And the three royal family in front of them possessed the golden Tianpeng head, the white jade elephant head, and the talents of the human race. The three are in one, and they are born with at least two talents and supernatural powers.

If his human head also has talents, then there are three kinds of talents and supernatural powers.

Such a person can kill the powerhouses in the Cave Sky Realm and even the Spirit Realm at birth.

If the parents are supreme, then it is possible that the formation of the inscription pattern will exist once the inscription is killed.

The vice-president of the holy court, with a solemn expression, three royal families, with a fierce reputation, his hands were stained with the blood of the creatures of their realm.

Most of this person's combat power can be defeated even if he encounters an ordinary half-step supreme level powerhouse, or even beheaded.

Of course, Feng'er's combat power is also very strong, but Nine Heavens is not complete here, true immortals are not allowed to appear, and another world, Immortal, and Immortal King can be cultivated, and they are inherently weaker than others.

Chu Feng knew that the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth was not lacking in this matter, but his practice of this world was the master, and the peerless Tianjiao who was hidden by the snow also had his own pride.

To be timid before fighting, it is impossible for a Tianjiao like him with invincible self-confidence.


The battle broke out, and Chu Feng vomited blood and flew upside down. His proud first-generation talent, copper-skinned and iron-boned, faced his opponent head-on, and was directly crushed.

He was severely injured in an instant, his precious skills and magical powers were shattered by the opponent's elephant's nose. If it weren't for the critical moment, he desperately avoided, his head was pecked by the sharp eagle beak of the golden peng head.

The attack was not over yet, the three royal clan, the speed is fast to the extreme, there are black wings appearing on the back, like a shadow.


The vice-president of the Holy Court screamed desperately.

Chu Feng felt that he was going crazy. With a move of his mind, a small silver bell flew out, "Dang", the sound wave blasted towards the three royal families.

"Ridiculous, childish!"

Those three royal clan mocks without hesitation, than weapons, he is the royal arrogant, and he has true celestial soldiers on him. Such a comparison is not allowed to use weapons.

Of course, life and death crisis, if you use it, others can use it.


A purple spear and a shield appeared in the hands of the three royal families, which easily blocked the sonic attack, and stabbed with the spear.


The little silver bell was pierced directly, and it was suppressed with a single tap.


Chu Feng was desperate to the extreme, how could this happen, his invincible Dao heart was about to collapse.

Just now!

A figure appeared, holding a silver-white three-foot-three-inch sharp sword, easily blocked, and cut off the silver spear. The next moment, the long sword was cut across, and landed on the small blue shield. The shield was instantly turned into two halves, and the body of the three royal clan was cut in half diagonally, and the soul was beheaded by the fairy soldiers in an instant.

For Shi Zhongyu, an opponent at the escape level can be killed in an instant.

Besides, just now he also used the time principle.

As for the treasure sword, it was the White Tiger sword borrowed from Yuechan Fairy. The owner was beheaded. The spear trembled slowly, recovered directly, and stabbed towards Chen Guangrui.

Elder Meng Tianzheng who was rushed to flew out with an arrow.

The old white man who killed his opponent, carried the Jiuhuang furnace directly to suppress the purple spear, and put it away.

A true fairy soldier, although a true fairy soldier who is not too strong, is a gain.


On the side of another world who suffered a great loss, the remaining supreme powerhouses and other powerhouses, even the Zihua Immortal also shot, and the target turned out to be Xia Youyu.

It seemed that Xia Youyu's dazzling performance made Kunling, the king of another world Immortal, interested in him.

Qiankun's bag recovered, and Xia Youyu was directly loaded into it, without saying anything, retreating toward the direction of the warship.

Xia Youyu must not have an accident, otherwise the human emperor who seems to be a virgin bitch, once he gets crazy, it will be in big trouble.

Ever since Qiankun Bag knew that he was snatched back because of the Shizhongyu plan, he was so bold about the braveness of this kid to grab a piece of the Immortal King Soldier that was refined by the opponent in the hands of the Immortal King, what did he think?

The problem is that the human emperor at that time was just a virtual realm kid.

Later, what happened to the emperor was not earth-shattering, it was just made ordinary by the kid.

For example, the damn thing was condemned by the gods and had been hacked for three years, and I had never heard of it.

There are also those things that this kid did by bewitching Fan Tianyin some time ago.

Just thinking about it, Qiankun Bag felt like it was about to burst.

This kid is not strong, and the good things are not worse than his master, the fairy monk.

His master almost slaughtered the precious son of the immortal king magnate Kundi, and the weapon of this kid smashed the demon refining pot of the immortal king magnate Kundi, and smashed Kundi's forehead.

If Shi Zhongyu knew about the slander of the Qiankun belt, he would have to say that this matter had nothing to do with him, it was all done by Fan Tianyin, he just wanted to take back some of the Blood Essence practice.


The big Elder Meng Tian was moving, and the Ten Worlds Map protected his body, holding the Ancestral Dragon Horn, and blasted towards the Zihua Immortal's arm. In an instant, blood splashed and was swallowed by the Ten Worlds Map, the Universe Bag that turned his head back.

Shi Zhongyu has returned with the somewhat sluggish Chu Feng. This boy, this battle has been completely shattered Dao heart. If he can't get out of his state of mind, he will be useless, and he will not be able to make progress in the future.


Shi Zhongyu slammed up with a punch, opened the bow left and right, and took an old punch. He had to use a more terrible blow to make him understand that his so-called invincible self-confidence is a fart, and there are many people who can suppress you. This trick is called fighting poison with poison.

The vice-president of the saint ape, Yazi is about to split, he is also a half-step supreme-level powerhouse, the emperor saved Chu Feng, he has no time to thank, and as a result, the emperor has done such a conscienceless thing.

"Don't go, you go, you will only be suppressed together."

The deputy dean of the fairy courtyard stretched out his hand to stop the old friend.

"The emperor boy, do things with a sense of measure, don't worry, he has ulterior motives. It is a good thing for young people to be beaten badly. Without death, there is hope."

Two of those teeth were missing, and the deputy head of the fairy courtyard who spoke a little leaky said with a heartfelt voice.

As for Dean Qingwei, Old Taijun Jin, and the three-headed dragon of the Wang family, such as the supreme, their actions have already joined the battlefield.

Zhu Diming and Li Jingan had already settled their opponents. The two old guys broke out with half-step true celestial strength, unscrupulously, protected themselves with six feet of gold, one person secretly sold themselves, learned the law of the willow, so that no one is bad. , Learned the True Dragon Treasure.

Such a powerful law, only when it reaches their Realm, can it truly show its edge.

After the burst of full force, the two of them were three against each other, and they were still very strong, as if they had recovered their youthful demeanor.


No, when they were young, they didn't have this kind of demeanor, neither of them had the ten fierce treasures, and the inheritance brand would disappear every time they learned it.

However, everyone in this world is unwilling to share their own master Secret Technique, the ten fierce treasure technique, the owner, is used as the bottom card of the box.

Even in the original plot Shi Hao, he hid the treasure very deeply, and he did not dare to pass it on to others, because he was afraid of being entrusted to inhumans, and the other thing was to prevent the treasure from being passed on to the outside world.

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