Martial To Pieces

Chapter 138 Return To The Demonic Martial Arts

Before Lin Xing could come to his senses, he felt a heavy feeling in his hand. At a random glance, he saw that it was the Black Tortoise shield, standing slowly on the ground and leaning on his hand.

Lin Xing casually put the Black Tortoise shield into his personal space and looked at Yan Xueer and others.

Yan Xueer and others all had smiles on their faces, and they seemed to have picked out their own secret treasures.

"Let's see... I'm so envious of you." At this time, Qian Duoduo, the living treasure, looked at the secret treasure in the hands of Lei Ba and others with excitement.

Yan Xueer is holding a sky-blue long sword in her hand - the Tianhan Ice Sword.

What Lei Ba is holding is a black glove - Greedy Wolf Glove, which is also a famous secret treasure.

"Ah ha ha……."

Everyone looked at Qian Duoduo's envious eyes, which seemed to have little stars in them, and couldn't help laughing.

Feng Tian chose a dagger with a very domineering name - Dragon Slaying Dagger.

Others have also chosen their own favorite secret treasures.

"Old Lin, let me see the secret treasure you chose." Qian Duoduo ran to Lin Xing at some point and looked at Lin Xing curiously.

Lin Xing didn't say anything nonsense and directly took out the Black Tortoise shield in his pocket.


There was only a bang, and a huge shield appeared in front of him, covered with this layer of golden lines, which looked very mighty and domineering.

"Wow..., this...couldn't this be the Black Tortoise shield?" Qian Duoduo gently stroked the lines on it and said in surprise.

"Yes, it's the Black Tortoise shield." Lin Xing nodded lightly and said slowly.

Although others have not seen the Black Tortoise shield, they have also heard some introductions about the Black Tortoise shield. The defense is relatively strong, but to put it bluntly, it is just a turtle shell.

At this time, a black figure rushed towards Lin Xing.

"Choo Choo Choo…………."

Lin Xing looked down and saw a plump bird flying into his arms and chirping.

"Coal briquettes?" Lin Xing looked at this fat bird that looked a bit like briquettes and called out softly.

Mei Qiu raised his doubtful little golden eyes. After Lin Xing saw these wise eyes, he was now 100% sure that this fat bird was Mei Qiu.

Lin Xing also couldn't understand why he had gained weight when he only went to the imperial capital's secret warehouse for an hour.

"Boy Lin, I saw that your pet was a little hungry, so I gave you some food." At this moment, while Lin Xing was still puzzled, the silver-robed Elder came over. , said with a kind face.

"Are you hungry?" Lin Xing looked at Coal Ball with a puzzled look on his face, and Coal Ball also looked at Lin Xing with his small golden eyes, one person and one bird, looking at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

"Thank you Elder for taking the trouble." Lin Xing turned around and said respectfully to the silver-robed Elder.

After all, Lin Xing knows the appetite of Briquettes. Briquettes really doesn't eat ordinary things. Only those potions, Spirit Medicine, Monster Core and the like, Briquettes will open his belly and accept everyone who comes.

Besides, the briquettes have gained a lot of weight. It seems that a large amount of Spiritual Qi remains in the body, which is why this is the case.

Lin Xing also didn't expect that after he walked around the secret warehouse of the imperial capital, he would find coal briquettes eating and drinking outside.

"Haha, it's okay. Your master and I are old friends. Besides, this little thing looks quite cute to me, so I fed it something casually." The silver-robed Elder waved his hand and said lightly.

"Okay, since you have made your choice, let's go back." The silver-robed Elder looked at Lin Xing and others and said.

"Boy, please excuse me." Lin Xing bowed with cupped hands, and then put the Black Tortoise shield into the portable space.

Several other people also bowed with cupped hands, and then followed Instructor Zhou Shi and Captain Liu Kai to leave the imperial capital secret warehouse.

It felt a bit long when I came here, but it was pretty quick when I went back.

With the selection of secret treasures completed, the Practitioner bracelet also received star coin rewards from the national college competition.

You know, the 100 million star coins reward mentioned earlier is not divided among the entire team, but everyone will receive 100 million star coins.

However, they only represent the official players participating in the competition, and substitute players are not included. However, there are also many consolation prizes.

Lin Xing looked at the balance on the bracelet and couldn't help but feel that his waist was straightening again.

After all, I have money in my hands and don’t panic.

Afterwards, Lin Xing and others returned to their room, packed their things, and prepared to leave the imperial capital.

But what Lin Xing didn't know was that just after Xue Wuya came out of the large secret realm, he felt that the life-saving secret treasure he had left for his own precious apprentice had been used twice.

This shocked Xue Wuya, and he immediately contacted Su Lie, the team leader, to learn about the situation.

Xue Wuya was furious as he listened to the series of events that took place in the national college competition.

"A bunch of bastards. I left some people behind at the beginning, but I thought they dared to attack daddy's apprentice. It seems that this group of people have healed their scars and forgotten the pain." A hint of murderous intent flashed in the blood of God Xue Wuya.

Immediately, it returned to the large secret realm.

Riding the Tianyuan Demonic Dragon, it flew straight towards the direction of the imperial capital.

Originally the demon dragon thought it was something, but when he heard it, he was able to go out and turn around twice, no matter what, leaving behind a clone in the middle of the lake.

Then he let himself go and followed Xue Wuya to the imperial capital.

The main reason why Xue Wuya could only feel the consumption of the secret treasure in Lin Xing's hand after leaving the secret realm was because of the special nature of the secret realm. Not only which kind of speciality it was, no one could say for sure.


"Okay, this time can be considered Returned to Origin. We have lived up to expectations and returned our honor." Zhou Shi looked at everyone with a smile and said softly.

"Yes, yes, we won first place."

The entire team also smiled after hearing what instructor Zhou Shi said. After all, it was indeed not easy for them to get this name.

"Haha, it looks like everything is packed." At this time, a huge blue figure flew down from the sky, and a bold laughter came from the bird's back.

I can't see him, but I can hear his voice.

Su Lie sat on Tian Xingyuan's back, looking at Lin Xing and others from above, and said with joy on his face.

"Good performance, showing off the momentum of our magic weapon. Come on, come up quickly. We are returning in triumph." Su Lie waved his hand, quite like a general.

They looked at each other and saw a hint of excitement in each other's eyes.

“Tune Ao……….”

With the flapping wings of the Sky Star Kite, it gradually flew away from the Imperial Capital and towards the direction of the Demonic Capital.

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