Martial Sage

Chapter 867: Demon Star Hidden


King Tang stared at the deep night sky and said lightly.

"Li Chunfeng, do you know my lifelong long-cherished wish?"

Holding the figure of Buddha Chen, he moved slightly, respectfully cupped hands.

"Weichen dare not guess."

Looking up at the starry sky, a smile appeared, slowly moving his eyes, looking at this respectful Daoist.

"Since you don't dare to guess, then you can see from this astrology, when will my country be able to dominate Kyushu and frighten the world."

Li Chunfeng raised his head slightly to meet Tang Wang's majestic gaze, shaking his heart again.

As early as the northern expedition, after the demon star appeared, there was a faint crimson color in the brilliance of the purple star.

This is a sign of disaster hidden beside the monarch of Datang.

The young figure sighed in his heart and looked up at the vast starry sky again.

The slender fingers are in the void, pinching and counting.

The crimson spot in the purple microstar now seems to be expanding, and the crimson color has also changed to a touch of vermilion, like a drop of red blood.

In an instant, an ominous premonition surged into my heart.

Li Chunfeng's forehead was sweating faintly, which was related to the fortune of the Tang Dynasty, and he was cautious in his words and actions.

It is very likely that he said a word wrong, not only the lives of himself and his master, but also the lives of his master, it is more likely that the family will be dragged down, and the whole family will also be destroyed.

The pupils suddenly shrank, and he glanced at the Star again, and the counting fingers in the void also quickly squeezed.


A stern voice mingled with calm came from my ears.

Li Chunfeng retracted his gaze, cupped hands said.

"His Majesty."

"Datang, maybe there is still a catastrophe."

"It's about national luck."

The words were spoken word by word, and the arched posture leaned lower.

Li Chunfeng's heart was beating continuously, and he could feel the strong pressure of the figure in front of him, his breathing became heavier, and he listened carefully to Tang Wang's reply.

The figure in front of it had his hands behind his back and didn't move at all.


In the entire stargazing platform, the silent needle drop can be heard.

After a while, the surrounding oppression suddenly dissipated, and King Tang took a step slowly.


"Yes, I have been thinking about these two places. One is the East Palace and the other is the Lizheng Hall."

Two steps slowly, there was a sorrow in Tang Wang's voice.

"These two places have not been righteous until now, and they have always been places that many people are thinking about."

"The dispute between the prince and the concubine for favor is quite smoky."

Looking at the vast sky again, Wang Wang murmured.

"My harem, now there are a few powerful characters..."

"Wu talented man, the city is extremely deep, sensitive and studious, and his insight into world affairs is better than many ministers in the DPRK."

"Xu Jieyu, five-year-old can speak, is good at piano chess, and Yougong's metric, although there is no intention to compete for favor, it is also a smart jade!"

Said this, Tang Wang turned his head.

"Your reminder, whether it is fulfilled or not, I will not blame you."

"Go ahead."

Staring at that Star for a long time, Wang Wang shook his head slightly and murmured.

"Kuanyin maidservant, Guanyin maidservant, until this time, I didn't understand how hard you worked for this harem."

"Human, it's always like this, until I lose it, I don't realize it."


With a sigh, Wang Wang strode out of this exquisite stargazing platform, descended the stairs, and the Grandpa Hou hurried up to greet him.

Tang Wang put away his thoughts, the expression on his face became serious.

"How did you find it?"

The grandpa bowed and said.

"Return to your Majesty, Wu Cairen spent these days helping His Royal Highness Jin in the imperial city, grinding bean juice and making tofu."

"It was still yesterday, selling tofu for a day."

"I have returned home now."

Turning his head slightly to look at King Tang, Rong Gonggong asked tentatively.

"Your Majesty, after returning to the palace, do you need to call this person?"

"Sell tofu?"

Wang Wang slightly twisted his brows and repeated a sentence, turning to a smile on his face.

"This Wu family started by selling tofu. Looking at the entire court, I am afraid that only this Wu talented person is very familiar with this business!"

"The kid Li Zhi could think of this person, so he used his brain, haha."

In the words, waved his hand.

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome. If you can help treat your child, let her go, just keep watching."

A touch of relief flashed on the smiling face, and the focus was entirely on Li Zhi.

Walked over the steps, stopped slowly, looked at the father-in-law beside him, teased.

"This Tang Hao can actually let the Li family, the dignified clan, go to the street to fight for money with those traffickers and pawns."

"When he returns to Beijing, I will ask carefully what he thought at the beginning!"

As soon as the voice fell, Tang Wang burst into laughter.

Speaking of Tang Hao, King Tang's thoughts flew above the border of the quilt again, his hands behind his back, and he walked slowly a few steps.

"The land of the Western Regions, but the news of the war comes back?"

Although everyone can guess the subsequent results, hearing about this war is always reassuring.

Rong Gonggong smiled with cupped hands.

"His Majesty."

"This Tang Guogong is really a leader who is a commander. He won the first battle and brought all the Mukun tribes under the command of Datang."

"This time, as long as the Muyang City is taken, the overall situation is determined!"


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