Martial To Pieces

Chapter 109 The List Is Confirmed,

After Lin Xing received the reward, he left the trial venue of Jinjiazhuang with the envious eyes of others.

I have no choice but to envy Lin Xing's rewards. If you take out one of them alone, they will explode.

Lin Xing is now preparing to go to the school’s logistics department to purchase a batch of Spirit Medicine.

After all, before, Spirit Medicine was basically consumed due to making potions. Now I just have time to replenish a batch.

The staff in the logistics department, with surprised eyes, took the time to list out the piles of needed Spirit Medicine.

The staff worked for half an hour before packing all the Spirit Medicine that Lin Xing needed.

It cost Lin Xing a total of 1,700 points, and Lin Xing had a look of pain on his face.

However, Lin Xing sold the medicine he refined to the logistics department, and at least the blood returned.

Not only that, just those dozen bottles of the fourth-rank potion that Lenovo refined by itself have returned a lot of blood, and even cost the logistics department a lot ( ͡°ᴥ ͡° ʋ ).

As soon as Lin Xing entered his own villa, he saw a black shadow rushing toward him.

The black shadow rushed directly into Lin Xing's arms and made a chirping sound.

"Haha, briquettes, do you miss me?" Lin Xing looked at the briquettes in his arms, looked at the furry appearance of the briquettes, couldn't help but rub them, and said with a smile.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp..." Coan Qiu looked at Lin Xing with a pair of golden eyes, opened Huang Yuan's small mouth, and chirped, as if to say, I am hungry.

After Lin Xing saw the appearance of the briquettes, he suddenly remembered that when he set out this morning, he didn't seem to prepare food for the briquettes.

He couldn't help but patted his head and said to Coal Balls sheepishly, "Ah haha, I'm sorry, Coal Balls, I forgot to prepare food for you..." Lin Xing smiled awkwardly.

Under the resentful eyes of Coal Balls, prepare food for Coal Balls.


Lin Xing's life is too dull, a life of three o'clock and one line of work every day......

.........Practice...Make potions...Crush the test site...Feed briquettes...

Two weeks later.


"Bang bang..."

Lin Xing punched the obsidian with one punch after another, making a banging sound.


The bracelet suddenly vibrated, and while Lin Xing was waiting to check it, a message appeared on it.

[Invite the top 50 students in the rankings to gather at the actual battlefield]

[Rank: No. 1: Lin Xing]

[Second place: Yan Xueer]


Continues until 50th.

Looking at the red font, Lin Xing already had the answer in his mind. It seemed that the school had already begun the selection process.

After taking a cold shower, Lin Xing set off with the briquettes.

"Coal briquettes..." Lin Xing bought the briquettes and the briquettes flapped their fleshy wings with understanding and landed directly on Lin Xing's shoulders.

After so many days, the briquettes are already able to fly. Even though the briquettes seem to have little combat effectiveness, after Lin Xing's test, it is estimated that the current combat effectiveness of the briquettes is comparable to that of a late-stage Practitioner.

Even Lin Xing didn't dare to own Talent when he was standing in front of the coal briquettes.

However, who would have thought that this little thing could have such strength.

Along the way, many female classmates saw the briquettes on Lin Xing's shoulders and couldn't help but come over and squeeze them.

In the end, Lin Xing couldn't stand the resentful look in Mei Qiu's eyes, just like a little daughter-in-law who had been wronged, so she couldn't help but speed up her steps.

"Hey (*^▽^*), Lao Lin, this..."

After Lin Xing heard this voice, he knew who this person was without even raising his head.

Sure enough, Qian Duoduo was waving to Lin Xing from the front. At the same time, there were Yan Xueer, Feng Tian, ​​Lei Ba, Wang Yan and others beside Qian Duoduo.

After the last gathering, Lin Xing's relationship with several people basically improved rapidly, and in the past few weeks, several people also practiced together, basically forming a small group.

The entire small group includes Lin Xing, Qian Duoduo, Yan Xueer, Feng Tian, ​​Lei Ba, Wang Yan, Song Hei and other seven people.

Sure enough, as soon as they met, Yan Xueer snatched the briquettes off Lin Xing's shoulders, hugged her into his arms, and kneaded the briquettes.

"Damn Coal Ball, you pervert." Lin Xing looked at the expression of enjoyment on Coal Ball's face and couldn't help but cursed secretly in his heart.


Several people were chatting and looking at the noisy actual battlefield. Basically, everyone who could reach it had arrived.

After all, no one wants to give up the ranking of representing the school in the national college competition.

However, there are simply not enough people to attend. According to the information found by Lin Xing, college competitions are generally divided into official teams and substitute teams.

Even if we add them together, there are still less than 20 people.


At this time, Su Lie appeared in the center of the actual battlefield and coughed lightly.

After the students saw Vice Dean Su Lie coming out, they all became quiet. They looked at Su Lie with their eyes, raised their ears, and listened carefully, for fear of missing every detail.

"Now I announce the official list of team members." After Su Lie finished speaking, there was no sound in the scene. Now it seems that even if you drop a pin on the ground, you can hear it.

"Official team list: Lin Xing, Se'er, Bai Xuan, Lei Ba, Feng Tian."

"Substitute team: Qian Duoduo, Yu Dushan, Wang Yan, Zhuo Zhuo, Malen."

The above list will represent Shanghai Wuhan University in the national college competition.

"By the way, one more thing. Anyone who wants to challenge the regular team members or substitute players can take their place." Looking at the students below who were discussing in low voices, Su Lie's words rang out again.

"I want to challenge"

"Count me in"

"And I"


Su Lie looked at the students below who were enthusiastically signing up, and couldn't help but smile.

He likes this kind of fighting spirit, Practitioner must fight.

"Very good, there will be a replacement match next. Everyone has a chance. Even the substitutes can challenge the regular players. If they win, they will take their place." Su Lie's words were full of temptation.

"Instructor Zhou Shi will arrange the battle for the following games. Similarly, instructor Zhou Shi is also one of the team instructors this time." Su Lie introduced to a middle-aged man next to him.

This middle-aged man had a scar on his face and looked very fierce. After hearing Su Lie's introduction, Zhou Shi couldn't help but show a smile that he thought was harmonious to the students in the audience.

This shocked the students even more. There was nothing they could do about it, that smile was so impactful.

"Who comes first to the first battle?"

"I come first, I want to challenge Mullen"

This was a resolute young man with an inch hair who walked into the center of the ring and said loudly.

"I accept"

When Mullen saw someone challenging him, he naturally couldn't back down. Instead, he accepted the challenge with a fighting spirit.

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