Martial To Pieces

Chapter 119 Demon City Vs Xuan Bing

The next battle was unremarkable.

The Huanggu Martial Arts University has basically secured a win, while the Fengshen Martial Arts University, if it loses another game, the winner will belong to the Huanggu Martial Arts University.

"The fourth battle is about to begin, all players, please be ready."

"Ancient Martial Arts University - Reading"

"Wind God Wu Da——Luoshan"

"Please enlighten me"



Sure enough, fate only brings trouble to those who suffer. In the last battle, Feng Shenwu was defeated, and the whole battle ended.

Arakuwu Great Completion Advance Grade semi-finalist.

The next battle will be between Jiangnan Martial Arts University and Yanmo Martial Arts University.

The two sides were evenly matched in strength, but in the end, Jiangnan Wuhan University won and became the semi-finals of Advance Grade.

the next day.

Magic City Martial Arts University versus Xuanbing Academy.

"Oh oh..."

Bang bang bang…………

"Now, please invite the players from both sides to come on stage."

"Magic City Wuhan University - Lei Ba"

"Xuanbing Academy—Linlang"

"Please enlighten me."

Although Xuan Bing Academy sent a girl, Lei Ba still would not show mercy. After all, in Lei Ba's eyes, he didn't know what it meant to show mercy to a woman, and he could arrange a wave of destruction.

There is no way, why there are almost no boys in Xuanbing Academy. After all, the most important thing for Xuanbing Academy's annual enrollment rules is that they must be girls.

Although there has been some improvement in the past two years, there are still relatively few boys who can enter Xuanbing Academy for training. For example, in this year's college entrance examination, Xuanbing Academy only admitted two boys.

"Haha, little sister, why don't you go down, or wait a while, and my two sandbag-sized fists will make you cry." Lei Ba looked at the person opposite who had a ball in his head and a long hand in his hand. Linlang of the sword spoke.

"Hmph... Big guy, you'd better get down here with me, otherwise, I'll let you taste the power of my Sword Technique later." Linlang snorted coldly and shouted to Lei Ba, looking very arrogant.

"Haha... let's try it."

As the words fell, Lei Ba's feet felt wind and he rushed towards Linlang.

"Explosive punch"

Lei Ba wears two gloves in his hands, and coupled with his sturdy physique, he looks particularly ferocious.

Lei Ba's two fists as big as sandbags swung at Linlang.

“Snow Sword Technique”

Linlang threw out a sword flower from the long sword in his hand, which was gradually covered with a layer of frost, rendering the silver-white long sword into a sky-blue ice and snow long sword, which was particularly dazzling under the direct sunlight.

"Kang Kang..."

"It's really yours. You're a big guy, so you have a lot of strength."

In just one encounter, Linlang felt the impact of Lei Ba's gloves.

Linlang Renxing took a few steps back before barely able to stabilize her figure.

"Little Sister, let's go down honestly." Lei Ba laughed, and his steps increased sharply.

"Overlord Step"

"Drink, look at the sword..."

"Kang Kang..."

"Explosive punch"

Bang bang bang bang…………

After Lei Ba's explosive punch came out, four explosion sounds were heard in the air.

"Four explosive fist sounds?" Xuan Bing Academy's face began to look anxious, a little worried about Linlang.

After all, four punches hitting the body at the same time is no joke.

On the other hand, Wuhan University in the magical capital was relatively quiet. After all, Yan Xueer and others knew about it, and they also understood that Lei Ba definitely did not show his full strength.

This is the Imperial Wuhan University representative team.

"Yes, he is a genius." Wu Tian looked at Lei Ba on the ring, also showing approval, and said softly.

"Ding Dong......"

After four consecutive explosive punches, Linlang only dodged the first two blows and was eventually hit.

He was thrown straight away, and the long sword in his hand fell out of the ring.


As he spoke, he walked off the stage and was surrounded by a group of women, but they all coaxed Linlang word by word.

"Little Sister Lin, don't cry. Your sister Gao will avenge you in the next game..."


Not only that, even in the audience, I had many people criticizing Lei Ba.

"What's the matter with this person? Why doesn't he know how to show mercy to others?"

"You are the only one who knows how to care about women and girls, between Practitioners? Are you divided into men and women? It's really funny. Do you think you are a human being and people won't hit you? sb~."

As soon as this man finished speaking, he was shouted back by other viewers...

Lei Ba waved his hands indifferently, knowing that he was so unbeatable and only hit twice that he actually cried? Outrageous.

"The first game is over, Modou Wuhan University has won."

"Haha, not bad, not bad." Zhou Shi patted Lei Ba on the shoulder and said happily.

"Yan Xue'er, it's up to you to do this."

"Yes." Yan Xueer nodded, staring in the direction of the ring, as if thinking about who her opponent was.


"The second game is about to begin, all contestants, get ready."

Yan Xueer held a long sword in hand and stepped onto the ring with a fighting spirit.

"Magic City Wuhan University——Yan Xueer"

"Xuanbing Academy—Gao Jing"

"Please enlighten me."

"Falling snow and flying flowers"

After Yan Xueer entered the Magic City Wuhan University, the new body skills she practiced were more than a little bit better than the previous butterfly dance steps.


"Kang Kang..."

Yan Xueer and Gao Jing were both practicing swordsmanship. They collided with each other, and with the blessing of their body skills, the two of them were like two dancing butterflies on the ring. Their speed was so fast that it was dazzling.

“Snow Sword Technique”

“Fire Spirit Sword Technique”

One hot and one cold, erupting in the ring.

Two Spiritual Qi with different properties collided with each other, forming two heavens of ice and fire.

Many male compatriots were deeply attracted by this scene of two heavens of ice and fire. Their eyes were a little dazed. Not only that, even some women were attracted by the two people on the stage. The little stars in their eyes, Continuously flashing.

"Kang Kang..."

The two sides became stronger as they fought, and their fierce aura continued to amplify.

Similarly, it is not only the collision of Martial Skill, but also the collision of Artistic Concept.

Yan Xueer's sword naturally has ice attributes, while Gao Jing's sword also has fire attributes.

The two seemed to be natural enemies, and the more they fought, the braver they became.

"Bang bang..."

After a collision, the two of them retreated simultaneously.

Then, Yan Xueer held the sword One-Transformation.

"Broken Sword Style"

Gao Jing naturally has her own strongest Martial Skill.

"Fire Spirit Sword"


Ice and fire collided on the ring, creating a large amount of fog that covered the entire ring, making it difficult to see the figures inside.

On the stage, figures one blue and one red collided.

"Kang Kang..."

"Peng Peng..."

A powerful wave of Spirit Power rushed around.

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