Martial Sage

Chapter 934: The Warm Mansion

Tang Mansion.

After a period of recuperation, coupled with the nourishment of pigeons, hens, and ribs, Princess Changle gradually recovered her complexion.

When I am free, I get out of bed and walk around to move my muscles and bones.

Or the big fish and meat have been too nourishing these days, and the original slim figure has become somewhat rounded.

Li Wanqing, the nanny character, was also covered in light. When Chen Shi looked at the bronze mirror, he also found that the clothes seemed a little small.

The woman's sensitivity is not one or two points. She pinched the thick fat on her belly and hurriedly found Princess Chang Le.

Looking at the mirror, holding her hands on her back, Princess Changle also faintly discovered that the jade arms that were like lotus roots had also become fleshy.

So much so that I could not get the button into the hole for a while.

"How did you get up? Let me help you."

Li Wanqing moved the lotus step lightly and walked in from the outhouse, standing behind Princess Changle, helping to button the buttons.

A pair of beautiful eyes frowned slightly while looking at the delicate and intimate clothing.

"It's only half a year, and the clothes are not as spacious as before. It seems to be fattening!"

The soft words fell in Li Wanqing's ears, and Li Wanqing also lifted up his clothes, revealing her pretty waist.

"Hey, why am I, the fat on my waist is obviously increasing..."

"If this continues, I'm afraid that bastard will be disgusted."

Women always like to bring up these topics, and it seems that they have to find the same things before they stand on the same line with their own friends.

"I didn't say it, but you are just thinking about it yourself!"

There was a voice with a smile, and the light-handed Tang Hao had already appeared at the door of the inner room.

With a touch of sullenness, Li Wanqing put down his clothes and glanced at the figure at the door in white.


Princess Changle had a smile on her face, as always, she wanted to meet her, but she was supported by Tang Hao who came first.

"You have just walked through the ghost gate. You are weak and weak. You must be careful in everything."

Intimate words can always move the heartstrings in a woman's heart, and the smile on the cheek of Princess Yurun of Changle grows brighter.

Raising his sleeves, exposing his arms like white lotus root, he lifted the flesh on it and showed it to Tang Hao.

"Husband, I'm getting fat, and I still listened to the wife who said that people who have given birth to a baby will have wrinkles on their stomachs..."

Reaching out and patted Princess Changle's hand, Tang Hao gently kneaded the slightly reddish arm.

"The watchdogs in the market like bones. What I like is you now."

The funny words vibrated the flowers of the two girls, and the whole warm room was filled with warm smiles.

I have hugged two sleeping babies from the nurse.

Looking at this restless child, Princess Changle smiled.

"Look at the faint eyebrows, they are a bit similar to you."

Li Wanqing wiped her clenched fist and chuckled softly.

"That's an image of eyebrows, it's clearly an image of temperament, even if it's asleep, it's not a restless lord."

Tang Hao wasn't annoyed at all, but smiled slightly.

"The boy is more active. In the future, he will have strong hands and feet, and he will be a master who can carry the big ... game."

I wanted to say that he was the one who could carry the banner, but Tang Hao knew that Princess Changle didn't want her children to go to the bloody battlefield to fight for her life.

Halfway through, he swallowed abruptly.

After watching the eldest son, Tang Hao took his youngest daughter from the arms of Princess Changle.

The girl was light, and Tang Hao held it very carefully, for fear that it would hurt her heart.

She covered her face with the puff, like a shy person, with her long eyelashes like a small fan, flapping it from time to time, curled up quietly in the cotton swaddle.

Princess Changle loves this child especially, her fingers slippery on the baby's soft chin, and she whispers softly.

"Look at this little mouth. Just like me, when you grow up, Dad can cook you some delicious food, and then you will be fat and white."

Sure enough, in the eyes of foodies, everything that comes to mind is this delicacy.

These words reminded Li Wanqing, a look of greed flashed in her beautiful eyes, sitting on Tang Hao's side, and asked softly.

"Husband, the quality of Little Sister's three meals a day is light. Although there are big fish and meat, it makes people greasy to eat."

"When are you free? How about making us more fresh food?"

Seeing Tang Hao's fading mouth, Li Wanqing gave in again, pinching Tang Hao's arm and begging.

"If not, what about today?"

"No matter how bad it is, you don't need those fresh foods, just make some oily noodles?"

"Or get some dried noodles and let them dry. What is instant noodles? Then we can cook them ourselves, how about?"

The confinement meal was specially ordered by Tang Hao. It was not spicy or overly heavy. It was really difficult for these two gluttons to eat the big fish and meat for several months after they were used to the exciting delicacies of later generations.

Tang Hao reluctantly pulled the corner of his mouth and sighed slightly.

"Since the two of you are still doing your best at home, I will go on my own."

"Make one, let's make some pork with Mei Cai."

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