Martial Sage

Chapter 898: The Death of the Khan

Winners and losers are the same forever.

The Tiger Division tribe and the Tianxiang Khan were all confiscated, and Tang cavalry escorted them to the battlefield where they had fled.

Behind him, Ge Shuhan was covered in blood, leaning on his horseback, blood stains running down his arm, flowing on the handle of the knife, dripping down the blade.

The pale face was full of blood, and the red-stained plush sweater was cut with huge slits, revealing the scars of the skin and flesh valgus.

Looking weakly at Tianxiang Khan with his hands tied back in front of him, there was a successful smile on the corner of Ge Shuhan's mouth.

In the past, he was oppressed and humiliated by revenge. At this moment, his heart was extremely happy.

Looking at it, his eyelids drooped heavily, and the world in front of him returned to the night.

I don't know how long it took, and the group once again returned to the empty city where Tu Yu was staying.

The tooth flags filled the city, hunting and hunting sounded, and among the groups of cavalry, the leading cavalry came over, looking in their forties, raising their whip and pointing at Tianxiang Khan.

"Come with me, General Tang has a request."

As Tianxiang Khan, he was yelled at like this for the first time, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and there was a fire in his heart.

But at this time, he was already a prisoner, so he had to obey and slowly walked up with the cavalry soldiers in front of him.

The sound of the wind blew to my ears, and what caught my eyes was a huge army formation, and the dense soldiers stood quietly on the school field holding the handle of the knife in their hands.

The endless sea of ​​people, even the breathing body, can connect one piece.

Sweeping by those countless pairs of eyes, goose bumps climbed up his back accompanied by bursts of coolness.

At this moment, Tianxiang Khan only felt his scalp numb, and his legs and feet shuddered.

Today's road ahead, I'm afraid there are many bad luck and bad luck.

A huge army formation, countless silhouettes, continuous banners, a towering Tangziya flag, a tall figure sitting in the middle of the seat.

On Tang Hao's hand, on one side were the generals of Datang, and on the other side were several foreign generals who had surrendered.

Under the high platform of the banquet, there were all defeated pawns kneeling on both sides, with their hands tied behind their backs, kneeling densely on the ground.

Tianxiang Khan took a deep breath, and the road flowing out from the center of the soldiers who were kneeling opposite each other moved slowly.

Every time I take a step, it seems to be extremely difficult!

Anxiously walked to the seat, a pair of big feet suddenly kicked into the knee socket of Tianxiang Khan.

"Seeing General Tang, don't you know how to kneel down?"

The hissing behind him concealed the loud kneeling muffled sound. Tianxiang Khan frowned and looked at Tang Hao who was sitting on the high platform.

The young Tang Jiang did not say a word, his face was extremely calm, he held up the wine on the table and took a sip in comfort, as if he was waiting for the following text of own.

With a few lips, the words that originally wanted to ask for mercy turned into hard words when they rolled to the side of his lips.

"The success of the king and the defeat of the invaders will never change. The Western Turks have poor armed forces, and the people's hearts are divided."

"The Western Turks had this calamity, it was the king's fault."

"Tang Hao! If you want to kill, you will kill, if you want to smash, you must not embarrass the soldiers under this king."

As soon as the voice fell, the school lieutenant beside him kicked Tianxiang Khan to the ground.

"My king? Do you still think this is your palace tent in the Western Turks?"

"I figured it out! You are just a prisoner now!"

After that, the school lieutenant spit on the kneeling figure with the disheveled hair, and returned to the queue to stand.

The saliva was scattered along the front of the forehead, dripping onto the ground, and Tianxiang Khan laughed mockingly.

The captain's words are indeed reasonable.

Winner and loser, when he was captured, he was no longer the king of the Western Turks...

"You... are you talking about terms with me?"

The low voice from the seat slowly rang.

There was a hearty laughter, and it sounded a little harsh.

"Master Tiger! Must die!"

When the words fell, the wine glass in his hand was slammed on the desk.

Tang Hao stood up, walked around the desk, and stood straight on the high platform, overlooking the kneeling Tianxiang Khan.

"More than that, I also want to use your head to deter many tribes in the Western Regions!"

Such an outcome was already in the expectation of Tianxiang Khan. After his body trembled slightly, he immediately calmed down, as if he had already accepted such an outcome frankly.

Seeing the sound of walking down the steps with his hands on his back, Tianxiang Khan raised his head.

"Force will never conquer our people in the wasteland, until our children and grandchildren become stronger..."

Before Tianxiang Khan had finished speaking, his voice stopped abruptly, as if he was cut off from it.

There seemed to be a figure flashing behind him.

Amidst the whirring wind, a muffled sound spread, and a sharp blade pierced through the chest from the back.

Red blood stains dripped from the revealed blade, and the kneeling figure shook twice before crashing to the ground.

There was an exclamation among the kneeling crowd.


It's just this exclamation, and what I got is a fierce kick from the soldiers behind him.

"What are you talking about!"

"The next one is you!"

The breath of Death diffused with the words, and the restless crowd calmed down.

There were still soldiers who were dissatisfied. When they were struggling to stand up, they were chopped to the ground by the soldiers behind them, splashing blood on the spot.

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