Martial Sage

Chapter 871: The Secret

Under the same sky, two completely different choices of fate.

The choices in the imperial city are more or less sweet, but in Muyang city, life and death are bloody!

Tu Yu raised his head slightly, Tang Hao's shadow reflected in his cold eyes.

"I won't choose one!"

Looking at the figure in front of him with red eyes, he looked a little excited, and his voice squeezed out between his teeth.

"kill me!"

"In Muyang City, there is no stubborn seed!"

Tang Hao narrowed his eyes, looked at Tu Yu who was lifted up by Cheng Chumo, and said softly.

"Let go of him."

Cheng Chumo threw the figure in his hand back, and Tu Yu leaned back. When his injured calf touched the ground, he grinned in pain. From beginning to end, he didn't hum.

Tang Hao stood in front of the struggling figure with his hands on his back, bent down slightly, revealing a sneer.

"I've really seen a lot of humongous species!"

"As for you, if you want to be a hero, then I have to see if you are."

After that, he straightened up and waved slowly to the side of the city wall.

"Bring it up."

Tu Yu, who had just kneeled and straightened his body, pinched the wound on his calf, and subconsciously looked in the direction Tang Hao knew.

In a short while, at the entrance of the tower, more than two dozen stumbling figures appeared, and they were driven by a few Great Tang soldiers, slowly walking towards this side.

When the young woman saw Tu Yu again, a touch of joy appeared on her horrified face.

When he wanted to get close to Tu Yu, he was stopped by the guards.

"Husband, save me!"

In the words, he rushed toward Tu Yu desperately, ignoring the sharp spear that stood in front of him.

The escorting soldiers glanced at the woman and kicked the woman back into the crowd with one foot. The woman rolled around on the ground twice, holding her belly and wailing, with blood oozing from the corners of her mouth.

These people are Tu Yu's family members, groups of wives and concubines, and nearly half of the children.

Kneeling on the ground, Tu Yu watched his wife being kicked to the ground, his eyes were blood red, and he was struggling to get up.

"What are you doing!"

"Let them go! What's the matter, come to me!"

The figure that hadn't struggled was kicked to the ground by Duan Zhixuan.

With his face pressed to the ground, a touch of helplessness and endless anger flashed across Tu Yu's face.

"Let them go! Don't you, Datang, known as the state of etiquette? How can you deal with women and children!"

The angry roar did not respond. A few steps away, the guardsman kicked the knees of the family members, causing them to kneel down together.

The teary-eyed crowd no longer dared to resist, some people lowered their heads and made a sob. The older child, knowing that he had been pinched by others at this time, started crying loudly.

The whimper in the crowd rang.

"General, you have been stationed in the city for several years. We have already regarded you as the khan of the city, the king of the city."

"You promise them, promise them that we can survive."

The tear-stained child pleaded crying.

"Father, I don't want to die yet! I want to live, I want to live."

In the intermittent crying, full of endless sorrow, Tang Hao slowly stood beside the wall, waving his hand.

"Throw one down."

"I want to see if the general of the foreign race really has the backbone."

As soon as the voice fell, two soldiers armed with spears stepped out in response, put the spears aside, pulled their hair from the front of the crowd, and dragged out a woman who was thinking of a slightly longer one.

The two soldiers stood by the woman and walked straight towards the wall. The woman beat the soldiers, struggling with her hands and feet, looking at Tu Yu on the ground, she was already terrified to the extreme.

"Save me, save me General Tu Yu!"

"I don't want to..."

The last word ‘death’ has not yet been spoken, and the suspended body suddenly begins to fall.

The words instantly turned into heart-piercing screams.

In an instant, the sound disappeared, and a muffled sound of heavy objects falling to the ground could be faintly heard.

The panic sound of the entire city suddenly became louder, and the kneeling crowd was crowded and crowded, looking at the wall with trembling, for fear that they would become the second person to be pushed down.

Tu Yu, who was kneeling on the ground, glanced at the shivering family members.

A few drops of clear tears flowed from the red eyes, and he looked at the figure standing with his hands on the edge of the city wall, gritted his teeth but made no sound.

Tang Hao slowly turned his head, looked at Tu Yu, and then turned to look at the family members. There was no wave in his plain tone.

"The one just now, shouldn't be your wife?"

Seeing the figure on the ground did not reply, Tang Hao lowered his head, moved his steps lightly, and then raised his head.

"It doesn't matter, the concubine can still marry again, it's no harm."

After all, beckon again.

"Bring the next one and pick a beautiful one."

As soon as the voice fell, a soldier knocked down the crowd, pulling out a person with fair skin, deep eyes and high nose.

The woman cried in horror, and kept backing away, screaming with trembling lips.

"I'm not going, don't drag me!"

"Don't! Don't..."

But this thin woman was the opponent of the soldier, and she was dragged out in a moment.

The struggling woman suddenly struggled violently and bit the soldier's arm with one bite.


A backhand slapped the woman's face directly.

"be honest!"

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