Martial Sage

Chapter 938: Flying Stone Outside the Sky

More than five hundred steps?

The power that shook the earth was enough to shock everyone, and the range beyond the limit was even more shocking.

The grandpa was shocked, and even more worried.

"Hi! If this is hit on Chang'an Avenue, I don't know how many people want to return their souls to the West!"

When the voice fell, someone in the hall yelled.

"Escort! Escort!"

The imperial sergeant in yellow armor, holding a gleaming Tang sword, swarmed out and rushed into the imperial garden.

Amid the shaking of the armor suit of ‘chacha’ and the rushing footsteps of ‘tap’, the soldiers firmly guarded the king of Tang and his party in the middle.

General Yulin Zuo glanced at his subordinate who was on guard with a knife, and he became gloomy.

"What is it!"

"Follow me!"

When the voice fell, he pushed aside the soldier, strode out, and walked out of the courtyard.

The soldiers behind him glanced around, daring not to violate the military order, and hurriedly followed.

Obviously, the sound of the screams of the gods, and the feeling of the trembling earth are so real, but the faces of everyone in Keyu Garden have a complex look, and even the eyes of your Majesty are indescribable. Enthusiasm, like excitement, but also shocked.

The lieutenant bit his head and stepped forward, following the hurried generals ahead.

"General, this sound comes from the imperial garden, are we...?"

There was a faint smile on the general's face, and the words were light and windy.

"I have good ears, is it possible that I don't know where this sound is coming from?"

As a result, the lieutenant became even more puzzled, the sound was inside, but at this time he was heading outside the palace?

"Then we... are we going out of the palace?"

With a touch of temptation, the lieutenant said his doubts.

The general held a sword and straddled his horse, looked at the neatly standing armor, and shouted sharply.

"Beware of the imperial city! Search the streets, and all the houses."

"If anything is unusual, report it immediately!"


Chang'an Street.

In front of a ruined house, there were huge crowds of people.

Everyone looked at the ruined wall that collapsed, and talked about it.

"Yeah! What's the matter? Was condemned by the heavens? Why did the good house suddenly collapse?"

The simple-dressed vendor, with his hands wrapped around his chest, looked at the messy courtyard, with his mouth flat.

"Don't say it, this might really be a scourge!"

"Just now, I saw with my own eyes a flying rock hitting the roof, crashing the house, and then splashing from the crashing house, hitting the wall heavily."

Having said this, the vendor stretched out his hand and pointed to the ancient tree in the courtyard that was already half uprooted and crumbling.

"Now, the rolling stone just hit this tree before it stopped."

"Look, the rolling stone is next to it, it's been shaken into several pieces long ago."

Gee tee.

There was a pinch of tongue.

The middle-aged man narrowed his mouth, looked at a house behind, and sighed.

"This man, he still has to accumulate his virtue, if not, sooner or later he will be guilty of sin."

As soon as the voice fell, someone interjected from behind to retort.

"Heh! A rolling stone can smash a house down? A joke! You are the enemy attacking the city, throwing the catapult?"

"This is the imperial city. Now that Datang has arrived at the sea on Thursday and Thursday, where is the war?"

"In my opinion, the collapse of this house must have been done deliberately! The stone is just a blinding trick."

"Heh! This profiteer has always been inseparable from each other, and there really is no truth from this businessman!"

Hearing this ridicule, the vendor looked upset and looked at the man who spoke.

A magnificent dress, either rich or expensive, it's not that he can afford to be a small vendor, so he has flushed cheeks and is silent.

Amidst the light, the young man holding the folding fan felt even more cheerful when he saw the vendor hesitating to speak and then stopped, holding back his words and daring to speak.

"Heh! This person, still has to operate with integrity."

"If you don't see it with your own eyes, don't make false statements."

Before the words fell, the roaring horseshoes suddenly remembered, covering up the son's voice.

At the corner of the street, horses galloped, and soldiers in yellow armor galloped towards them.


"Royal deacon! People waiting to evacuate!"

As the crowd scattered, horses plunged into the ruins.

The general with the yellow tasseled belt above his head, running his horse among the ruins, glanced at the ruined wall, straddling his horse and standing under the tree for a long time, looking at the fragmented rolling stones on the ground.

From the exposed stone heart, it can be judged that the stone was originally a whole, but the destructive power in front of him is really staggering.

Even if it was a trebuchet, it would at best smash one or two big holes in the house, let alone knock the old tree that the two people hugged halfway out of the ground!

"Report to your Majesty! The Rolling Stone has been found!"

One of the soldiers who surrounded the ruins of the house walked out and rode toward the palace.

On this day, the city of Chang'an was in an uproar again, flying rocks outside the sky, and the legend of Karma's retribution spread out in the streets and alleys, and everyone knew it.

Many people predicted that this was caused by mistakes in operation and the mistaken throwing of trebuchets when training soldiers in the royal family.

But more or less such remarks are still not convincing enough.

After all, it is clear to everyone that the ancient tree that was hit by most of its bark was truly crumbling by this huge force, and the trebuchet didn't have such power!

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