Martial Sage

Chapter 922: The Beast of Steel

The birth of two treasures in Tang Mansion can be regarded as a major event in the imperial city.

Many princes and ministers sent rare gifts or gold and silver jewelry.

After a few days, Tang Mansion was too busy just to receive gifts.

Perhaps it is the ideological concept that men are superior to women in their bones. Obviously, the royal rewards are given to the male treasures to give the female treasures a lot more.

The somewhat recovered Princess Changle looked at the gift Li Wanqing put out and smiled.

"The boy will still get fame and fame in the future, and he shouldn't be thinking about his husband who has been running around for so many years. It makes people feel scared."

"My daughter's family is okay. I can read and read. I can also teach piano, chess, calligraphy, and calligraphy. It is also a good choice to be a talented girl who is full of poetry and books."

"What do you say?"

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Tang Hao, as if they were asking, and they seemed to be affirmed by Tang Hao.

Tang Hao smiled, looking lovingly at the baby lying quietly in his arms, holding his fingers, and responded softly.

"Everything listens to you."

Li Wanqing jumped out a few pieces of gold and silver jewelry and placed them in an exquisite small wooden box.

"Little Sister is really a blessing. I have always wanted a girl, but now I have repaid my own wish, which is in line with my husband's wishes."

"These two live treasures are really blessings from heaven."

Tang Hao, who didn't have so many different concepts between men and women, waved his hands after hearing Li Wanqing say this.

"Boys and girls, as long as they belong to our Tang Mansion, I will treat them the same, but don't pull me into this muddy water of male and female inferiority."

Seeing Tang Hao protecting his daughter like this, Princess Chang Le smiled.

"That's great."

While chatting, Wu Tong knocked on the door and walked in.

Seeing the two babies, he took a look, and his eyes were full of envy.

At the end, I explained the matter.

"Grandpa, there is news from the Ministry of Defense that the production of the first artillery is complete, and you need to check and accept it."

Tang Hao, who patted the back of the baby in his arms, showed nostalgia on his face.

"Hey, good times are always so short."

"I just fell asleep..."

Li Wanqing got up, took the baby from Tang Hao, glanced at Tang Hao, and urged.

"Go, there are no small things in the country."

"What's more, if you don't supervise and check the military affairs such as the manufacture of firearms, I am afraid that no one will dare to inspect and accept the whole Datang."

Looking at the baby's sleeping face, Tang Hao said with a flat face reluctantly.

"Never mind, never mind, I will go and return."

The idea of ​​the artillery was not a day or two. When the first firecracker was completed, Tang Hao began to look forward to the future.

In fact, the artillery at this time was at best an enlarged version of the firecrackers. With the previous experience in making firecrackers, it was really easier to make a firecracker.

When the two drove to the Ministry of Defense, the workshops here were really eye-opening.

The chimneys that towered up, blowing thick white smoke, puffed into the sky.

Soldiers in silver armor, armed with bright and sharp spears, guarded the entire workshop like an iron barrel.

The two simply showed the sign and were released and walked towards the storage area behind the workshop.

In the open space, the generals of the Ministry of War foundry industry pinched a knife and looked up and down the newly created steel monster.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a steel behemoth.

In this era, most of the doors and windows of houses are wooden objects.

The most manufactured by the Ministry of War are swords, armor suits, such things as the early country, whose mass is calculated in tons!

"The fire gun is really for the blessing of General Tang. I have seen it before, but this is the first time this thing has been made."

With his long beard under his jaw, the general looked around and looked at the soldiers curiously.

"You said, this thing can really be used on the battlefield?"

Regarding the power of the firecrackers, most of the soldiers in these foundry workshops only listened to the rumors, but they had not personally witnessed it.

More or less, I have some doubts about the great power that people speak of.

"If the firecrackers really have the power to penetrate the armor, the power of this artillery must be not small!"

"Hey! Haven't you heard? This time the Western Expedition, General Tang used artillery shells to frighten the three Western Turkic armies and flee desperately!"

"But the thing supported by these two wheels, if it were on the battlefield, it would not be as fast as the cavalry!"

"You don't understand this! This is an artifact that can kill the enemy hundreds of steps, plus the power of that shell, who would dare to come forward?"

Many doubts echoed in Tang Hao's ears, and Tang Hao smiled and walked up.

"Your words are true. This artillery has taken the enemy's first 100 steps and is invincible. No matter how strong you are, you can't rely on your physical strength. It's a terrible thing."

Hearing this sound, many soldiers turned their heads and saluted Tang Hao.

Exquisitely stepped forward, Tang Hao touched the cold thick iron cylinder, and looked at the places where it was cast everywhere.

On the whole, this artillery is still extremely rough, especially in the place where the gun chamber and the gun tail are connected, and there are some fine lines.

Taking a closer look, Tang Hao couldn't guarantee how much gunpowder burned by such a barrel.

Especially the artillery shells I made earlier cannot be easily tested at this time. After all, the precise technology of the delay lead cannot be achieved by myself at this time.

For now, it is still safe to use this stuff to fill stones.

Pat the cold steel behemoth, Tang Hao said.


"Store this stuff in the warehouse first, wait for me to study and study, and let's do mass production!"

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