Martial Sage

Chapter 911: I'm Sorry

Life is so ironic.

The 100,000 soldiers in the Western Regions were still anxious about the water and struggling to survive.

Li Zhi, lying halfway on the desk, looked at the firmament of the sky through the carved windows.

The shining stars in the sky are like the emotions in Li Zhi's heart, flashing and dimming.

Since selling tofu with Wu Meiniang, the love that can be suppressed in Li Zhi's heart seems to have quietly sprouted.

Thinking back to that charming face, the seed in Li Zhi's heart uncontrollably took root and sprouted and planted in his heart.

Father's talent, this reason seems to have been unable to forcibly cut off the thought in his heart.

"Hey! Are you saying this is the result of loneliness, or is fate playing a joke with loneliness?"

The guard behind him curled his brows and looked cautious.

Such a question that goes against the fate and rebellion is really hard to answer.

"Perhaps... Maybe King Jin shouldn't have such thoughts."

The head of the guard was hanging low, almost reaching the position of his chest.

He dared not look at Li Zhi's face, and he also knew clearly that the sentence own was not the answer in King Jin's heart.

The beating heart was waiting for the person in front of him to furiously and verbally verbally abused him.

But even so, he had already fulfilled the duty of a guard, and pulled this young man who had just begun to love him from the top of the cliff.

For a long while.

The figure in front didn't seem to move, just an inaudible sigh.

There was a touch of sadness in the pale words.

"If you don't say it, the lonely will understand."

"This is the case in the hearts of the world, after all, this prince is not more than ordinary people."

"If she is a woman in the Tang Dynasty, the lonely farmland in the fields, and the solitary is just a simple and wealthy boy in the neighborhood of the city, all of this will probably not be so difficult."

The guards were quite surprised, but this young man who should have been restless seemed extraordinarily quiet!

With a long and soothing breath, the guard tentatively stepped forward, frowned and arched his hands.

"His Royal Highness Jin, there are countless women in the world, and His Royal Highness is the body of Jin Zun, so why not worry about this wife and concubine?"

"As long as your Royal Highness is willing, I will report to your Majesty tomorrow to enter the palace for your Royal Highness."

Hearing the words in his ears, Li Zhi pursed his mouth and smiled, gently sipped a sip of the fermented wine in his hand, and slowly placed it on his chest.

The wine is as transparent as jade, rippling slightly in the crystal jade cup, reflecting the candlelight of the house, and the stars outside the window.

The deep eyes looked at the fermented wine, swaying and swaying in the cup.

"Do you know this glass of Chinese fermented rice?"

Hearing the question, the guard raised his eyes and glanced at the crystal in the cup and replied.

"Subordinates know."

"This is the strongest wine newly brewed in Tang Guogong's mansion."

Speaking of this, the guard saw the neat bun with shining little Jinhui and reminded softly.

"This fermented fermented rice is too strong. It is better to drink less fermented fermented rice for the first taste of His Royal Highness King Jin.”

Hearing this, Li Zhi's slightly ruddy cheek floated up with a faint smile.

"Everyone in the world says that this fermented glutinous rice is a heart-burning thing, and it's hard to swallow."

"Guguan, this fermented wine is very delicious, hot and spicy, and has a taste."

"Come on! Sit down and drink with the lonely!"

The guard twisted his brows, looked at the boy, and said in a low voice.

"His Royal Highness, you are drunk."

Alcohol is on the brain, and the clear head is like a stone, a bit heavy.

However, the heart feels like a complete tour of the world, comfortable and free.

A mouthful of the crystal clear fermented fermented rice filled the whole body with a pungent taste, as if there was a fire burning between the mouthpieces.

Flowing into the throat and into the esophagus, the feeling of heartburn spread all the way to the stomach, and the whole person became dry and hot.

A strong scorching scent of wine was exhaled from his tongue, but Li Zhi's heart looked like an ice cellar.

"People in the world say that a drunkenness relieves thousands of sorrows. Why can't this slight drunkenness save me?"

"Are you talking about it, is it true that what the world says is false, or is the lonely brewing of these wines not enough?"

The guard moved to stand beside Li Zhi, trembling and stretched out his hand, trying to take the wine glass in Li Zhi's hand.

"His Royal Highness, it's not early, and there are still schoolwork to learn tomorrow, so let's go to bed earlier."

In the words, the income touched the wine glass, but when he took it, Li Zhi took it away and slammed it on the desk.

"Drinking hasn't been full, why didn't you say it earlier?"

"I told you to sit down and drink, is it possible that you want to resist adversity?"

There was an indescribable sadness and stubbornness in the blurred eyes, and the guard nodded and sat down.

The guard knew in his heart that today's Li Zhi was extremely distressed.

It's just because he loves a woman who shouldn't be close.

For a time, it was difficult for the guards to persuade the stubborn prince what to do.

The figure leaning on the seat closed his eyes slightly, and a heavy alcohol spit out from his mouth.

"You said, why did you say that the emperor could not pay attention to the ethical guidelines and accept the Sixth Court of Sannomiya?"

"Could it be that in this great Tang Dynasty, there is no room for a prince, with the purest mind?"

"Or in other words, if you become a superior Datang monarch, you can jump out of this secular ethics and not be constrained by etiquette?"

Broken thoughts uttered from the child's mouth, and among the words that gradually became light and ethereal, two rows of clear tears slid across the slightly immature cheeks, reflecting the starlight, and shedding them little by little.

"Why...why change to being can't be..."

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