Martial Sage

Chapter 86: Swordsman

Datang military system, the regiment consists of a team, with one hundred people as a team, and a team is set to lead one hundred people.

There are more than 300 people in Tang Hao's group, which means there are three aligners.

After a command, no soldiers or soldiers came for a long time.

At this time, in Li Meng's camp, the small cases were full of wine and meat, and the three teams were holding a seductive woman in their arms, drinking and having fun.

A bearded team was looking at Li Mengdao with a trace of worry, touching the smooth jade shoulders of the woman sitting in her arms.

"Team Li, after all, this new official is a Wu Kui appointed by the emperor. Let's deliberately not click Mao. There will be nothing wrong, right?"

Li Meng took the wine handed by the woman in the brothel next to him, took a sip, and slapped the wine glass on the case table with a "bang", and glanced at the team in disdain.

"I'm afraid of what he will do! Just against General Xun Gongyin behind us, he dare not make a mistake."

"What about Xinke Wukui? The bird is an official, can it turn the sky upside down?"

"One day with my Li Meng, this regiment, I have the final say!"

The other team was listening, charmingly picked up the hip flask, filled Li Meng, and nodded again and again.

"Team Li is absolutely right! Who is Lord Yin? The emperor's favorite!"

After all, the team's frontline turned around.

"In the future, when Team Li is on the rise, I hope Team Li will not forget our old friends..."

Li Meng listened to these words very usefully, and laughed loudly: "Don't worry, you two, Li Meng will not forget it."

The woman sitting beside Li Meng approached Li Meng's ear and said bitterly.

"When Captain Li is promoted, don't forget the slave family's service today..."

The flattery of the brothers and the praise of the beauties also made Li Meng's original swelling vanity explode, shouting at the chef who brought the cooked food.

"Go! Tell Tang Hao that this team is in a state of illness and cannot go."


Head over to report.

Seeing that there was only one greasy-clothed palm on the martial arts field, his expression was full of disdain.

Tang Hao shouted.

"Why is your team working?"

The man in charge glanced at Tang Hao, and said indifferently, without a trace of awe in his expression.

"My team is accidentally cold and bedridden, so I can't come for a bit."

Hearing this, Li Wanqing was slightly surprised. As expected, Li Dali relied on the Yin family’s power and the other two teams to deliberately not come to order. It was clear that he wanted to vent his anger to the owner of the Yin family. In order to deliberately make things difficult for Tang Hao.

How can a new official be threatened by this group of bully black sheep?

Tang Hao twisted his eyebrows and said.

"Bong Bai, go find a few people and drag the three teams over to me!"


Wang was ordered by the white-collar workers to take the two newly-friended soldiers with him to the big tent of the team.

In less than a stick of incense, Wang Feng dragged the three teams into Tang Hao's account.

Wang Fengbai kicked several people and knelt down in front of Tang Hao.

"Tell Tang Xiaoqi that when I went to the camp, these three teams were not sick and lying in bed. Instead, they gathered together to drink, and also recruited the brothel women to have fun."

Datang Tielu, non-wartime celebrations, no alcohol.

It is a felony to privately bring a woman from a brothel into the camp!

Tang Hao's face sank, and he shouted sharply.

"Assemble a crowd to drink and hide women privately. Two iron laws have been committed. The crime is unforgivable. If you drag it on, you will die!"

As soon as the military order came out, Li Wanqing shook slightly and looked at her husband in surprise.

"He is trying to kill him. I didn't expect him to have such a cruel method. I thought he couldn't handle it before. Now it seems that I think too much."

Li Wanqing nodded secretly, her eyes quietly adding a bit of approval.

Wang Fengbai was also taken aback. He didn't expect Tang Hao to be decisive when he first entered the barracks. He admired him from the bottom of his heart and secretly thanked him for following the right person.


Wang Feng was ordered by the white-collar workers to greet a few soldiers, and he wanted to drag the three teams away.

Leading Li Meng struggled to stand up, stared at Tang Hao arrogantly, and roared.

"I am from the Yin family, how dare you kill me!"

With Li Meng's courage, the two teams next to him were clamoring, thinking that Tang Hao was just frightening them.

Tang Hao let out a cold snort, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and said sharply.

"What are you! I dare to fight the two sons of the Yin family. Why can't you kill a dog slave? Drag it out!"

Li Meng originally wanted to disarm Tang Hao. If he embarrassed the newly appointed general, he could also give the Yin family a sigh. Maybe this matter spread to Yin Kaishan's ears, and he could even give himself a reward.

Unexpectedly, this Tang Hao was a ruthless character, even the two princes of the Yin family dared to fight, and he would not give the Xun Guo Gong a face at all.

"Tang Xiaoqi, the little one knows that he is wrong, and he will never dare to do it again, and never dare to do it again next time..."

Li Meng recognized his counsel instantly, his true shape was revealed, and he fell to his knees with a plop, begging for mercy.

The two teams beside them were dumbfounded at first sight, no matter how hard they were, they knelt down with a "pop", and one after another begged for mercy.

"Tang Xiaoqi, I have an old man at the top and a young man at the bottom. I also hope that Tang Xiaoqi will take care of my first offense and spare me once."

"Tang Xiao rides well, I was instigated by this Li Meng, and I begged Tang Xiao to ride me a horse."

The two teams were talking, kowtow again and again, crying.

Li Wanqing looked at Tang Hao with a trace of worry. The military rules have always been strict. These people begged for mercy in this way, fearing that Tang Hao would move compassion for a while and forgive them.

Since it is to kill the prestige and not see the blood, how can this prestige stand!

However, Li Wanqing thought too much.

Tang Hao didn't have a trace of movement on his face. Facing the three people's begging for mercy, his majestic face became more cold.

This Li Meng took the lead in picking things up, and if he is not removed at this time, how can he stand in front of these three hundred soldiers in the future!

"What are you waiting for!"

With a violent shout, a few of the soldiers in the tent were awake, and dragged the three out with all their hands.

The three teams that had taken off their armor were kneeling on the martial arts field. The army rods fell on their bodies, their skins and flesh spattered, and the scene was extremely tragic. The horrible howls echoed in the ears of every soldier, and the hair was horrified.

Three hundred soldiers left the camp one after another, watching as the own team was being beaten to death in front of them, all with cold backs and cold sweats.

However, Tang Hao was holding a pot of tea, leisurely tasting a few mouthfuls, flipping through the military records, and slowly stood up after the horrible howling outside rested for a long time.

"Lieutenant Wang, find a few people with innocent backgrounds to fill up the right position of this team. Soldiers cannot be made without a leader."


Wang Fengbai understood his mind, and naturally knew the meaning of innocence in Tang Hao's life experience, and naturally he was looking for someone who had nothing to do with Yin Kaishan and Zhang's family.

The assembly command sounded.

Wherever the three hundred soldiers dared to drag their feet, they stood neatly on the martial arts arena for a moment, waiting for admonition.

In the martial arts arena, no one dared to make a loud noise.

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