Martial Sage

Chapter 873: Conflict

Between life and death, Tu Yu suddenly realized the cherishment of life.

Looking at the figure disappearing at the head of the city, he stood up swayingly while supporting the ground, looking towards the western sky.

"I am the king of Muyang City..."

"The Han people will leave sooner or later, and this territory will return to my command again..."

"At least, I will keep all the people alive, as well as every child, who can ride the horse and live well."

Under the watch of the guards, Tu Yu hobbled, walked slowly down the city, looked at the eyes full of burnt wood and numb people, slowly received the parcel and dry food handed by the soldiers, was quietly by the Tang soldiers Send out the city gate and rush to several tribes nearby.

Not far from Muyang City, there is a big tribe, originally belonging to Axijie. The leader of Axijie has already listened to the call of the Tianxiang Khan and took a group of more than ten thousand soldiers to the Jinya Mountain. Together, the deputy leader Meng Shan left alone with two thousand soldiers and horses, guarding the big tent.

The war in Muyang City soared into the sky. Three days in the massacre, the huge pillar of fire reflected half of the sky. The merchants and herdsmen of Axijie had already seen all this.

Mengshan, who was originally going to support Muyang City, saw the surrounding wolf smoke and guessed that Muyang City had fallen, and burned the letter sent from Muyang City that night.

The son of leader Axijie, standing beside Mengshan, looked at the flames rising to the sky, tilted his head and asked.

"Why is there such a big flame in Skyrim? Aren't we going to fight the fire?"

Meng Shan touched the child's head, looked at the endless flame, and said lightly.

"Sometimes, our adults also make mistakes, but our leader can't make mistakes."

"When you grow up and become a king, you will understand all this."

Subsequently, Mengshan urgently summoned all the generals in the tribe.

At the same time, the scouts sent out brought the news back as soon as possible.

"The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, after occupying Muyang City, have been stationed in the city, and there is no sign of sending troops."

Hearing this news, Mengshan's heart slowly let go and waved.

"Everyone is ready to prepare, pull up the cattle, sheep and horses, and prepare the car."

"In a few hours, we will go all the way west, meet the army, and settle down in a safe place behind the army."

When the order was issued, a soldier broke in and knelt on the ground.

"General Tu Yu, the leader of Muyang City, beg to see you!"


Meng Shan frowned and pondered for a moment.

"Serve wine and meat, and have a banquet with Chief Tu Yu!"

It is a good thing to be able to escape from the fallen Muyang City, at least you can inquire about the future layout of the Tang Dynasty! It’s better to make adjustments yourself.

Tu Yu, in ragged clothes, strode into the military tent. Although he was dragging his body with scars, his demeanor as a general of the Tiger Division did not diminish at all.

Raising the wine glass aloft to pay respect to the general who walked through the gate of the ghost, with a face of suspicion.

"The Han people marched all the way west, took the Mukun clan, and attacked Muyang City under the momentum of thunder."

"I heard that there were those deserters in front of them, and there were Datang cavalry behind them, plus the Mukun tribe's rushing for the city."

"In less than three or four hours, Muyang City, which is as strong as a fortress, was breached, which is really powerful..."

Tu Yu interrupted Mengshan's words, raised the wine bowl, and poured it down.

Two sharp lights shot out from the eyes, staring at Mengshan closely.

"Then tell me, how to fight this battle?"

Meng Shan laughed with him, took a sip of the fermented rice and put down the bowl.

"Datang's soldiers came from afar, and now it's a cold winter. Food and grass are very important."

"If the general sticks to the city and throws away some ties, he should be able to hold the city, right?"

"At least it can't be attacked for a long time. The only ones who are afraid are the soldiers of Datang."

The dancers wearing gorgeous fox fur twisted their bodies in the tent, dancing lightly, watching Tu Yu's heart burst into flames.

During the dinner, Tu Yu described the situation of the Tang's soldiers in detail to the Axijie family, but did not mention a word about his surrender and the threat of his family members, and said that he took the opportunity to escape.

Soon late at night, the dancers in the tent and the leaders dispersed in twos and threes, leaving only Tu Yu and Na Mengshan.

From Tu Yu's mouth, he learned that the Tiger Master and the Datang soldiers were fighting fiercely in the city, and both sides suffered heavy casualties. When the Datang soldiers needed to recuperate, Mengshan's expression was particularly agitated, his tone of voice became majestic and slow.

"Our Muyang City is the top priority of our Western Turks. The general can defend the city firmly and fight Datang 150,000 with a mere 30,000 to 40,000 troops. This fearless state of mind is worth learning from the scattered tribes!"

"In retrospect, how many times our Muyang City checkpoint has been attacked by the army, and when was it truly conquered by those people?"

"This time, the Tang army is too sudden. You are not to blame for the defeat. Our Tianxiang Khan will lead the army from time to time and regain it again!"

After all, pick up the wine glass and hold it high.

"Come on! Drink and drink! The general is here, just wait for the news!"

Tu Yu, who was sitting quietly below, heard these heroic words, but couldn't make any waves in his heart.

Raise the wine glass symbolically and echo the above two sentences.

"The deputy general Meng excused me, but it made me a little embarrassed."

"You're right, we Muyang City and the Axijie clan, separated by dozens of miles, have witnessed how many catastrophes in Muyang City."

"Just wait for the army to come and recover!"

Meng Shan laughed loudly.

"It's good for the general to understand."

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