Martial Sage

Chapter 986: The Hidden World's People

On the soil slope, there was a long silence.

Many problems are self-contradictory, but dialectically unified.


A loud voice came from behind.

The two turned around at the same time, looking at the scout who was panting and running up the dirt slope.

"General Yuchi, General Tang."

"There is news from the three thousand soldiers who went to explore the black bone city. The black bone city has dispatched soldiers to cut down the woods surrounding the city."

"In addition, there are hidden soldiers ambushing in the black forest. Our people have suffered a lot and hurt most of them."


Although there is no exact number, but seeing the face of the scout twisted into a bitter gourd, there must be no less!

Tang Hao-micron's eyes, took the call.

"The embankment has been down before, why are the casualties still so heavy?"

The scout's face was a little ugly, his eyebrows furrowed, cupped hands responded.

"There should be veterans of the Blackbone City in the wild black forest. The traps and traps are everywhere, and even their arrows carry the venom of the jungle poison."

"This black mountain forest is very familiar to them. But when we soldiers enter, the towering trees stand to cover the sky and the sun, and the whole forest is covered with no light."

"I can't figure out the direction, and there are savages hiding in the dark. Three thousand people went in like a mud cow into the sea...just..."

The scout was nervous and did not dare to report on the casualties of the soldiers, and the words seemed to hesitate.

Tang Hao waved his hand to interrupt the scout and waved.

"Help the injured brothers back to the camp for treatment."

"There is no need to visit Montenegro."

Without severe punishment, the scout hurriedly bowed and thanked him if he received an amnesty.

In a hurry, the scout leaves.

If the path finding was not smooth, a team of people died, which made Tang Hao feel irritable.

The war had just ignited, and the Pathfinder team had already defeated before even seeing the Blackbone City Pool. This was not a good sign.

With Captain Chi Jingde, Tang Hao turned back to camp. Decided to check the condition of the wounded soldiers first.

Yuchi Jingde's old face turned black, but he didn't want to forgive these defeated soldiers.

"A living person was ambushed, but he couldn't trace the direction of his opponent!"

"This group of recruits, the old man still has too little experience!"

Tang Hao didn't say much, it's very common for people to die in war.

Especially when encountering this kind of ambush, the whole army will not be annihilated but it will burn a lot of incense.

The good thing is that these soldiers did not run in vain on this trip, at least it is clear that this black mountain is not safe.

After thinking about it, a war horse ran towards this side.

Before the man arrived, he heard the anxious cry of the soldier.

"General Tang! A small village was found in the northeast, and there were some scattered armors."


Tang Hao's heart moved.

Is it possible that the battle of garrisoning the city still has a living?

With a big wave, the cloak flew away.

"Go! Go and see!"

Along the way, the shade of green is continuous, the sound of cicadas is bursting, and weeds grow on the wilderness trail that only allows two war horses to pass.

Under closer inspection, he could still distinguish the traces of being trampled out of the broken grass by the war horse.

When the setting sun was set against the dusk, everyone finally found this village at the foot of the mountain.

The scout followed Tang Hao and walked around the village that was more than 100 meters long.

"General Tang, here is a dense jungle and a high mountain. Could it be a mountain bandit in Goguryeo?"

Feeling the rough wood with his hand, he buckled the mud on it, revealing the new wood wrapped in it.

"New stubble!"

"This is freshly cut wood."

Staring at the still damp place on the door, Tang Hao said lightly.

Behind his back, he glanced at each open empty house, Tang Hao asked.

"Is there any livelihood? Search for two questions."

"With armor, there must be some problems!"

The scout bowed in response.

"General Duan and General Gao have already been interrogated in Houshan."

Tang Hao narrowed his eyes slightly and waved.

"lead the way!"

It is said that it is the back mountain, but it is a wide area between the mountainside.

When passing by the cave at the corner, Tang Hao paused for a moment.

In the dark cave, there was a faint smell of burnt, like rice millet and batter.

Presumably this cave is a cave where some people live temporarily.

After striding forward, Tang Hao was stunned by the scene that caught his eye.

The man standing in front of the crowd with bare feet and bowed his head shrank faintly. Half of the weapon tossed on the ground rolled into a gap.

Most people are skinny and withered.

Obviously he is a half-year-old child, but there are traces of vicissitudes on his face, not much different from a person over thirty.

Standing in front of the crowd, the two figures holding the hilt of the knife, their backs to themselves, are screaming at the crowd.


"Where did the broken armor in the village come from?"

"And who else lives in this cave? Did you escape from the Great Wall?"

Compared to the burly of the speaker, the other teenager looked a little more immature, pointing around everyone, and sizzling.

"The Great Wall has been garrisoned by my Datang, and many soldiers in the city have escaped!"

"If you dare to shield the deserters, today, the whole village will not stay!"

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