The soldier stood at attention and replied.

"It is indeed him, shooting the letter paper up to the tower with a bow and arrow!"

Opening the letterhead, Tu Yu's face suddenly became gloomy, and he let out a cold snort.

"The bereaved dog actually persuaded me to bring down the enemy!"

"If, goodbye this person, shoot with random arrows, no need to report!"

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