Martial Sage

Chapter 881: The Powerful Force

Tu Yu carefully looked at the two people on the court, trying to find some clues from Tang Hao's words.

That is, Tang Hao specifically reminded that there are naturally differences.

The captain of the horse is a black armor.

On the other hand, the big guy on the opposite side was almost the same in size.

But it was wearing a silver armor, except for this color, there was not a trace of specialness in the entire armor.

With a touch of doubt, Tu Yu looked over.

"I heard that Lieutenant Ma said that he was led by General Tang, and he must be the first-level Lieutenant."

"It was the soldiers led by General Tang against the soldiers garrisoned in the Western Regions, right?"

Hearing this, Tang Hao slowly shook his head and explained.

"This is just an ordinary soldier under my command, but if I cultivated it, there are some errors!"

After speaking, Tang Hao pointed to a silver armored soldier behind him and said.

"Go, you go!"

Looking at the soldier in front of him, Tang Hao pointed to his back and said.

"This is the soldier I brought out with my own hands."

Between the words, the silver armored soldier had already walked onto the court, raised the tip of his gun slightly, and said in a deep voice.

"General Tang, an unknown soldier, came to call the battle."

Without any extra words, after the big guy on the opposite side was ready to take the move, the white figure suddenly slew towards the opposite side.

At the speed of a whirlwind, a pair of murderous eyes on the low silhouette are particularly conspicuous in the sky, like a wild beast, about to tear the prey in front of him.

The big man on the opposite side looked at the approaching figure, subconsciously squeezed the handle of the knife, his throat moved, and a cold sweat slipped off his face.

Under the tossing horseshoes, the stones flew up and the smoke was overwhelming.

The soldier holding the shield in the front row saw this turbulent formation unconsciously withdrawing a small step, gritted his teeth, for fear that this silver armor warrior would accidentally hurt the innocent.

In the next second, the two horses neighed and slammed into each other fiercely.

The spear stretched out a semicircle, and there was a loud bang, and the tip of the spear reached this terrifying force, and the metal barrel of the spear was bent backwards forcibly.

Thunder strike!

Everyone can see that the only blow that has not yet been handed over is to carry overwhelming power!

The guns didn't stop, and the anger struck.

The big man carrying the knife felt the suffocating vigor, his cheeks flushed at this moment, and the muscles of his arms bulged. Never dare to hold it big anymore, squeeze the handle of the knife with both hands, intending to take this strike.

Unconsciously, the thighs clamped the horse's belly tightly, gritted his teeth, couldn't help making a "drink" sound, pushing the blade, and ramming the gun.


The ear-splitting golden sound oscillated in an instant.

A huge spark burst out.

There seemed to be a hurricane at the feet of the two horses, raising dust and drifting around.

The next moment.

The big man with the knife only felt a huge vigor, he bumped head-on, swept the blade, and spread directly to the whole body.

With a huge tearing force, he slammed the man with the knife straight back.

Amid the loud bang, he fell four or five meters away.


The scene on the field only made the three wasteland tribes on the opposite side look dumbfounded!

What a powerful blow is this?

Was it directly flying away the big man who had previously won?

For a long while, someone in the crowd slowly spoke with pale cheeks.

"What kind of supernatural power is this? How can it blow away that martial arts soldier with a single shot?"

"Isn't he a general? This is one of the best in our wasteland!"

"There will be the general! Now it is the general of Datang who is sitting at the banquet! This man clearly came out of the soldiers!"

"Could it be a school lieutenant? God! A little school lieutenant has such a martial arts! Really all!"

After all the discussions, the silver armored soldiers on the field already cupped hands.

"excuse me!"

The figure on the ground struggled to get up, looked at the figure on the horseback, and respectfully responded.

"Your stamina is amazing, you are convinced to lose!"

After that, he glanced at Tang Hao behind him, respectfully cupped hands.

"There are no weak soldiers under the strong generals, and the soldiers brought out by General Tang are really different."

In one sentence, the identity of the silver armored soldier was named.

With this sentence, the tribal tribal generals who were on the sidelines were immediately moved.


Just a pawn?

Everyone present was a little surprised, and looked at the scene in astonishment, and really couldn't believe Own Ears.

"He meant that Tang Hao's pawn was the opponent? Could it be that I heard it wrong?"

"Tsk tusk, it's unbelievable! These brave soldiers turned out to be an ordinary soldier!"

"Yes, it's a miracle that a little soldier has such arrogant brawn strength!"

"Then...the captain that Tang Hao brought out, isn't the general that no one can match?"

An abrupt question sounded through the entire tribe, and the generals of the three tribes instantly turned pale, and a chill climbed onto their backs.

Earlier, I still wanted to resist the fierce cavalry.

According to the current momentum, a small pawn has such a terrifying force. If the two thousand soldiers, if the hundred thousand army charge, I am afraid that at this moment, they have already turned into a pool of fleshy sticking on the ground. !


Everyone took a sigh of relief, not daring to imagine the scene impacted by a hundred thousand people.

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